Vladimir Tolmachev – Proteinbaserad målsökning av tumörer med radioaktiva nuklider
Det övergripande målet med vår forskning är att utveckla användningen av radioaktiva nuklider för diagnos och behandling av elakartade tumörer. Med hjälp av radioaktiva nuklider kan man få information om den molekylära sammansättningen hos tumörceller och genom att leverera nukliderna in i tumörer kan cancercellerna slås ut eller deras tillväxt kan hämmas.

Behandling av cancer kan förbättras genom att identifiera specifika proteiner som finns i tumörceller men inte i normal vävnad, eller som uttrycks på ett felaktigt sätt i tumörcellerna. Det finns redan idag riktade tumörbehandlingar som bygger på att antikroppar eller inhibitorer riktas mot just sådana proteiner. Men användningen av sådan målsökande behandling kompliceras av att nivåerna av de felaktiga uttryckta proteinerna kan variera avsevärt mellan patienter, och även hos en enskild patient. Därför behövs metoder för att identifiera och visualisera specifika proteiner hos patienter.
Målsökning med radionuklider
I vår forskning utvecklar vi användningen av radioaktiva nuklider (även kallade radionuklider) för att söka upp och visualisera relevanta proteiner. Med radionuklidvisualisering kan man på ett icke-invasivt sätt få viktig information om proteinerna i tumörcellerna. Dessutom kan en specifik leverans av radionuklider in i tumören medföra att strålningen dödar cancercellerna, eller i alla fall minskar deras tillväxt avsevärt.
Vi fokuserar på en grupp av proteiner som kallas receptortyrosinkinaser (RTK) som mål för radionuklider. Ett felaktigt uttryck av RTK är en av cancercellernas specifika egenskaper, som också ligger bakom deras tillväxt. Tumörbehandlingar som bygger på att ett felaktig uttryckt av RTK känns igen av antikroppar eller specifika RTK-inhibitorer används redan idag. Med hjälp av målsökning av RTK med radionuklider skulle sådan behandling kunna bli bättre anpassad för enskilda patienter.
En annan grupp av intressanta målmolekyler är så kallade pan-cancerantigener. Det är proteiner som ofta finns i högre nivåer hos en rad olika cancerformer. Vi utvecklar molekyler som specifikt kan leverera radionuklider eller toxiska substanser till maligna tumörer med höga nivåer av pan-cancerantigener. Parallellt utvecklar vi radionuklidbaserad visualisering för att göra sådan behandling precis.
Preklinisk utveckling av metoder för radionuklidinmärkning
Vår huvudsakliga strategi är att märka in så kallade scaffold-proteiner med radionuklider, och sedan låta dessa söka upp proteiner i tumörer. Vår grupp var först med att använda en typ av scaffold-proteiner som kallas affibody-molekyler för sådan molekylär visualisering. Vi har visat i kliniska studier att användning av affibody-molekyler är säkert och tolereras samt att det ger en utmärkt visualisering bara två till fyra timmar efter injektion.
För närvarande utvidgar vi vår ”verktygslåda” genom att använda andra två andra typer av scaffold-proteiner – ADAPT och DARPin. Våra kliniska fas I-studier har visat att dessa molekyler ser mycket lovande ut för att kunna användas för målsökning.
I våra projekt ingår också att utvärdera de biologiska aspekterna av målsökning med radionuklider, t.ex. de molekylära och cellulära egenskaperna hos målvävnaden, samt att välja den optimala radionukliden för en given tillämpning. Vi arbetar också med att välja ut och utveckla kemin bakom den radioaktiva inmärkningen samt preklinisk utvärdering av de radioaktivt inmärkta molekyler som vi tar fram.
