
9 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3KK008

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Biomedical Laboratory Science G2F
Grading system
Pass (G), Fail (U)
Finalised by
The Board of the Biomedical Laboratory Science Programme, 3 April 2007
Responsible department
Department of Medical Sciences

General provisions

The content, length and level of the education are regulated by chapter 1, section 9 of the Higher Education Act 1 (1992:1434), by the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), and by the Ordinance on changes to the Higher Education Ordinance (2006:1053).

Entry requirements

At least 90 passed credit points in subjects equivalent to school year 1 and 2 in the programme. At admission to separate course, older biomedical laboratory science education or equivalent skills, is required .

Learning outcomes

The student should after avslutadgenomg�ngen course:

- be able to defend a method validation plan

- be able to set up a layout for a shorter orally presentation within biomedical laboratory science

- be able to orally and in writing present method validation plans

- have obtained a training in written and oral presentation within biomedical laboratory science in form of posters

- be able to inform about laboratory analyses in a language that is adjusted for an auditorim without previous knowledge of laboratory sciences.

- have knowledge of project work and project management

- have knowledge of laboratory organisation and logistics

- have knowledge of health care economics and health policies

- have knowledge of production of reference ranges and identify problem around this


Project organisation, control, Laboratory organisation and Logistic from patient preparation to patient responses, Biobanks, Research ethics, Patient-close analytical activity (bed-side analysis), Method validation, Quality systems, the IVD-directive, Presentation Techniques, Health care economics, Health policy and search in relevant databases like Pubmed, The Medical Products Agency and Swedac.


Lectures, video presentations and seminars.


Passed seminars and video presentations are required for the grade passed and participation in occurring demonstations and study visits. The student is examined individually regarding; poster presentation, oral presentation, written presentation and course content. The student is examined in groups in method validation and quality ensurance.

Students who have not passed the examination are offered to sit for further examinations 4 times (=total of 5 examinations). If the student can claim special reasons, the programme committee may admit additional examination. Every time the student actually sits for an examination will be counted as an examination. . Submission of a so called blank test is counted as an examination.

