Gunilla Enblad – Tumörbiologi och kliniska studier av lymfom och prostatacancer
I vår forskning studerar vi olika former av lymfom, främst diffust storcelligt B-cellslymfom, Hodgkins lymfom, och follikulärt lymfom samt prostatacancer. Vårt mål är att öka kunskapen om biologin bakom sjukdomarna och hur drabbade patienter kan behandlas på bästa sätt. Vi vill också bidra till att utveckla nya förbättrade behandlingsstrategier.
Lymfom är en grupp av tumörer som utgår från lymfsystemet och där vita blodkroppar växer till på ett okontrollerat sätt. Det finns flera olika typer av lymfom som kan vara mer eller mindre aggressiva.
Diffust storcelligt B-cellslymfom (DLBCL)
DLBCL är en av de vanligaste lymfomformerna. Det är en aggressiv tumör och patienter som inte behandlas har kort överlevnad. I vår forskning studerar vi den biologiska bakgrunden till tumörens uppkomst och tillväxt. Vi har tidigare sett att patienter med en autoimmun sjukdom som ledgångsreumatism har högre risk att drabbas av diffust storcelligt B-cellslymfom. Det finns också köns- och åldersskillnader med avseende på sjukdomsprognos.

Foto: Axel Henriksson
Hodgkins lymfom
Hodgkins lymfom är mindre vanligt, drabbar oftast yngre personer och har god prognos. Men tyvärr får många patienter biverkningar av behandlingen som på sikt hotar deras hälsa. Våra studier syftar till att öka kunskapen om hur tumörcellerna samverkar med kringliggande vävnader och att använda denna kunskap till att ta fram nya behandlingar. Vi studerar också hur de långsiktiga biverkningarna kan undvikas.
Mantelcellslymfom är en aggressiv tumör med dålig prognos. Vårt mål är att introducera och analysera nya behandlingsstrategier för den här tumörformen.
Våra studier av prostatacancer rör främst olika aspekter av strålbehandling, till exempel effekten av protonstrålning eller inre strålbehandling, brakyterapi.
Ingår i Nature Medicine, 2024
- DOI för Androgen receptor pathway inhibitors and taxanes in metastatic prostate cancer: an outcome-adaptive randomized platform trial
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Androgen receptor pathway inhibitors and taxanes in metastatic prostate cancer: an outcome-adaptive randomized platform trial
Ingår i Cancer Causes and Control, s. 1101-1109, 2024
- DOI för Association between parity and pregnancy-associated tumor features in high-grade serous ovarian cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Association between parity and pregnancy-associated tumor features in high-grade serous ovarian cancer
Ingår i Cancer Causes and Control, s. 1101-1109, 2024
- DOI för Association between parity and pregnancy-associated tumor features in high-grade serous ovarian cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Association between parity and pregnancy-associated tumor features in high-grade serous ovarian cancer
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 1794-1803, 2024
- DOI för Evaluation of coverage, generalisability and validity of the U-CAN lymphoma biobank in Sweden: A comparison with nationwide registers
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of coverage, generalisability and validity of the U-CAN lymphoma biobank in Sweden: A comparison with nationwide registers
Ingår i Leukemia, s. 438-441, 2024
- DOI för Genetic and transcriptomic analyses of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with poor outcomes within two years of diagnosis
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Genetic and transcriptomic analyses of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with poor outcomes within two years of diagnosis
Ingår i Heliyon, 2024
- DOI för Improved automated tumor segmentation in whole-body 3D scans using multi-directional 2D projection-based priors
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Improved automated tumor segmentation in whole-body 3D scans using multi-directional 2D projection-based priors
Long-Term Follow-Up of the Response-Adjusted Therapy for Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma Trial
Ingår i Journal of Clinical Oncology, s. 13-18, 2024
- DOI för Long-Term Follow-Up of the Response-Adjusted Therapy for Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma Trial
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Long-Term Follow-Up of the Response-Adjusted Therapy for Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma Trial
Ingår i Leukemia and Lymphoma, s. 534-537, 2024
The National Swedish Lymphoma Register - a systematic validation of data quality
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 563-572, 2024
- DOI för The National Swedish Lymphoma Register - a systematic validation of data quality
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The National Swedish Lymphoma Register - a systematic validation of data quality
Ingår i eJHaem, s. 516-526, 2024
- DOI för Treatment sequencing and impact of number of treatment lines on survival in follicular lymphoma: A national population-based study
