Hans Bernhoff
Professor i elektricitetslära med inriktn m högpresterande system vid Institutionen för elektroteknik; Elektricitetslära
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-425 08 34
- E-post:
- hans.bernhoff@angstrom.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 65
751 03 UPPSALA
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Hans Bernhoff vid Institutionen för elektroteknik; Elektricitetslära
- Akademiska meriter:
- TeknD, Docent i teknisk fysik med inriktning mot elektricitetslära
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Kort presentation
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Prof. Bernhoff received his doctoral degree from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, in 1992 in the field of material physics/surface science. After one year (1992-1993) as postdoctoral reseaercher at IBM Research Division in Zurich, Switzerland, he joined ABB Corporate Research at Västerås (Sweden) as a project leader. In 2001, Prof. Bernhoff became an associate professor at the Division of Electricity, Uppsala University, and was appointed as a professor in 2011.
- electrical machines
- pulse power
- vawt
- wind power
Professor Bernhoff erhöll sin doktorsexamen från Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), Sverige, 1992 inom området materialfysik/ytfysik. Efter ett år (1992-1993) som postdoktoral forskare vid IBM Research Division i Zürich, Schweiz, började han på ABB Corporate Research i Västerås (Sverige) som projektledare. År 2001 blev han docent vid Institutionen för elektricitet, Uppsala universitet, och utnämndes till professor 2011.
Han är en seriell entreprenör (medgrundare och första VD) för Energy Potential AB, Seabased AB, Vertical Wind AB och Electric Line Uppland AB. Han har varit styrelseledamot i det svenska vakuumvetenskapliga sällskapet (1996-1998) och FRAM-konsortiet (Fundamental Research and Application of Magnetism) från 2002. Professor Bernhoff har fått ett antal utmärkelser: Årets Uppfinnare från ABB Corporate Research (1994 och 1995), Sveriges Ingenjörers Miljöfondens Stipendium (2004 och 2011). Han är uppfinnare eller med-uppfinnare av 30 patent inom våg-, vind- och puls-kraft och energilagring.
Vid Uppsala universitet har Bernhoff främst varit engagerad i forskning om vågkraft med en direktdriven punkt-absorberande teknik, puls-kraft med induktiv pulsgenerator (40 TW demonstrerades framgångsrikt) och vindkraft.
Inom vindkraft har Bernhoff främst studerat vertikal axelade vindturbiner, där bladen roterar runt en vertikal axel i motsats till en horisontell, som i konventionella vindkraftverk. En av fördelarna med en vertikal axel är att generatorn kan placeras på marken, vilket ger bättre prestanda och billigare byggkostnader. Han har studerat och utvecklat ett helt nytt direktdriven vertikalt axelvindturbinsystem för stora applikationer och i samband med spin-off-företaget Vertical Wind demonstrerat nätansluten drift i den 200 kW Falkenberg VAWT. För vilka två föregångarsystem utvecklades och studerades: en 2 kW vertikal axelvindturbin från Uppsala universitet konstruerades 2005, och 2006 utvecklades och byggdes en 12 kW turbin i Marsta utanför Uppsala. I Falkenberg demonstrerade han även världens första moderna trätorn för vindkraft. Han har också utvecklat och installerat småskaliga Savonius-baserade vertikala axelvindturbiner för stöd av neutrinovetenskaplig forskning på både Antarktis och Grönland.
De senaste åren har han varit involverad i att utveckla ny teknik, CRAFT - Counter Rotating Axis Floating Tilted turbine, för offshore flytande vindkraft.
