Pågående forskningsprojekt i alfabetisk ordning
- AI Design Futures
- AI and the Financial Markets: Accountability and Risk Management with Legal Tools
- AI-based RegTech
- Aktieägarstruktur, bolagsstyrelse och investerare
- Business experience: An asset or a liability to the entry on new mid-end markets?
- CEO Risk-Tolerance and Firm Internationalization Patterns
- Chinese MNCs’ subsidiary management
- Competition and cooperation within multinational corporations
- Cooperation and KM in international multisectoral partnerships
- Corporate elites and the international growth of Swedish firms
- Corporate governance matters: Investigating Swedish corporate governance characteristics and their outcomes
- Countering the spread of antimicrobial resistance for long-term public health via sustainable consumer behaviour
- DRIVE-AB: Driving re-investment in R&D and responsible antibiotic use
- Decision support systems for individual forest owners
- Democracy and International expansion
- Digital innovation för hållbar konsumtion
- Digitalisering och styrning
- Ecological Cooperation & Openness - Management And Grocery Infrastructure Collaboration (ECO-MAGIC)
- Expertis i fondbranschen
- Expertise in financial auditing
- From Strategy to Operational Decision-Making in Banks: The Significance of Technical, Organizational and Cognitive Integration
- Företagsrekonstruktion: Mot ett vidareutvecklat livskraftstest
- Hazardous chemicals and circular economy
- Headquarters knowledge and the generation of value in multinational companies
- Integrated Reporting and Control: Bridging Technical, Organizational and Behavioural Domains
- Is “the green gold” gold for everyone?
- MNC involvement in social innovation projects: Exploring the liability of newness
- MNE political behavior in the non-market: A self-preservation perspective
- Navigating the policy landscape: barriers and synergies in strategies for climate and biodiversity
- Network effects of interlocking directorates: A longitudinal study of SMEs’ international growth
- PLATINEA: samverkansplattform för innovation av existerande antibiotika
- Psychological well-being and opportunities for inclusion for older LGBTQ+ individuals (FLORIS)
- Strategiskt beslutsfattande och expertintuition
- Swedish and European IT Law
- The Green Deal, Sustainability, and EU Competition Law and Policy: Futureproofing Competition for 2050
- The Innovation Ecosystem of Born-Digitals and the Development of Complements
- The frustration of subsidiary managers: communicating business opportunities from the periphery to headquarters of multinational corporations (Part two)
- The performance of video game industry - Configuring inter-organizational agility for digital innovation and internationalization
- Tort law challenges in the case of environmental damage - the example of PFAS pollution
- Trustworthy AI in medical treatment
- Understanding the heterogenous outcomes of the Covid-19 Pandemic: A multi-level investigation
- Value co-creation between actors in a science megaproject
- Vilka är konsekvenserna av reshoring: Ett steg bakåt eller framåt för företags konkurrenskraft?
- Visiting the Margins. INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European peripheries, INCULTUM
- iDX: An exploration of regulatory, corporate, relational, and technical barriers to uptake of diagnostics in the fight against AMR