Armel Cornu-Atkins: halvtidsseminarium

  • Datum: 26 maj 2020, kl. 13.15–15.00
  • Plats: Seminariet sker via Zoom (ID 657 6951 1495)
  • Typ: Seminarium
  • Webbsida
  • Arrangör: Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria
  • Kontaktperson: Sven Widmalm

Högre seminariet

Halvtidsseminarium för Armel Cornu-Atkins, Uppsala universitet, och avhandlingen Enlightening water, chemical analysis in eighteenth-century France (prel. titel). Opponent: Jonathan Simon, Claude Bernard University, Lyon 1.

Seminariet hålls via Zoom. Anslut via den här länken, eller mötets ID 657 6951 1495.

Minerals waters were a delicate and unstable product whose value as a remedy increased in early modern France. If it was once the luxury of the nobility travelling to the spa, the eighteenth century slowly watched it turned into a commodity. The waters became widely available in bottles and were sold in dedicated bureaus of distribution. Despite the logistical challenges of selecting and carrying the waters to their new urban public, many different springs made their way into many of France’s cities. As the century was drawing to a close, a unique institution, the Société de Médecine, took on the challenge of regulating this sprawling trade. Backed by state power and staffed with a variety of affluent and sometimes controversial physicians and chemists, this Société eventually settled its authority over the intendancy of mineral waters. Through legislation, scientific connections and a powerful network of correspondants, it created a new status for mineral waters, making them a chemically defined product. In my dissertation, I aim to bring into light this overlooked institution and its essential role in the administration of mineral waters. Though it never eradicated fraud or succeeded in creating a full scientific and economic monopole, it greatly broadened the budding trade of bottled water in France and gave a powerful incentive for chemists to better their mastering of the particularly challenging analysis of water. It therefore deserves a place in the history of the development of analytical chemistry, and represents a rich case study for the investigation into the creation of chemical facts.

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