Högre seminariet, Historia: Abstract versus concrete information in a colonial context of slavery
- Datum: 24 november 2021, kl. 13.15–15.00
- Plats: Engelska parken, via zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/62147256721
- Typ: Seminarium
- Föreläsare: Aske Stick och Chris Meyns
- Webbsida
- Arrangör: Historiska institutionen
- Kontaktperson: Maria Ågren och Dag Lindström
Aske Stick and Chris Meyns present their paper "Abstract versus concrete information in a colonial context of slavery". The discussion will be in English. The seminar is on Zoom (only). If you do not have the passcode, please contact Maria Ågren or Dag Lindström.
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