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Treatment sequencing and impact of number of treatment lines on survival in follicular lymphoma: A national population-based study
A whole-body diffusion MRI normal atlas: development, evaluation and initial use
Ingår i Cancer Imaging, 2023
- DOI för A whole-body diffusion MRI normal atlas: development, evaluation and initial use
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ADAR1-mediated RNA editing promotes B cell lymphomagenesis
Ingår i iScience, 2023
- DOI för ADAR1-mediated RNA editing promotes B cell lymphomagenesis
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av ADAR1-mediated RNA editing promotes B cell lymphomagenesis
Next generation pan-cancer blood proteome profiling using proximity extension assay
Ingår i Nature Communications, 2023
- DOI för Next generation pan-cancer blood proteome profiling using proximity extension assay
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Next generation pan-cancer blood proteome profiling using proximity extension assay
Ingår i Cancers, 2023
- DOI för Sex- and Female Age-Dependent Differences in Gene Expression in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma-Possible Estrogen Effects
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Sex- and Female Age-Dependent Differences in Gene Expression in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma-Possible Estrogen Effects
Ingår i Clinical Cancer Research, s. 4139-4152, 2023
- DOI för Single-Cell RNA Analysis Reveals Cell-Intrinsic Functions of CAR T Cells Correlating with Response in a Phase II Study of Lymphoma Patients
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Single-Cell RNA Analysis Reveals Cell-Intrinsic Functions of CAR T Cells Correlating with Response in a Phase II Study of Lymphoma Patients
Ingår i Blood Advances, s. 5304-5313, 2023
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 1707-1715, 2023
- DOI för Strict self-isolation did not protect Swedish cancer patients on active treatment from the risk of becoming seropositive for SARS-CoV-2
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Strict self-isolation did not protect Swedish cancer patients on active treatment from the risk of becoming seropositive for SARS-CoV-2
Ingår i HemaSphere, 2023
- DOI för Survival by First-line Treatment Type and Timing of Progression Among Follicular Lymphoma Patients: A National Population-based Study in Sweden
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Survival by First-line Treatment Type and Timing of Progression Among Follicular Lymphoma Patients: A National Population-based Study in Sweden
Tumor-activated lymph node fibroblasts suppress T cell function in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Ingår i Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2023
- DOI för Tumor-activated lymph node fibroblasts suppress T cell function in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Tumor-activated lymph node fibroblasts suppress T cell function in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Advances in immune therapies in hematological malignancies
Ingår i Journal of Internal Medicine, s. 205-220, 2022
- DOI för Advances in immune therapies in hematological malignancies
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Advances in immune therapies in hematological malignancies
Checkpoint CD47 expression in classical Hodgkin lymphoma
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 580-589, 2022
- DOI för Checkpoint CD47 expression in classical Hodgkin lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Checkpoint CD47 expression in classical Hodgkin lymphoma
COVID-19 seroprevalence and clinical picture in Swedish pediatric oncology and hematology patients
Ingår i Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2022
- DOI för COVID-19 seroprevalence and clinical picture in Swedish pediatric oncology and hematology patients
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av COVID-19 seroprevalence and clinical picture in Swedish pediatric oncology and hematology patients
Ingår i PLOS ONE, 2022
- DOI för Donor-derived urologic cancers after renal transplantation: A retrospective non-randomized scientific analysis
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Donor-derived urologic cancers after renal transplantation: A retrospective non-randomized scientific analysis
Immune-Proteome Profiling in Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Tumor Diagnostic Tissue
Ingår i Cancers, 2022
- DOI för Immune-Proteome Profiling in Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Tumor Diagnostic Tissue
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Immune-Proteome Profiling in Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Tumor Diagnostic Tissue
Ingår i Journal of Clinical Oncology, s. 1487-1496, 2022
- DOI för Limited, But Not Eliminated, Excess Long-Term Morbidity in Stage I-IIA Hodgkin Lymphoma Treated With Doxorubicin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine and Limited-Field Radiotherapy