Affibody PET Imaging of HER2-Expressing Cancers as a Key to Guide HER2-Targeted Therapy
Ingår i Biomedicines, 2024
- DOI för Affibody PET Imaging of HER2-Expressing Cancers as a Key to Guide HER2-Targeted Therapy
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Affibody PET Imaging of HER2-Expressing Cancers as a Key to Guide HER2-Targeted Therapy
Ingår i Molecular Pharmaceutics, s. 1919-1932, 2024
Ingår i EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry, 2024
- DOI för Comparison of approaches for increasing affinity of affibody molecules for imaging of B7-H3: dimerization and affinity maturation
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Comparison of approaches for increasing affinity of affibody molecules for imaging of B7-H3: dimerization and affinity maturation
Ingår i European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, s. 4038-4048, 2024
- DOI för Evaluation of a novel 177Lu-labelled therapeutic Affibody molecule with a deimmunized ABD domain and improved biodistribution profile
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of a novel 177Lu-labelled therapeutic Affibody molecule with a deimmunized ABD domain and improved biodistribution profile
Evaluation of ABD-Linked RM26 Conjugates for GRPR-Targeted Drug Delivery
Ingår i ACS Omega, s. 36122-36133, 2024
- DOI för Evaluation of ABD-Linked RM26 Conjugates for GRPR-Targeted Drug Delivery
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of ABD-Linked RM26 Conjugates for GRPR-Targeted Drug Delivery
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2024
- DOI för Evaluation of Approaches for the Assessment of HER2 Expression in Breast Cancer by Radionuclide Imaging Using the Scaffold Protein [99mTc]Tc-ADAPT6
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of Approaches for the Assessment of HER2 Expression in Breast Cancer by Radionuclide Imaging Using the Scaffold Protein [99mTc]Tc-ADAPT6
Ingår i Acta Naturae, s. 22-29, 2024
- DOI för Evaluation of HER2/neu Expression in Metastatic Axillary Lymph Node Tissue of Breast Cancer Patients Using [99mTc]Tc-(HE)3-G3
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of HER2/neu Expression in Metastatic Axillary Lymph Node Tissue of Breast Cancer Patients Using [99mTc]Tc-(HE)3-G3
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2024
- DOI för GRPR-Antagonists Carrying DOTAGA-Chelator via Positively Charged Linkers: Perspectives for Prostate Cancer Theranostics
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av GRPR-Antagonists Carrying DOTAGA-Chelator via Positively Charged Linkers: Perspectives for Prostate Cancer Theranostics
Ingår i Journal of Controlled Release, s. 468-478, 2024
- DOI för Half-life extension via ABD-fusion leads to higher tumor uptake of an affibody-drug conjugate compared to PAS- and XTENylation.
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Half-life extension via ABD-fusion leads to higher tumor uptake of an affibody-drug conjugate compared to PAS- and XTENylation.
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024
- DOI för Influence of Molecular Design on the Tumor Targeting and Biodistribution of PSMA-Binding Tracers Labeled with Technetium-99m
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Influence of Molecular Design on the Tumor Targeting and Biodistribution of PSMA-Binding Tracers Labeled with Technetium-99m
Ingår i Cancers, 2024
- DOI för Phase I Clinical Evaluation of Designed Ankyrin Repeat Protein [99mTc]Tc(CO)3-(HE)3-Ec1 for Visualization of EpCAM-Expressing Lung Cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Phase I Clinical Evaluation of Designed Ankyrin Repeat Protein [99mTc]Tc(CO)3-(HE)3-Ec1 for Visualization of EpCAM-Expressing Lung Cancer
Preclinical Evaluation of HER2-Targeting DARPin G3: Impact of Albumin-Binding Domain (ABD) Fusion
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024
- DOI för Preclinical Evaluation of HER2-Targeting DARPin G3: Impact of Albumin-Binding Domain (ABD) Fusion
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical Evaluation of HER2-Targeting DARPin G3: Impact of Albumin-Binding Domain (ABD) Fusion
Ingår i EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry, 2024
- DOI för Preclinical evaluation of new GRPR-antagonists with improved metabolic stability for radiotheranostic use in oncology
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical evaluation of new GRPR-antagonists with improved metabolic stability for radiotheranostic use in oncology
Ingår i ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, s. 1595-1611, 2024
- DOI för Shorter Peptide Nucleic Acid Probes Improve Affibody-Mediated Peptide Nucleic Acid-Based Pretargeting
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Shorter Peptide Nucleic Acid Probes Improve Affibody-Mediated Peptide Nucleic Acid-Based Pretargeting