Urval av publikationer
- High-Speed Kinetic Energy Buffer (2014)
- Dynamic Stall Modeling for the Conditions of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (2014)
- High Speed Flywheels for Vehicular Applications (2014)
- An upper size of vertical axis wind turbines (2014)
- Filter Influence on Rotor Losses in Coreless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines (2013)
- Tip Speed ratio control of a 200 kW VAWT with synchronous generator and variable DC voltage (2013)
- Experimental investigation of standard drive cycles in a flywheel based propulsion system (2013)
- Passive Axial Thrust Bearing for a Flywheel Energy Storage System (2013)
- Sliding Mode 4-Quadrant DCDC Converter for a Flywheel Application (2013)
- Electric Control Substituting Pitch Control for Large Wind Turbines (2013)
- On a Two Pole Motor for Electric Propulsion System (2013)
- On the Efficiency of a Two-Power-Level Flywheel-Based All-Electric Driveline (2012)
- Prototype of Kinetic Energy Storage System for Electrified Utility Vehicles in Urban Traffic (2012)
- No-load core loss prediction of PM generator at low electrical frequency (2012)
- Electrical Motor Drivelines in Commercial All Electric Vehicles (2012)
- Rotor design for PM generators reflecting the unstable neodymium price (2012)
- Design of a unique direct driven PM generator adapted for a telecom tower wind turbine (2012)
- Implementation and Control of an AC/DC/AC Converter for Double Wound Flywheel Application (2012)
- Study on a doubly-fed flywheel machine-based driveline with an AC/DC/AC converter (2012)
- Study on doubly fed flywheel machine based driveline withan AC/DC/AC converter (2012)
- Resonances and Aerodynamic Damping of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (2012)
- Parking Strategies for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (2012)
- Power electronics and control of two-voltage-level flywheel based all-electric driveline (2011)
- Power balance control in an AC/DC/AC converter for regenerative braking in a two-voltage-level flywheel based driveline (2011)
- Dynamic stability of an electricity generation system based on renewable energy (2011)
- Fast aeroelastic model for straight bladed vertical axis wind and hydro turbines (2010)
- Adapting a VAWT with PM generator to telecom applications (2010)
- A Multi-Body Vortex Method Applied to Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (2010)
- A 225 kW direct driven PM generator for a vertical axis wind turbine (2010)
- A Double Wound Flywheel System under Standard Drive Cycles (2010)
- FEM simulations and experiments of different loading conditions for a 12 kW direct driven PM synchronous generator for wind power (2009)
- Catch the wave to electricity (2009)
- Flywheel energy and power storage systems (2007)
- Experimental results from a 12 kW vertical axis wind turbine with a direct driven PM synchronous generator (2007)
- Wave energy potential in the Baltic Sea and the Danish part of the North Sea, with reflections on the Skagerrak (2007)
- Construction, modelling and evaluation of a low-loss motor/generator for flywheel energy storage (2007)
- Inductive high voltage pulse generator based on resonance system (2007)
- 45 GW pulsed-power generator (2007)
- Wave energy resources in sheltered sea areas (2006)
- An electrical approach to wave energy conversion (2006)
- An inductive 700 MW high voltage pulse generator (2006)
- Design of a 12kW vertical axis wind turbine equipped with a direct driven PM synchronous generator (2006)
- A direct drive wave energy converter (2005)
- Experiments at Islandsberg on the west coast of Sweden in preparation of the construction of a pilot wave power plant (2005)
- Simulation of Wave-Energy Converter With Octagonal Linear Generator (2005)
- Simulated generator for wave energy extraction in deep water (2005)
- Multiphysics Simulation of Wave Energy to Electric Energy Conversion by Permanent Magnet Linear Generator (2005)
- Full-Scale Testing of PM Linear Generator for Point Absorber WEC (2005)
- Conversion of wave energy to electricity (2004)
- Rotating and Linear Syncronous Generators for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion (2004)
- Overstressing of High-Voltage Capacitors (2004)
- Simulation of cogging in a 100kW permanent magnet octagonal linear generator for ocean wave conversion (2004)
- Simulation of a 100 kW permanent magnet octagonal linear generator for ocean wave energy conversion and utilization (2004)
- Calculating the Coupling Factor in a Multilayer Coaxial Transformer With Air Core (2004)
- Rotor Concept Comparison for Underwater Power Generation (2002)
Senaste publikationer
- Vortex filament method 3D analysis of design parameters for counter-rotating axis floating tilted turbine (2023)
- Design and Simulation study of 40 MW PM Generator for the CRAFT (2023)
- Hydrodynamic validation of a semi-submersible floating platform supporting a 15MW wind turbine tower under extreme loading scenarios with DualSPHysics and MoorDyn+ (2023)
- Hardware Development for the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G) (2022)
- Reconstructing the neutrino energy for in-ice radio detectors (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Reconstructing the neutrino energy for in-ice radio detectors (2022)
- A numerical study of strut and tower influence on the performance of vertical axis wind turbines using computational fluid dynamics simulation (2022)