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Limited, But Not Eliminated, Excess Long-Term Morbidity in Stage I-IIA Hodgkin Lymphoma Treated With Doxorubicin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine and Limited-Field Radiotherapy
Noninvasive detection of any-stage cancer using free glycosaminoglycans
Ingår i Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022
- DOI för Noninvasive detection of any-stage cancer using free glycosaminoglycans
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Noninvasive detection of any-stage cancer using free glycosaminoglycans
Outcome in PCNSL patients and its association with PD-L1+leukocytes in the tumor microenvironment
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 824-829, 2022
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 267-277, 2022
- DOI för Outcomes of relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and influence of chimaeric antigen receptor T trial eligibility criteria in second line-A population-based study of 736 patients
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Outcomes of relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and influence of chimaeric antigen receptor T trial eligibility criteria in second line-A population-based study of 736 patients
Ingår i International Journal of Cancer, s. 773-781, 2022
- DOI för Parity is associated with better prognosis in ovarian germ cell tumors, but not in other ovarian cancer subtypes
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Parity is associated with better prognosis in ovarian germ cell tumors, but not in other ovarian cancer subtypes
Ingår i Blood, s. 2248-2260, 2022
Ingår i New Biotechnology, s. 21-29, 2022
- DOI för Plasma protein biomarker profiling reveals major differences between acute leukaemia, lymphoma patients and controls
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Plasma protein biomarker profiling reveals major differences between acute leukaemia, lymphoma patients and controls
The dual role of CD70 in B‐cell lymphomagenesis
Ingår i Clinical and Translational Medicine, 2022
- DOI för The dual role of CD70 in B‐cell lymphomagenesis
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The dual role of CD70 in B‐cell lymphomagenesis
Ingår i Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer, s. 27-36, 2022
- DOI för Transcriptome sequencing of archived lymphoma specimens is feasible and clinically relevant using exome capture technology
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Transcriptome sequencing of archived lymphoma specimens is feasible and clinically relevant using exome capture technology
Ingår i Cancer Imaging, 2022
- DOI för Whole body FDG PET/MR for progression free and overall survival prediction in patients with relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphomas undergoing CAR T-cell therapy
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Whole body FDG PET/MR for progression free and overall survival prediction in patients with relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphomas undergoing CAR T-cell therapy
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 906-914, 2021
- DOI för Age is the most important predictor of survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients achieving event-free survival at 24 months: a Swedish population-based study
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Age is the most important predictor of survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients achieving event-free survival at 24 months: a Swedish population-based study
Ingår i Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, s. 2851-2865, 2021
- DOI för Boosting CAR T-cell responses in lymphoma by simultaneous targeting of CD40/4-1BB using oncolytic viral gene therapy
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Boosting CAR T-cell responses in lymphoma by simultaneous targeting of CD40/4-1BB using oncolytic viral gene therapy
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 1459-1465, 2021
- DOI för Clinical characteristics and factors associated with COVID-19-related death and morbidity among hospitalized patients with cancer: a Swedish cohort study
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Clinical characteristics and factors associated with COVID-19-related death and morbidity among hospitalized patients with cancer: a Swedish cohort study
Ingår i Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
- DOI för High risk of cardiovascular side effects after treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma - is there a need for intervention in long-term survivors?
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av High risk of cardiovascular side effects after treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma - is there a need for intervention in long-term survivors?