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024
- DOI för Structural Basis of Activity of HER2-Targeting Construct Composed of DARPin G3 and Albumin-Binding Domains
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Structural Basis of Activity of HER2-Targeting Construct Composed of DARPin G3 and Albumin-Binding Domains
Ingår i ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, s. 1457-1473, 2024
Ingår i ACS Omega, s. 18608-18616, 2024
- DOI för Two Novel [68Ga]Ga-Labeled Radiotracers Based on Metabolically Stable [Sar11]RM26 Antagonistic Peptide for Diagnostic Positron Emission Tomography Imaging of GRPR-Positive Prostate Cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Two Novel [68Ga]Ga-Labeled Radiotracers Based on Metabolically Stable [Sar11]RM26 Antagonistic Peptide for Diagnostic Positron Emission Tomography Imaging of GRPR-Positive Prostate Cancer
Ingår i Frontiers in Oncology, 2023
- DOI för 177Lu-labeled PSMA targeting therapeutic with optimized linker for treatment of disseminated prostate cancer; evaluation of biodistribution and dosimetry
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av 177Lu-labeled PSMA targeting therapeutic with optimized linker for treatment of disseminated prostate cancer; evaluation of biodistribution and dosimetry
- DOI för A direct comparison of the diagnostic efficacy of alternative scaffold- based radiopharmaceuticals [99mTc]Tc-ADAPT6 and [99mTc]Tc-(HE)3-G3 in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av A direct comparison of the diagnostic efficacy of alternative scaffold- based radiopharmaceuticals [99mTc]Tc-ADAPT6 and [99mTc]Tc-(HE)3-G3 in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer
Comparison of HER2-targeted affibody conjugates loaded with auristatin-and maytansine-derived drugs
Ingår i Journal of Controlled Release, s. 515-527, 2023
Ingår i Journal of Controlled Release, s. 185-195, 2023
Ingår i Cancers, 2023
- DOI för Direct Intra-Patient Comparison of Scaffold Protein-Based Tracers, [Tc-99m]Tc-ADAPT6 and [Tc-99m]Tc-(HE)(3)-G3, for Imaging of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Direct Intra-Patient Comparison of Scaffold Protein-Based Tracers, [Tc-99m]Tc-ADAPT6 and [Tc-99m]Tc-(HE)(3)-G3, for Imaging of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
Evaluation of affinity matured Affibody molecules for imaging of the immune checkpoint protein B7-H3
Ingår i Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2023
- DOI för Evaluation of affinity matured Affibody molecules for imaging of the immune checkpoint protein B7-H3
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of affinity matured Affibody molecules for imaging of the immune checkpoint protein B7-H3
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023
- DOI för Feasibility of Co-Targeting HER3 and EpCAM Using Seribantumab and DARPin-Toxin Fusion in a Pancreatic Cancer Xenograft Model
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Feasibility of Co-Targeting HER3 and EpCAM Using Seribantumab and DARPin-Toxin Fusion in a Pancreatic Cancer Xenograft Model
Ingår i Journal of Nuclear Medicine, s. 1364-1370, 2023
- DOI för Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Targeting [68Ga]Ga-ABY-025 PET/CT Predicts Early Metabolic Response in Metastatic Breast Cancer.
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Targeting [68Ga]Ga-ABY-025 PET/CT Predicts Early Metabolic Response in Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Ingår i Theranostics, s. 4858-4871, 2023
- DOI för Phase I clinical evaluation of 99mTc-labeled Affibody molecule for imaging HER2 expression in breast cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Phase I clinical evaluation of 99mTc-labeled Affibody molecule for imaging HER2 expression in breast cancer
Ingår i Cancers, 2023
- DOI för Phase I Trial of [Tc-99m]Tc-maSSS-PEG(2)-RM26, a Bombesin Analogue Antagonistic to Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Receptors (GRPRs), for SPECT Imaging of GRPR Expression in Malignant Tumors
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Phase I Trial of [Tc-99m]Tc-maSSS-PEG(2)-RM26, a Bombesin Analogue Antagonistic to Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Receptors (GRPRs), for SPECT Imaging of GRPR Expression in Malignant Tumors
Ingår i Cancers, 2023
- DOI för Preclinical Characterisation of PSMA/GRPR-Targeting Heterodimer [Ga-68]Ga-BQ7812 for PET Diagnostic Imaging of Prostate Cancer: A Step towards Clinical Translation
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical Characterisation of PSMA/GRPR-Targeting Heterodimer [Ga-68]Ga-BQ7812 for PET Diagnostic Imaging of Prostate Cancer: A Step towards Clinical Translation
Ingår i Biomolecules, 2023
- DOI för Preclinical Characterization of a Stabilized Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Receptor Antagonist for Targeted Cancer Theranostics
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical Characterization of a Stabilized Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Receptor Antagonist for Targeted Cancer Theranostics
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023
- DOI för Preclinical Evaluation of a Novel High-Affinity Radioligand [99mTc]Tc-BQ0413 Targeting Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA)
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical Evaluation of a Novel High-Affinity Radioligand [99mTc]Tc-BQ0413 Targeting Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA)
Ingår i Cancers, 2023
- DOI för Radionuclide Therapy of HER2-Expressing Xenografts Using [Lu-177]Lu-ABY-027 Affibody Molecule Alone and in Combination with Trastuzumab
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Radionuclide Therapy of HER2-Expressing Xenografts Using [Lu-177]Lu-ABY-027 Affibody Molecule Alone and in Combination with Trastuzumab
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023
- DOI för Synthesis, I-123-Radiolabeling Optimization, and Initial Preclinical Evaluation of Novel Urea-Based PSMA Inhibitors with a Tributylstannyl Prosthetic Group in Their Structures
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Synthesis, I-123-Radiolabeling Optimization, and Initial Preclinical Evaluation of Novel Urea-Based PSMA Inhibitors with a Tributylstannyl Prosthetic Group in Their Structures
Ingår i Diagnostics, 2023
- DOI för The GRPR Antagonist [99mTc]Tc-maSSS-PEG2-RM26 towards Phase I Clinical Trial: Kit Preparation, Characterization and Toxicity
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The GRPR Antagonist [99mTc]Tc-maSSS-PEG2-RM26 towards Phase I Clinical Trial: Kit Preparation, Characterization and Toxicity
Ingår i Oncology Letters, 2023
- DOI för Visualization of epithelial cell adhesion molecule-expressing renal cell carcinoma xenografts using designed ankyrin repeat protein Ec1 labelled with Tc-99m and I-125
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Visualization of epithelial cell adhesion molecule-expressing renal cell carcinoma xenografts using designed ankyrin repeat protein Ec1 labelled with Tc-99m and I-125
Ingår i Journal of Nuclear Medicine, s. 1046-1051, 2022
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2022
- DOI för Biologic Evaluation of a Heterodimeric HER2-Albumin Targeted Affibody Molecule Produced by Chemo-Enzymatic Peptide Synthesis
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Biologic Evaluation of a Heterodimeric HER2-Albumin Targeted Affibody Molecule Produced by Chemo-Enzymatic Peptide Synthesis
Clinical possibilities of HER2-positive breast cancer diagnosis using alternative scaffold proteins
- DOI för Clinical possibilities of HER2-positive breast cancer diagnosis using alternative scaffold proteins
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Clinical possibilities of HER2-positive breast cancer diagnosis using alternative scaffold proteins
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022
- DOI för Comparative Preclinical Evaluation of Peptide-Based Chelators for the Labeling of DARPin G3 with Tc-99m for Radionuclide Imaging of HER2 Expression in Cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Comparative Preclinical Evaluation of Peptide-Based Chelators for the Labeling of DARPin G3 with Tc-99m for Radionuclide Imaging of HER2 Expression in Cancer
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022
- DOI för Direct In Vivo Comparison of 99mTc-Labeled Scaffold Proteins, DARPin G3 and ADAPT6, for Visualization of HER2 Expression and Monitoring of Early Response for Trastuzumab Therapy
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Direct In Vivo Comparison of 99mTc-Labeled Scaffold Proteins, DARPin G3 and ADAPT6, for Visualization of HER2 Expression and Monitoring of Early Response for Trastuzumab Therapy
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2022
- DOI för Effect of Inter-Domain Linker Composition on Biodistribution of ABD-Fused Affibody-Drug Conjugates Targeting HER2
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Effect of Inter-Domain Linker Composition on Biodistribution of ABD-Fused Affibody-Drug Conjugates Targeting HER2
Ingår i Oncology Reports, 2022
- DOI för Epithelial cell adhesion molecule-targeting designed ankyrin repeat protein-toxin fusion Ec1-LoPE exhibits potent cytotoxic action in prostate cancer cells
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Epithelial cell adhesion molecule-targeting designed ankyrin repeat protein-toxin fusion Ec1-LoPE exhibits potent cytotoxic action in prostate cancer cells
Evaluation of an Affibody-Based Binder for Imaging of Immune Check-Point Molecule B7-H3
