För lärare i engelska: Embodying Language - Playing with multilingualism and storytelling

  • Datum: 22 oktober 2024, kl. 15.00–17.00
  • Plats: Zoom
  • Typ: Seminarium
  • Föreläsare: Eva Göksel
  • Webbsida
  • Arrangör: FBA
  • Kontaktperson: Charlotte Lindgren

Med hjälp av språkporträtt kommer vi att reflektera över våra personliga språkresor och fundera över hur vi kan inkludera och hedra de olika språk som finns i våra klasser. Seminariet kommer att hållas på engelska.

This workshop begins by exploring the participants’ language resources by means of the Language Portrait. What languages and dialects have we encountered and what kinds of experiences have we had with them? How do we feel about our own language learning journeys? How do these experiences translate into our work in the classroom? Using storytelling as a tool, we experiment with different ways of including and honouring the various languages present in our classes. The workshop aims to collect new ideas and tools for acknowledging the additional languages present in our classrooms.
The Zoom link will be shared with participants the day before the seminar. 

Level: Primary  

To register, please follow this link

Eva Göksel has a background in language and literature education, drama education, and in broadcasting. Her work also explores teacher training, storytelling, listening, and performative teaching and learning.