Ingår i Blood Cancer Journal, 2021
- DOI för Incidence of relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) including CNS relapse in a population-based cohort of 4243 patients in Sweden
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Incidence of relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) including CNS relapse in a population-based cohort of 4243 patients in Sweden
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 531-538, 2021
- DOI för PD-L1 and IDO1 are potential targets for treatment in patients with primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the CNS
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av PD-L1 and IDO1 are potential targets for treatment in patients with primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the CNS
Plasma proteome profiling of cardiotoxicity in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Ingår i Cardio-Oncology, 2021
- DOI för Plasma proteome profiling of cardiotoxicity in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Plasma proteome profiling of cardiotoxicity in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Prior antithymocyte globulin therapy and survival in post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 771-778, 2021
- DOI för Prior antithymocyte globulin therapy and survival in post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Prior antithymocyte globulin therapy and survival in post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders
Prognostic impact of soluble CD163 in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Ingår i Haematologica, s. 2502-2506, 2021
- DOI för Prognostic impact of soluble CD163 in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Prognostic impact of soluble CD163 in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Revisiting IL-6 expression in the tumor microenvironment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma
Ingår i Blood Advances, s. 1671-1681, 2021
Ingår i Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
- DOI för Serum concentrations of Thymidine kinase 1 measured using a novel antibody-based assay in patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Serum concentrations of Thymidine kinase 1 measured using a novel antibody-based assay in patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 568-579, 2021
- DOI för Superior outcome for splenectomised patients in a population-based study of splenic marginal zone lymphoma in Sweden
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Superior outcome for splenectomised patients in a population-based study of splenic marginal zone lymphoma in Sweden
CD30 expression and survival in posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 673-680, 2020
- DOI för CD30 expression and survival in posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av CD30 expression and survival in posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders
Clonal hematopoiesis in patients with high-grade B-cell lymphoma is associated with inferior outcome
Ingår i American Journal of Hematology, 2020
- DOI för Clonal hematopoiesis in patients with high-grade B-cell lymphoma is associated with inferior outcome
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Clonal hematopoiesis in patients with high-grade B-cell lymphoma is associated with inferior outcome
Marginal zone lymphoma expression of histidine-rich glycoprotein correlates with improved survival
Ingår i eJHaem, s. 199-207, 2020
- DOI för Marginal zone lymphoma expression of histidine-rich glycoprotein correlates with improved survival
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Marginal zone lymphoma expression of histidine-rich glycoprotein correlates with improved survival
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 685-691, 2020
Ingår i American Journal of Hematology, s. 740-748, 2020
- DOI för Outcome and determinants of failure to complete primary R-CHOP treatment for reasons other than non-response among patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Outcome and determinants of failure to complete primary R-CHOP treatment for reasons other than non-response among patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Ingår i Immunobiology, 2020
- DOI för Precursor cells and implications of a T-cell inflamed immune response in the pre-malignant setting in Hodgkin lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Precursor cells and implications of a T-cell inflamed immune response in the pre-malignant setting in Hodgkin lymphoma
Prognostic impact of abdominal lymph node involvement in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Ingår i European Journal of Haematology, s. 207-213, 2020
- DOI för Prognostic impact of abdominal lymph node involvement in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Prognostic impact of abdominal lymph node involvement in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Ingår i Transplant International, s. 1700-1710, 2020
- DOI för Relative and absolute cancer risks among Nordic kidney transplant recipients-a population-based study
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Relative and absolute cancer risks among Nordic kidney transplant recipients-a population-based study
Ingår i Trials, 2020
- DOI för The ProBio trial: molecular biomarkers for advancing personalized treatment decision in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The ProBio trial: molecular biomarkers for advancing personalized treatment decision in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Tumor endothelial ELTD1 as a predictive marker for treatment of renal cancer patients with sunitinib
Ingår i BMC Cancer, 2020
- DOI för Tumor endothelial ELTD1 as a predictive marker for treatment of renal cancer patients with sunitinib
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Tumor endothelial ELTD1 as a predictive marker for treatment of renal cancer patients with sunitinib
Altered profile of immune regulatory cells in the peripheral blood of lymphoma patients
Ingår i BMC Cancer, 2019
- DOI för Altered profile of immune regulatory cells in the peripheral blood of lymphoma patients
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Altered profile of immune regulatory cells in the peripheral blood of lymphoma patients
Autoimmune disease in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: occurrence and impact on outcome
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 1170-1177, 2019
Ingår i Leukemia and Lymphoma, s. 376-384, 2019
- DOI för Expression of PD-1, PD-L1, and PD-L2 in posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder after solid organ transplantation
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Expression of PD-1, PD-L1, and PD-L2 in posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder after solid organ transplantation
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 431-439, 2019
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 192-201, 2019
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 1655-1659, 2019
Ingår i Journal of Cancer, s. 3224-3231, 2019
- DOI för Tumoral pyruvate kinase L/R as a predictive marker for the treatment of renal cancer patients with sunitinib and sorafenib
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Tumoral pyruvate kinase L/R as a predictive marker for the treatment of renal cancer patients with sunitinib and sorafenib
A Phase I/IIa Trial Using CD19-Targeted Third-Generation CAR T Cells for Lymphoma and Leukemia
Ingår i Clinical Cancer Research, s. 6185-6194, 2018
Ingår i European Journal of Haematology, s. 88-97, 2018
- DOI för An anergic immune signature in the tumor microenvironment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma is associated with inferior outcome
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av An anergic immune signature in the tumor microenvironment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma is associated with inferior outcome
Ingår i Annals of Hematology, s. 2129-2135, 2018
- DOI för Does the omission of vincristine in patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma affect treatment outcome?