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2022
- DOI för Evaluation of an Affibody-Based Binder for Imaging of Immune Check-Point Molecule B7-H3
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of an Affibody-Based Binder for Imaging of Immune Check-Point Molecule B7-H3
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2022
- DOI för Experimental HER2-Targeted Therapy Using ADAPT6-ABD-mcDM1 in Mice Bearing SKOV3 Ovarian Cancer Xenografts: Efficacy and Selection of Companion Imaging Counterpart
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Experimental HER2-Targeted Therapy Using ADAPT6-ABD-mcDM1 in Mice Bearing SKOV3 Ovarian Cancer Xenografts: Efficacy and Selection of Companion Imaging Counterpart
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2022
- DOI för Experimental Therapy of HER2-Expressing Xenografts Using the Second-Generation HER2-Targeting Affibody Molecule 188Re-ZHER2:41071
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Experimental Therapy of HER2-Expressing Xenografts Using the Second-Generation HER2-Targeting Affibody Molecule 188Re-ZHER2:41071
Phase I Clinical Trial Using [Tc-99m]Tc-1-thio-D-glucose for Diagnosis of Lymphoma Patients
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2022
- DOI för Phase I Clinical Trial Using [Tc-99m]Tc-1-thio-D-glucose for Diagnosis of Lymphoma Patients
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Phase I Clinical Trial Using [Tc-99m]Tc-1-thio-D-glucose for Diagnosis of Lymphoma Patients
Ingår i Journal of Nuclear Medicine, s. 528-535, 2022
- DOI för Possibilities of predicting the HER2 / neu status in a primary tumor in breast cancer patients using (99)mTc-DARPinG3
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Possibilities of predicting the HER2 / neu status in a primary tumor in breast cancer patients using (99)mTc-DARPinG3
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2022
- DOI för Preclinical Evaluation of a New Format of Ga-68- and In-111-Labeled Affibody Molecule Z(IGF-1R:4551) for the Visualization of IGF-1R Expression in Malignant Tumors Using PET and SPECT
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical Evaluation of a New Format of Ga-68- and In-111-Labeled Affibody Molecule Z(IGF-1R:4551) for the Visualization of IGF-1R Expression in Malignant Tumors Using PET and SPECT
Radionuclides in Diagnostics and Therapy of Malignant Tumors: New Development
Ingår i Cancers, 2022
- DOI för Radionuclides in Diagnostics and Therapy of Malignant Tumors: New Development
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Radionuclides in Diagnostics and Therapy of Malignant Tumors: New Development
Targeted nuclear medicine. Seek and destroy
Ingår i Russian Chemical Reviews, 2022
The Evolution of Targeted Radionuclide Diagnosis of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
Ingår i ACTA NATURAE, s. 4-15, 2022
- DOI för The Evolution of Targeted Radionuclide Diagnosis of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The Evolution of Targeted Radionuclide Diagnosis of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
A method of drug delivery to tumors based on rapidly biodegradable drug-loaded containers
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2021
- DOI för Affibody-Derived Drug Conjugates Targeting HER2: Effect of Drug Load on Cytotoxicity and Biodistribution
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Affibody-Derived Drug Conjugates Targeting HER2: Effect of Drug Load on Cytotoxicity and Biodistribution
Ingår i Cancers, 2021
- DOI för Comparative Evaluation of Novel Lu-177-Labeled PNA Probes for Affibody-Mediated PNA-Based Pretargeting
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Comparative Evaluation of Novel Lu-177-Labeled PNA Probes for Affibody-Mediated PNA-Based Pretargeting
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2021
- DOI för Comparative Preclinical Evaluation of HER2-Targeting ABD-Fused Affibody® Molecules 177Lu-ABY-271 and 177Lu-ABY-027: Impact of DOTA Position on ABD Domain
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Comparative Preclinical Evaluation of HER2-Targeting ABD-Fused Affibody® Molecules 177Lu-ABY-271 and 177Lu-ABY-027: Impact of DOTA Position on ABD Domain
Ingår i Cancers, 2021
- DOI för Drug Conjugates Based on a Monovalent Affibody Targeting Vector Can Efficiently Eradicate HER2 Positive Human Tumors in an Experimental Mouse Model
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Drug Conjugates Based on a Monovalent Affibody Targeting Vector Can Efficiently Eradicate HER2 Positive Human Tumors in an Experimental Mouse Model
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2021
- DOI för Ga-66-PET-imaging of GRPR-expression in prostate cancer: production and characterization of [Ga-66]Ga-NOTA-PEG(2)-RM26
