Paul Wallin
Professor vid Institutionen för arkeologi, antik historia och kulturvård.; Arkeologi
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- 018-471 83 13, 0498-10 83 13
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- Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3
621 57 Visby - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
621 67 Visby
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BA from Stockholm University in 1985, PhD from Uppsala University in 1994 with a dissertation on “Ceremonial Stone Structures” on the Society Islands in French Polynesia. In the 1980s I worked at excavations on Gotland, and Southeastern Sweden as well as on the Island of Åland (Finland), later I focused on Pacific archaeology. My present focus is on Stone age sites and burial practices, mainly Pitted Ware as well as monumental structures in Scandinavia and the Pacific.
Urval av publikationer
- Prehistoric lifestyles on Gotland (2011)
- Monumental Structures and the Spirit of Chiefly Actions (2011)
- The place of the land and the seat of the ancestors (2011)
- Stenvallen i Gothemshammar : Rapport från arkeologisk undersökning 2009 (2011)
- The story of the only (?) megalith grave on Gotland Island (2010)
- Time and Temples (2010)
- In search of rituals and group dynamics (2010)
- Neolithic Monuments on Gotland (2010)
- The Gotland Papers (2010)
- Re-dating Ahu Nau Nau and the Settlement at 'Anakena, Rapa Nui (2010)
- Marae Reflections (2010)
- Archaeological investigations of marae structures in Huahine, Society Islands, French Polynesia (2010)
- Räddad, reformerad och registrerad (2010)
- Religious Structures in the Hanga Ho'onu Region (2008)
- Ancêtres et pratiques rituelles (2008)
- Phosphates and bones (2008)
- The excavations of Pulemelei site 2002-2004 (2007)
- Settlement Patterns (2007)
- A Radiocarbon Sequence for Samoan Prehistory and the Pulemelei Mound (2007)
- Säljakten på Gotland (2007)
- Structure, Spatial Metaphors and Landscape (2006)
- Dating Ritual Structures in Maeva, Huahine (2006)
- Historical records and archaeological excavations of two "national" marae complexes on Huahine, Society Islands, French Polynesia (2005)
- Report from archaeological investigations of marae structures in the district of Maeva, Huahine 2003 (2005)
- How marae change: In modern times, for example (2004)
- “The times they are a-changing” or “Something is happening here” … (2001)
- Three Special Places in East Polynesia (2000)
- Excavations at Anakena (1999)
- Contextual Interpretations of Archery Platforms in the Society Islands (1998)
- Ceremonial stone structures (1993)
Senaste publikationer
- Tidig medeltida bebyggelse, hamnområde och fiske i Västergarn (2023)
- Medeltida syllstensgrund, stolpbyggnad och brya (2022)
- Delrapport 1 (2022)
- Anakena Re-visited (2022)
- "Igelkottskvinnorna" under gropkeramisk tid på Gotland (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Native South Americans were early inhabitants of Polynesia early (2020)
- Heiau, 'aina, lani (2020)
- Early Holocene human population events on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea (9200-3800 cal. BP) (2018)
- New insights on cultural dualism and population structure in the MiddleNeolithic Funnel Beaker culture on the island of Gotland (2018)
- The Stone Cist Conundrum (2018)
- Gothemshammar - a Late Bronze Age coastal rampart on Gotland (2018)
- Reconsidering Precolumbian Human Colonization In The Galapagos Islands, Republic Of Ecuador (2016)
- The Use and Organisation of a Middle-Neolithic Pitted Ware Site on the Island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea (2016)
- Reviewed book: Kahn, J.G. & Kirch, P.V. Monumentality and Ritual Materialization in the Society Islands: The Archaeology of a Major Ceremonial Complex in the Opunohu Valley, Mo'orea (2015)
- Chronogeographic Variation in Initial East Polynesian Construction of Monumental Ceremonial Sites (2013)
- Prehistoric lifestyles on Gotland (2011)
- Monumental Structures and the Spirit of Chiefly Actions (2011)
- The place of the land and the seat of the ancestors (2011)
- The story of the only (?) megalith grave on Gotland Island (2010)
- In search of rituals and group dynamics (2010)
- Marae Reflections (2010)
- Ancêtres et pratiques rituelles (2008)
- The excavations of Pulemelei site 2002-2004 (2007)
- Settlement Patterns (2007)
- A Radiocarbon Sequence for Samoan Prehistory and the Pulemelei Mound (2007)
- Säljakten på Gotland (2007)
- Dating Ritual Structures in Maeva, Huahine (2006)
- Historical records and archaeological excavations of two "national" marae complexes on Huahine, Society Islands, French Polynesia (2005)
- How marae change: In modern times, for example (2004)
- Three Special Places in East Polynesia (2000)
- The Gotland Papers (2010)
- Archaeological investigations of marae structures in Huahine, Society Islands, French Polynesia (2010)
- Ceremonial stone structures (1993)
- Delrapport 1 (2022)
- Anakena Re-visited (2022)
- "Igelkottskvinnorna" under gropkeramisk tid på Gotland (2022)
- Analyser och tolkningar av begravningspraktiker hos mellanneolitisk gropkeramisk kultur på Gotland (2017)
- Collective spaces and material expressions: ritual practice and island identities in Neolithic Gotland (2016)
- Collective spaces and material expressions: ritual practice and island identities in Neolithic Gotland (2016)
- Spatial Perspectives on Ceremonial Complexes (2014)
- The Current Debate on the Existence of Prehistoric Sweet Potato in Polynesia (2014)
- Chiefs, Fashion and Zeitgeist: Exclusion as an Expension Strategy in Kinship Based Groups in the Society Islands (2014)
- The Current Debate on the Existence of Prehistoric Sweet Potato in Polynesia (2014)
- Neolithic Monuments on Gotland (2010)
- Räddad, reformerad och registrerad (2010)
- Religious Structures in the Hanga Ho'onu Region (2008)
- Phosphates and bones (2008)
- Structure, Spatial Metaphors and Landscape (2006)
- Report from archaeological investigations of marae structures in the district of Maeva, Huahine 2003 (2005)
- Perfect Death: Examples of Pitted Ware Ritualisation of the Dead (2015)
- Time and Temples (2010)
- Re-dating Ahu Nau Nau and the Settlement at 'Anakena, Rapa Nui (2010)
- “The times they are a-changing” or “Something is happening here” … (2001)
- Excavations at Anakena (1999)
- Contextual Interpretations of Archery Platforms in the Society Islands (1998)
- Tidig medeltida bebyggelse, hamnområde och fiske i Västergarn (2023)
- Medeltida syllstensgrund, stolpbyggnad och brya (2022)
- Rapport från arkeologisk undersökning vid Botvalde 1:30, Gothem 232:1, Gotland (2018)
- Rapport från arkeologisk undersökning vid Licksarve 2:1, Raä Tofta 27:1, Gotland (2018)
- Rapport från arkeologisk undersökning vid Licksarve 2:1, Raä Tofta 27:1, Gotland (2018)
- Rapport från arkeologisk undersökning vid Ajvide 2:1 2017 Eksta 171:1 (2017)
- Stenvallen i Gothemshammar : Rapport från arkeologisk undersökning 2009 (2011)