- Comparison of Three-Dimensional Numerical Methods for Modeling of Strut Effect on the Performance of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (2022)
- Design and sensitivity of the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G) (2021)
- Numerical prediction of noise generated from airfoil in stall using LES and acoustic analogy (2021)
- Aeroacoustic noise prediction of a vertical axis wind turbine using Large Eddy Simulation (2021)
- Probing the angular and polarization reconstruction of the ARIANNA detector at the South Pole (2020)
- A search for cosmogenic neutrinos with the ARIANNA test bed using 4.5 years of data (2020)
- Student-centered learning in an engineering course with project-integrated laboratory experiment (2020)
- Numerical Study of a Novel Concept for Manufacturing Savonius Turbines with Twisted Blades (2020)
- Neutrino vertex reconstruction with in-ice radio detectors using surface reflections and implications for the neutrino energy resolution (2019)
- Targeting ultra-high energy neutrinos with the ARIANNA experiment (2019)
- Multiple Vertical Axis Wind Turbines with Passive Rectification to a Common DC-link (2018)
- Eddy Currents in a Passive Magnetic Axial Thrust Bearing for a Flywheel Energy Storage System (2017)
- Reluctance Machine for a Hollow Cylinder Flywheel (2017)
- Location of aerodynamic noise sources from a 200 kW vertical-axis wind turbine (2017)
- A Review of Research on Large Scale Modern Vertical Axis Wind Turbines at Uppsala University (2016)
- Noise Emission of a 200 kW Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (2016)
- Turbulence influence on wind energy extraction for a medium size vertical axis wind turbine (2016)
- Calculation of Tooth Ripple Losses in Solid Poles (2015)
- Simulating Pitching Blade With Free Vortex Model Coupled With Dynamic Stall Model for Conditions of Straight Bladed Vertical Axis Turbines (2015)
- Measurements of the Aerodynamic Normal Forces on a 12-kW Straight-Bladed Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (2015)
- Flywheel Energy Storage for Automotive Applications (2015)
- Evaluation of a Blade Force Measurement System for a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using Load Cells (2015)
- High-Speed Kinetic Energy Buffer (2014)
- Dynamic Stall Modeling for the Conditions of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (2014)
- Eigen Frequencies of A Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Tower Made of Laminated Wood and the Effect Upon Attaching Guy Wires (2014)
- An upper size of vertical axis wind turbines (2014)
- Filter Influence on Rotor Losses in Coreless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines (2013)
- Tip Speed ratio control of a 200 kW VAWT with synchronous generator and variable DC voltage (2013)
- Sliding Mode 4-Quadrant DCDC Converter for a Flywheel Application (2013)
- Electric Control Substituting Pitch Control for Large Wind Turbines (2013)
- On a Two Pole Motor for Electric Propulsion System (2013)
- On the Efficiency of a Two-Power-Level Flywheel-Based All-Electric Driveline (2012)
- No-load core loss prediction of PM generator at low electrical frequency (2012)
- Electrical Motor Drivelines in Commercial All Electric Vehicles (2012)
- Design of a unique direct driven PM generator adapted for a telecom tower wind turbine (2012)
- Implementation and Control of an AC/DC/AC Converter for Double Wound Flywheel Application (2012)
- Study on a doubly-fed flywheel machine-based driveline with an AC/DC/AC converter (2012)
- Study on doubly fed flywheel machine based driveline withan AC/DC/AC converter (2012)
- Resonances and Aerodynamic Damping of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (2012)
- Parking Strategies for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (2012)
- Magnetic bearings in kinetic energy storage systems for vehicular applications (2011)
- 3D FEM modeling of ironless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet motor/generators (2011)
- Loss evaluation and design optimisation for direct driven permanent magnet synchronous generators for wind power (2011)
- A 225 kW Direct Driven PM Generator Adapted to a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (2011)
- Gerador de ímãs permanentes de acionamento direto para turbina de eixo vertical (2011)
- Battery discharging power control in a double-wound flywheel system applied to electric vehicles (2011)
- Power balance control in an AC/DC/AC converter for regenerative braking in a two-voltage-level flywheel based driveline (2011)
- Electrical Starter System for an H-Rotor Type VAWT with PM-Generator and Auxiliary Winding (2011)
- Power coefficient measurement on a 12 kW straight bladed vertical axis wind turbine (2011)
- Fast aeroelastic model for straight bladed vertical axis wind and hydro turbines (2010)
- A Multi-Body Vortex Method Applied to Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (2010)
- Comparison between axial and radial flux PM coreless machines for flywheel energy storage (2010)
- Dual voltage driveline for vehicle applications (2010)
- Battery Recharging Issue for a Two-Power-Level Flywheel System (2010)
- A Double Wound Flywheel System under Standard Drive Cycles (2010)
- Design Parameters Calculation of a Novel Driveline for Electric Vehicles (2009)
