Karin Brocki
Professor vid Institutionen för psykologi; Avdelningen för Emotionspsykologi
- Telefon:
- 018-471 21 17
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-682 43 63
- E-post:
- Karin.Brocki@psyk.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Von Kraemers allé 1A och 1C
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 1225
751 42 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- BSc, FD, doc.
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Min forskning handlar om utveckling av exekutiva funktioner- dvs. de funktioner som är nödvändiga för själv-reglering av våra tankar, känslor och handlingar. Jag studerar strukturen av EF i typisk utveckling samt i relation till ADHD symtom i tvärsnittsstudier så väl som i longitudinella studier. Aktuella forskningsfrågor berör huruvida 1) tidiga brister i EF kan ses som en riskfaktor för senare ADHD problem 2) komplexa EFs (tex arbetsminne) utvecklingsmässigt bygger på enkla EFs (inhibition), 3) olika aspekter av föräldraskap och barns anknytning kan tänkas vara av betydelse för utvecklingen av individuella skillnader i EF och senare beteendeproblem.
Urval av publikationer
- A Longitudinal Examination of the Developmental Executive Function Hierarchy in Children With Externalizing Behavior Problems (2015)
- Mental Set Shifting in Childhood (2014)
- Early Aspects of Self-Regulation as Predictors of Adolescent ADHD Symptoms (2014)
- Disorganized Attachment and Inhibitory Capacity (2012)
- Interrelations Between Executive Function and Symptoms of Hyperactivity/Impulsivity and Inattention in Preschoolers (2010)
- CPT performance, motor activity, and continuous relations to ADHD symptom domains (2010)
- Childhood Executive Function Inventory (CHEXI) (2010)
- The Relations between Executive Function and Language in Preschool Children (2009)
- The proposed interaction between working memory and inhibition (2009)
- Provisional hypotheses for the molecular genetics of cognitive development: Imaging genetic pathways in the anterior cingulate cortex (2008)
- Placing neuroanatomical models of executive function in a developmental context: Imaging and imaging-genetic strategies (2008)
- Working memory in school-aged children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder combined type (2008)
- Motor Response Inhibition and Execution in the Stop-Signal Task (2008)
- Stop-Signal Inhibition in the General Population: Development, Construct Validity and Relation to ADHD Symptoms (2007)
- Early concurrent and longitudinal symptoms of ADHD and ODD (2007)
- Developmental change in the relation between executive functions and symptoms of ADHD and co-occuring behaviour problems (2006)
- Executive functions in children aged 6-13: (2004)
Senaste publikationer
- Predicting emotion regulation in typically developing toddlers (2024)
- A challenge to the expected (2024)
- Behavior problems, social relationships, and adolescents' future orientation (2024)
- The influence of anterior cingulate GABA+ and glutamate on emotion regulation and reactivity in adolescents and adults (2024)
- Disrupted Attention to Other’s Eyes is Linked to Symptoms of ADHD in Childhood (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Predicting emotion regulation in typically developing toddlers (2024)
- A challenge to the expected (2024)
- Behavior problems, social relationships, and adolescents' future orientation (2024)
- The influence of anterior cingulate GABA+ and glutamate on emotion regulation and reactivity in adolescents and adults (2024)
- Disrupted Attention to Other’s Eyes is Linked to Symptoms of ADHD in Childhood (2023)
- Pupil dilation during negative prediction errors is related to brain choline concentration and depressive symptoms in adolescents (2023)
- Eye-movement indices of arousal predict ADHD and comorbid externalizing symptoms over a 2-year period (2023)
- Using the Infant Sibling-Design to Explore Associations Between Autism and ADHD Traits in Probands and Temperament in the Younger Siblings (2023)
- Williams syndrome (2023)
- COVID-19 and processes of adjustment in people with persistent pain (2023)
- Neurocognition and mean radiotherapy dose to vulnerable brain structures (2023)
- Can attachment predict core and comorbid symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder beyond executive functions and emotion regulation? (2022)
- Inhibitory control and problem solving in early childhood (2022)
- How Does Temperament in Toddlers at Elevated Likelihood for Autism Relate to Symptoms of Autism and ADHD at Three Years of Age? (2022)