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Ga-66-PET-imaging of GRPR-expression in prostate cancer: production and characterization of [Ga-66]Ga-NOTA-PEG(2)-RM26
Ingår i Cancers, s. 4791-4791, 2021
- DOI för HER3 PET Imaging: 68Ga-Labeled Affibody Molecules Provide Superior HER3 Contrast to 89Zr-Labeled Antibody and Antibody-Fragment-Based Tracers
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av HER3 PET Imaging: 68Ga-Labeled Affibody Molecules Provide Superior HER3 Contrast to 89Zr-Labeled Antibody and Antibody-Fragment-Based Tracers
Ingår i Cancers, 2021
- DOI för Imaging-Guided Therapy Simultaneously Targeting HER2 and EpCAM with Trastuzumab and EpCAM-Directed Toxin Provides Additive Effect in Ovarian Cancer Model
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Imaging-Guided Therapy Simultaneously Targeting HER2 and EpCAM with Trastuzumab and EpCAM-Directed Toxin Provides Additive Effect in Ovarian Cancer Model
Ingår i Cancers, 2021
- DOI för Influence of the Position and Composition of Radiometals and Radioiodine Labels on Imaging of Epcam Expression in Prostate Cancer Model Using the DARPin Ec1
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Influence of the Position and Composition of Radiometals and Radioiodine Labels on Imaging of Epcam Expression in Prostate Cancer Model Using the DARPin Ec1
PET and SPECT Imaging of the EGFR Family (RTK Class I) in Oncology
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021
- DOI för PET and SPECT Imaging of the EGFR Family (RTK Class I) in Oncology
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av PET and SPECT Imaging of the EGFR Family (RTK Class I) in Oncology
Ingår i Journal of Nuclear Medicine, s. 493-499, 2021
Ingår i Bûlleten' sibirskoj mediciny, s. 23-30, 2021
- DOI för Possibilities of radionuclide diagnostics of Her2-positive breast cancer using technetium-99m-labeled target molecules: the first experience of clinical use
- Ladda ner fulltext 1 (pdf) av Possibilities of radionuclide diagnostics of Her2-positive breast cancer using technetium-99m-labeled target molecules: the first experience of clinical use
- Ladda ner fulltext 2 (pdf) av Possibilities of radionuclide diagnostics of Her2-positive breast cancer using technetium-99m-labeled target molecules: the first experience of clinical use
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2021
- DOI för Preclinical Evaluation of 99mTc-Labeled GRPR Antagonists maSSS/SES-PEG2-RM26 for Imaging of Prostate Cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical Evaluation of 99mTc-Labeled GRPR Antagonists maSSS/SES-PEG2-RM26 for Imaging of Prostate Cancer
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021
- DOI för Preclinical Evaluation of Tc-99m-ZHER2:41071, a Second-Generation Affibody-Based HER2-Visualizing Imaging Probe with a Low Renal Uptake
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical Evaluation of Tc-99m-ZHER2:41071, a Second-Generation Affibody-Based HER2-Visualizing Imaging Probe with a Low Renal Uptake
Radionuclide therapy using ABD-fused ADAPT scaffold protein: Proof of Principle
Ingår i Biomaterials, 2021
- DOI för Radionuclide therapy using ABD-fused ADAPT scaffold protein: Proof of Principle
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Radionuclide therapy using ABD-fused ADAPT scaffold protein: Proof of Principle
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2021
- DOI för Targeting HER2 Expressing Tumors with a Potent Drug Conjugate Based on an Albumin Binding Domain-Derived Affinity Protein
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Targeting HER2 Expressing Tumors with a Potent Drug Conjugate Based on an Albumin Binding Domain-Derived Affinity Protein
The emerging role of radionuclide molecular imaging of HER2 expression in breast cancer
Ingår i Seminars in Cancer Biology, s. 185-197, 2021
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2021
- DOI för The Influence of Domain Permutations of an Albumin-Binding Domain-Fused HER2-Targeting Affibody-Based Drug Conjugate on Tumor Cell Proliferation and Therapy Efficacy
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The Influence of Domain Permutations of an Albumin-Binding Domain-Fused HER2-Targeting Affibody-Based Drug Conjugate on Tumor Cell Proliferation and Therapy Efficacy
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2021
- DOI för The Use of a Non-Conventional Long-Lived Gallium Radioisotope 66Ga Improves Imaging Contrast of EGFR Expression in Malignant Tumours Using DFO-ZEGFR: 2377 Affibody Molecule
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The Use of a Non-Conventional Long-Lived Gallium Radioisotope 66Ga Improves Imaging Contrast of EGFR Expression in Malignant Tumours Using DFO-ZEGFR: 2377 Affibody Molecule
Affibody Molecules as Targeting Vectors for PET Imaging
Ingår i Cancers, 2020
