Research Seminar - Scientific integrity and ethics
- Datum: 26 april 2022, kl. 16.15–18.45
- Plats: Geocentrum
- Typ: Seminarium
- Arrangör: Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS)
- Kontaktperson: Steffi Burchardt
Seminarium om vetenskap och etik. Evenemanget hålls på engelska.
Hambergsalen, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University or remote participation via Zoom
14:15 Welcome and Introduction (Steffi Burchardt, Uppsala University)
14:30 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of Sweden. Presentation by Joshi Niranjan,Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University (20 mins). Discussant: Åsa Davidsson, Karlstad University (20 mins).
15:10 Coffee break
Part II – Scientific Integrity and Ethics
15:20 Reflections on whakaari/white island disaster and how a volcanologist thinks about risk. Presentation by Ben Kennedy, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.(20 mins + 5 mins for Q & A session)
The role of an ‘academic’ volcanologist/seismologist and interaction with the IGEPN in Ecuador. Presentation by Andrew Bell, University of Edinburg, Scotland. (20 mins + 5 mins for Q & A session)
16:10 Discussion moderated by Steffi Burchardt
16:45 End of meeting
17– 18:00 Mingle at Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
To participate in the seminar, please register here by 12 April: