Is this programme right for you?

Emma, student.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Emma Lundqvist

There are not only courses with regular classes and lectures, but there’s also the possibility to do projects with scientists on current topics in their research fields.

How did you choose your programme?
– I’ve always thought astronomy was such an interesting and fascinating subject, and also that mathematics and problem solving (which both are needed when studying physics) are so fun. So the combination of these subjects made this programme perfect for me.

What is the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– There are not only courses with regular classes and lectures, but there’s also the possibility to do projects with scientists on current topics in their research fields. Uppsala is also a very nice and decent-sized city where everything is only a bike ride away.

What’s most challenging, and how do you face it?
– To not let your studies take up all of your time. It’s important to find a balance between studies and everything else in life, something I’ve become better at the longer I’ve been a student.

What advice would you give someone thinking about applying to this programme?
– You have all the possibilities! Most of the courses are optional, so you can freely choose the ones you are most interested in. You can also choose courses from other specialisations within physics, as well as choose project courses instead of only having the “regular” ones.

Name three things you are doing this week!
– This week I have a lecture, as most weeks. I’m also having a meeting with my mentor about a project I’m currently working on. I’m also going to a study-counsel meeting with the physics section in the student union.

What is your reason for studying, or your ultimate goal?
– My goal after this programme is to do a PhD in astronomy, and later be able to do research within that field.

Describe student life in Uppsala
– Uppsala has an amazing student life with nations, student unions and sections, all of whom you can take part in. The most fun must be the bigger events like river rafting during Walpurgis. But it’s also amazing to every day have the opportunity to meet other students at the nation pubs, in section rooms or at the student union house.

Three quick questions:
What is your favourite place in Uppsala?
– The city forest (Stadsskogen).

Where is the best place to study?
– South part of Campus Ångström, where the sun shines part of the day.

What is the best student tradition at the University?
– The river rafting on Walpurgis

Spring 2023.