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Does the omission of vincristine in patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma affect treatment outcome?
Ingår i PLOS ONE, 2018
- DOI för Expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 increase in consecutive biopsies in patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 increase in consecutive biopsies in patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 770-781, 2018
Ingår i European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2018
Ingår i Blood, 2018
Ingår i European Journal of Haematology, s. 61-68, 2018
Ingår i American Journal of Hematology, s. 1020-1028, 2018
Ingår i Blood, 2018
Ingår i Annals of Oncology, s. 1882-1883, 2018
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 187-194, 2018
- DOI för U-CAN: a prospective longitudinal collection of biomaterials and clinical information from adult cancer patients in Sweden.
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av U-CAN: a prospective longitudinal collection of biomaterials and clinical information from adult cancer patients in Sweden.
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 106-109, 2017
Ingår i Annals of Oncology, 2017
Donor Derived and BK Virus Positive Urologic Cancers After Renal Transplantation
Ingår i American Journal of Transplantation, s. 472-472, 2017
Estrogen receptor beta 1 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma growth and as a prognostic biomarker
Ingår i Leukemia and Lymphoma, s. 418-427, 2017
Expression of possible targets for new proteasome inhibitors in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Ingår i European Journal of Haematology, s. 52-56, 2017
High posttransplant cancer incidence in renal transplanted patients with pretransplant cancer
Ingår i Transplantation, s. 1295-1302, 2017
Ingår i Blood Advances, s. 1427-1439, 2017
Immunological biomarkers correlate to survival in CAR19-treated patients
Ingår i Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, s. 337-337, 2017
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 599-607, 2017
Ingår i Acta Dermato-Venereologica, s. 751-753, 2017
Tumoral ANXA1 Is a Predictive Marker for Sunitinib Treatment of Renal Cancer Patients
Ingår i Journal of Cancer, s. 3975-3983, 2017
- DOI för Tumoral ANXA1 Is a Predictive Marker for Sunitinib Treatment of Renal Cancer Patients
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Tumoral ANXA1 Is a Predictive Marker for Sunitinib Treatment of Renal Cancer Patients
Ingår i Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, s. 961-970, 2017
- DOI för Tumoral cubilin is a predictive marker for treatment of renal cancer patients with sunitinib and sorafenib
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Tumoral cubilin is a predictive marker for treatment of renal cancer patients with sunitinib and sorafenib
Ingår i Molecular Therapy, 2016
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 1126-1131, 2016
Adapted Treatment Guided by Interim PET-CT Scan in Advanced Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Ingår i New England Journal of Medicine, s. 2419-2429, 2016
Ingår i British Journal of Haematology, s. 614-622, 2016
Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Cell Line U2946: Model for MCL1 Inhibitor Testing
Ingår i PLOS ONE, 2016
- DOI för Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Cell Line U2946: Model for MCL1 Inhibitor Testing
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Cell Line U2946: Model for MCL1 Inhibitor Testing
Frequent NFKBIE deletions are associated with poor outcome in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma
Ingår i Blood, s. 2666-2670, 2016
Genetic basis of PD-L1 overexpression in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
Ingår i Blood, s. 3026-3034, 2016
Ingår i Haematologica, s. 1-2, 2016
In vitro and in vivo activity of melflufen (J1) in lymphoma
Ingår i BMC Cancer, 2016
Ingår i Acta Oncologica, s. 774-781, 2016
Ingår i Haematologica, s. 3-3, 2016
Ingår i Haematologica, s. 42-42, 2016