- DOI för Affibody Molecules as Targeting Vectors for PET Imaging
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Affibody Molecules as Targeting Vectors for PET Imaging
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020
- DOI för Benefit of Later-Time-Point PET Imaging of HER3 Expression Using Optimized Radiocobalt-Labeled Affibody Molecules
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Benefit of Later-Time-Point PET Imaging of HER3 Expression Using Optimized Radiocobalt-Labeled Affibody Molecules
Ingår i International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, s. 216-225, 2020
- DOI för Effect of a radiolabel biochemical nature on tumor-targeting properties of EpCAM-binding engineered scaffold protein DARPin Ec1
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Effect of a radiolabel biochemical nature on tumor-targeting properties of EpCAM-binding engineered scaffold protein DARPin Ec1
Ingår i European Journal of Organic Chemistry, s. 6375-6381, 2020
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2020
- DOI för Evaluating the Therapeutic Efficacy of Mono- and Bivalent Affibody-Based Fusion Proteins Targeting HER3 in a Pancreatic Cancer Xenograft Model.
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluating the Therapeutic Efficacy of Mono- and Bivalent Affibody-Based Fusion Proteins Targeting HER3 in a Pancreatic Cancer Xenograft Model.
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2020
- DOI för Evaluation of an antibody-PNA conjugate as a clearing agent for antibody-based PNA-mediated radionuclide pretargeting
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of an antibody-PNA conjugate as a clearing agent for antibody-based PNA-mediated radionuclide pretargeting
Feasibility of Imaging EpCAM Expression in Ovarian Cancer Using Radiolabeled DARPin Ec1
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020
- DOI för Feasibility of Imaging EpCAM Expression in Ovarian Cancer Using Radiolabeled DARPin Ec1
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Feasibility of Imaging EpCAM Expression in Ovarian Cancer Using Radiolabeled DARPin Ec1
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2020
- DOI för HER2-Specific Pseudomonas Exotoxin A PE25 Based Fusions: Influence of Targeting Domain on Target Binding, Toxicity, and In Vivo Biodistribution
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av HER2-Specific Pseudomonas Exotoxin A PE25 Based Fusions: Influence of Targeting Domain on Target Binding, Toxicity, and In Vivo Biodistribution
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2020
- DOI för Heterodimeric Radiotracer Targeting PSMA and GRPR for Imaging of Prostate Cancer-Optimization of the Affinity towards PSMA by Linker Modification in Murine Model
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Heterodimeric Radiotracer Targeting PSMA and GRPR for Imaging of Prostate Cancer-Optimization of the Affinity towards PSMA by Linker Modification in Murine Model
Imaging using radiolabelled targeted proteins: radioimmunodetection and beyond.
Ingår i EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry, 2020
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020
- DOI för Influence of Residualizing Properties of the Radiolabel on Radionuclide Molecular Imaging of HER3 Using Affibody Molecules
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Influence of Residualizing Properties of the Radiolabel on Radionuclide Molecular Imaging of HER3 Using Affibody Molecules
Ingår i EJNMMI Research, 2020
- DOI för Kinetic analysis of HER2-binding ABY-025 Affibody molecule using dynamic PET in patients with metastatic breast cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Kinetic analysis of HER2-binding ABY-025 Affibody molecule using dynamic PET in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Ingår i Molecules, 2020
- DOI för Preclinical Evaluation of the Copper-64 Labeled GRPR-Antagonist RM26 in Comparison with the Cobalt-55 Labeled Counterpart for PET-Imaging of Prostate Cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical Evaluation of the Copper-64 Labeled GRPR-Antagonist RM26 in Comparison with the Cobalt-55 Labeled Counterpart for PET-Imaging of Prostate Cancer
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2020
- DOI för Preclinical Evaluation of the GRPR-Targeting Antagonist RM26 Conjugated to the Albumin-Binding Domain for GRPR-Targeting Therapy of Cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Preclinical Evaluation of the GRPR-Targeting Antagonist RM26 Conjugated to the Albumin-Binding Domain for GRPR-Targeting Therapy of Cancer
Ingår i Current Medicinal Chemistry, s. 7090-7111, 2020
Ingår i Molecules, 2020
- DOI för Radionuclide Molecular Imaging of EpCAM Expression in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Using the Scaffold Protein DARPin Ec1
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Radionuclide Molecular Imaging of EpCAM Expression in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Using the Scaffold Protein DARPin Ec1
Ingår i Oncology Reports, s. 534-542, 2019
Basic and practical concepts of radiopharmaceutical purification methods
Ingår i Drug Discovery Today, s. 315-324, 2019
Ingår i Cancers, 2019
- DOI för Bispecific GRPR-antagonistic anti-PSMA/GRPR heterodimer for PET and SPECT diagnostic imaging of prostate cancer
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Bispecific GRPR-antagonistic anti-PSMA/GRPR heterodimer for PET and SPECT diagnostic imaging of prostate cancer
CAIX-targeting radiotracers for hypoxia imaging in head and neck cancer models
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2019
- DOI för CAIX-targeting radiotracers for hypoxia imaging in head and neck cancer models
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av CAIX-targeting radiotracers for hypoxia imaging in head and neck cancer models
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2019
- DOI för Comparative evaluation of affibody- and antibody fragments-based CAIX imaging probes in mice bearing renal cell carcinoma xenografts
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Comparative evaluation of affibody- and antibody fragments-based CAIX imaging probes in mice bearing renal cell carcinoma xenografts
Ingår i European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, s. 37-48, 2019
- DOI för Comparative evaluation of dimeric and monomeric forms of ADAPT scaffold protein for targeting of HER2-expressing tumours
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Comparative evaluation of dimeric and monomeric forms of ADAPT scaffold protein for targeting of HER2-expressing tumours
Ingår i Molecular Pharmaceutics, s. 995-1008, 2019
Ingår i International Journal of Oncology, s. 1209-1220, 2019
- DOI för Comparison of tumor-targeting properties of directly and indirectly radioiodinated designed ankyrin repeat protein (DARPin) G3 variants for molecular imaging of HER2
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Comparison of tumor-targeting properties of directly and indirectly radioiodinated designed ankyrin repeat protein (DARPin) G3 variants for molecular imaging of HER2
Ingår i Pharmaceutics, 2019
- DOI för Evaluation of Tumor-Targeting Properties of an Antagonistic Bombesin Analogue RM26 Conjugated with a Non-Residualizing Radioiodine Label Comparison with a Radiometal-Labelled Counterpart
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluation of Tumor-Targeting Properties of an Antagonistic Bombesin Analogue RM26 Conjugated with a Non-Residualizing Radioiodine Label Comparison with a Radiometal-Labelled Counterpart
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2019
- DOI för Improved contrast of affibody-mediated imaging of HER3 expression in mouse xenograft model through co-injection of a trivalent affibody for in vivo blocking of hepatic uptake
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Improved contrast of affibody-mediated imaging of HER3 expression in mouse xenograft model through co-injection of a trivalent affibody for in vivo blocking of hepatic uptake
Ingår i Cancers, 2019
- DOI för Incorporation of a Hydrophilic Spacer Reduces Hepatic Uptake of HER2-Targeting Affibody-DM1 Drug Conjugates
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Incorporation of a Hydrophilic Spacer Reduces Hepatic Uptake of HER2-Targeting Affibody-DM1 Drug Conjugates
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2019
- DOI för Increase in negative charge of 68Ga/chelator complex reduces unspecific hepatic uptake but does not improve imaging properties of HER3-targeting affibody molecules
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Increase in negative charge of 68Ga/chelator complex reduces unspecific hepatic uptake but does not improve imaging properties of HER3-targeting affibody molecules
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019
- DOI för Indirect Radioiodination of DARPin G3 Using N-succinimidyl-Para-Iodobenzoate Improves the Contrast of HER2 Molecular Imaging
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Indirect Radioiodination of DARPin G3 Using N-succinimidyl-Para-Iodobenzoate Improves the Contrast of HER2 Molecular Imaging
Ingår i International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019
- DOI för Molecular Design of HER3-Targeting Affibody Molecules: Influence of Chelator and Presence of HEHEHE-Tag on Biodistribution of 68Ga-Labeled Tracers
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Molecular Design of HER3-Targeting Affibody Molecules: Influence of Chelator and Presence of HEHEHE-Tag on Biodistribution of 68Ga-Labeled Tracers