- Analytical solutions for a single blade in vertical axis turbine motion in two dimensions (2009)
- FEM simulations and experiments of different loading conditions for a 12 kW direct driven PM synchronous generator for wind power (2009)
- Catch the wave to electricity (2009)
- High-voltage pulsed-power cable generator (2009)
- Conformal mapping and efficient boundary element method without, boundary elements for fast vortex particle simulations (2008)
- Evaluation of different turbine concepts for wind power (2008)
- Simulations and experiments on a 12 kW direct driven PM synchronous generator for wind power (2008)
- Flywheel energy and power storage systems (2007)
- Wave energy potential in the Baltic Sea and the Danish part of the North Sea, with reflections on the Skagerrak (2007)
- Inductive high voltage pulse generator based on resonance system (2007)
- Wave energy resources in sheltered sea areas (2006)
- Generator-Damped Torsional Vibrations of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (2006)
- An electrical approach to wave energy conversion (2006)
- An inductive 700 MW high voltage pulse generator (2006)
- Design of a 12kW vertical axis wind turbine equipped with a direct driven PM synchronous generator (2006)
- Simulation of Wave-Energy Converter With Octagonal Linear Generator (2005)
- Simulated generator for wave energy extraction in deep water (2005)
- Multiphysics Simulation of Wave Energy to Electric Energy Conversion by Permanent Magnet Linear Generator (2005)
- Conversion of wave energy to electricity (2004)
- Overstressing of High-Voltage Capacitors (2004)
- Simulation of a 100 kW permanent magnet octagonal linear generator for ocean wave energy conversion and utilization (2004)
- Calculating the Coupling Factor in a Multilayer Coaxial Transformer With Air Core (2004)
- Injection dependent long carrier lifetimes in high quality CVD diamond (2001)
- A numerical study of strut influence on blade forces of vertical axis wind turbine using computational fluid dynamics simulation
- Comparison of three-dimensional numerical methods for modeling of strut effect on aerodynamic forces of a vertical axis wind turbine
- Vortex filament method 3D analysis of design parameters for counter-rotating axis floating tilted turbine (2023)
- Design and Simulation study of 40 MW PM Generator for the CRAFT (2023)
- Hydrodynamic validation of a semi-submersible floating platform supporting a 15MW wind turbine tower under extreme loading scenarios with DualSPHysics and MoorDyn+ (2023)
- Hardware Development for the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G) (2022)
- LES prediction for acoustic noise of airfoil at high angle of attack (2020)
- Frequency analysis of tangential force measurements on a vertical axis wind turbine (2016)
- Simulating Pitching Blade With Free Vortex Model Coupled With Dynamic Stall Model For Conditions Of Straight Bladed Vertical Axis Turbines (2014)
- High Speed Flywheels for Vehicular Applications (2014)
- Avoidance of resonances in a semi-guy-wired vertical axis wind turbine (2014)
- Experimental investigation of standard drive cycles in a flywheel based propulsion system (2013)
- Passive Axial Thrust Bearing for a Flywheel Energy Storage System (2013)
- Prototype of Kinetic Energy Storage System for Electrified Utility Vehicles in Urban Traffic (2012)
- Influence of incoming flow direction on spacing between vertical axis marine current turbines placed in a row (2012)
- Rotor design for PM generators reflecting the unstable neodymium price (2012)
- Power electronics and control of two-voltage-level flywheel based all-electric driveline (2011)
- Implementation of an AC/DC/AC converter for electric vehicle application (2011)
- Dynamic stability of an electricity generation system based on renewable energy (2011)
- Implementation and control of an AC/DC/AC converter for double wound flywheel application (2011)
- Prototype of electric driveline with magnetically levitated double wound motor (2010)
- Adapting a VAWT with PM generator to telecom applications (2010)
- A 225 kW direct driven PM generator for a vertical axis wind turbine (2010)
- Design Parameters Calculation of a Novel Driveline for Electric Vehicles (2009)
- Losses in Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Coreless Flywheel Energy Storage Systems (2008)
- Controlling a permanent-magnet motor using PWM converter in flywheel energy storage systems (2008)
- Progress of control system and measurement techniques for a 12 kW vertical axis wind turbine (2008)
- Experimental results from a 12 kW vertical axis wind turbine with a direct driven PM synchronous generator (2007)
- Construction, modelling and evaluation of a low-loss motor/generator for flywheel energy storage (2007)
- 45 GW pulsed-power generator (2007)
- Design of a 12kW vertical axis wind turbine equipped with a direct driven PM synchronous generator (2006)
- A direct drive wave energy converter (2005)
- Experiments at Islandsberg on the west coast of Sweden in preparation of the construction of a pilot wave power plant (2005)
- Full-Scale Testing of PM Linear Generator for Point Absorber WEC (2005)
- Rotating and Linear Syncronous Generators for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion (2004)
- Simulation of cogging in a 100kW permanent magnet octagonal linear generator for ocean wave conversion (2004)
- Rotor Concept Comparison for Underwater Power Generation (2002)