För lärare i engelska: Collaboratively exploring Chaucer

  • Datum: 23 april 2024, kl. 15.00–17.00
  • Plats: Zoom
  • Typ: Seminarium
  • Föreläsare: Eva Göksel and Suzanne Ericson
  • Webbsida
  • Arrangör: FBA
  • Kontaktperson: Charlotte Lindgren

Vikten av samarbete i klassrummet är obestridd och är en av de viktigaste hållbarhetskompetenserna som identifierats av UNESCO. I detta webbinarium kommer vi att använda ett dramabaserat tillvägagångssätt för att bygga upp samarbetsförmåga, samtidigt som vi utforskar en av Chaucers Canterbury Tales. Seminariet kommer att hållas på engelska.

We will use a range of performative pedagogies, inviting participants to hone their collaborative skills in playful space. The approaches explored in this webinar can be adapted for the secondary and upper secondary English classroom. The webinar will provide teachers with creative hands-on ideas about how to work with canonical English texts.

The Zoom link will be shared with participants the day before the seminar. 
Level: Secondary and Upper Secondary

To register, please follow this link:

Eva Göksel has a background in language and literature education, drama education, and in broadcasting. Her work also explores teacher training, storytelling, listening, and performative teaching and learning.

Suzanne Ericson is a qualified teacher with a background in English language and literature education. She currently works in continuing education and teaches undergraduate students. Her research interests are literary didactics, pedagogy, education for sustainable development, and Indigenous literatures.