- Health, well-being, and persisting symptoms in the pandemic (2022)
- Neurocognitive Functions Before and After Radiotherapy in Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors (2022)
- Increased pupil dilation to happy faces in children with hyperactive/impulsive symptoms of ADHD (2021)
- The role of psychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19 (2021)
- Anxiety among Fathers in the Postnatal Period (2021)
- ADHD symptoms and callous-unemotional traits as predictors of violent media use in adolescence (2021)
- Disorganized attachment representations, externalizing behavior problems, and socioemotional competences in early school-age (2020)
- Mind-wandering in children with and without ADHD (2020)
- Atypical Development of Attentional Control Associates with Later Adaptive Functioning, Autism and ADHD Traits (2020)
- Can auditory warning signals normalize eye movements in children with ADHD? (2020)
- Psychological impact of covid-19 in the Swedish population (2020)
- Do Individual Differences in Early Affective and Cognitive Self-Regulation Predict Developmental Change in ADHD Symptoms From Preschool to Adolescence? (2019)
- Can reactivity and regulation in infancy predict inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive behavior in 3-year-olds? (2019)
- Does child verbal ability mediate the relationship between maternal sensitivity and later self-regulation? (2019)
- Temperament and Cognitive Regulation During the First 3 Years of Life as Predictors of Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity at 6 Years (2019)
- A multi-factorial perspective on ADHD and ODD in school-aged children (2019)
- Cognitive and Emotional Profiles of CU Traits and Disruptive Behavior in Adolescence (2019)
- Reduced Orienting to Audiovisual Synchrony in Infancy Predicts Autism Diagnosis at 3 Years of Age (2018)
- The role of sustained attention, maternal sensitivity, and infant temperament in the development of early self-regulation (2018)
- Diminished ability to identify facial emotional expressions in children with disorganized attachment representations (2017)
- The role of sustained attention, maternal sensitivity, and infant temperament in the development of early self-regulation (2017)
- Multipla orsaker till symtom på ADHD (2016)
- The Heterogeneity of ADHD Symptoms and Conduct Problems (2016)
- Individual differences in early executive functions (2016)
- A Longitudinal Examination of the Developmental Executive Function Hierarchy in Children With Externalizing Behavior Problems (2015)
- Mental Set Shifting in Childhood (2014)
- Disorganized Attachment and Inhibitory Capacity (2012)
- Interrelations Between Executive Function and Symptoms of Hyperactivity/Impulsivity and Inattention in Preschoolers (2010)
- CPT performance, motor activity, and continuous relations to ADHD symptom domains (2010)
- Childhood Executive Function Inventory (CHEXI) (2010)
- Assessing the molecular genetics of the development of executive attention in children (2009)
- The proposed interaction between working memory and inhibition (2009)
- Provisional hypotheses for the molecular genetics of cognitive development: Imaging genetic pathways in the anterior cingulate cortex (2008)
- Placing neuroanatomical models of executive function in a developmental context: Imaging and imaging-genetic strategies (2008)
- Working memory in school-aged children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder combined type (2008)
- Motor Response Inhibition and Execution in the Stop-Signal Task (2008)
- Stop-Signal Inhibition in the General Population: Development, Construct Validity and Relation to ADHD Symptoms (2007)
- Early concurrent and longitudinal symptoms of ADHD and ODD (2007)
- Developmental change in the relation between executive functions and symptoms of ADHD and co-occuring behaviour problems (2006)
- Executive functions in children aged 6-13: (2004)
- A Multi-Factorial Perspecitve on ADHD and ODD in School-Aged Children: What is the Role of Cognitive Regulation, Temperament, and Parental Support?
- Assessing mind wandering in children with ADHD: A validation of the Mind Excessive Wandering Scale (MEWS) (2018)
- Can early inhibition, persistence, and activity level predict inattention and hyperactive/impulsive behavior in 6-year-olds? (2017)
- Maternal Sensitivity, Infant Temperament, and Inhibition, as Interactive and Independent Predictors of Early ADHD Symptoms (2016)
- Early Aspects of Self-Regulation as Predictors of Adolescent ADHD Symptoms (2014)