Patrik Rönnbäck
Professor i hållbar utveckling vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Naturresurser och Hållbar utveckling
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- 018-471 83 75, 0498-10 83 75
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62157 Visby - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
62167 Visby
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- Professor Sustainable Development, focus Natural Resources
Research website:
- citbui009
- ecbiwa001
- ecbuto003
- envmed008
- esdeve007
- gopole004
- grinno011
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Professor (2009) in Sustainable development with focus on natural resources. Academic background from Stockholm University: PhD Systems Ecology (2001) and Associate Professor Natural Resource Management (2007).
Personal academic interest and expertise include applications of sustainability assessments, economic valuation, management, policy and governance in the context of eco-labelling of food commodities, ecosystem services trade-offs, recreational fisheries and nature tourism.
Extensive experience of developing, leading and administrating courses/programs, as well as teaching as lecturer on a large variety of university courses covering aspects of sustainable development, natural resource management, ecological economics, environmental science, ecology, etc.
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Interdisciplinary research background from the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and Stockholm University where he was awarded a PhD in 2001. Academic interest and expertise include applications of sustainability assessments, economic valuation, management, policy and governance in the context of eco-labelling of food commodities, ecosystem services trade-offs, recreational fisheries and nature tourism.
Rönnbäck was the chair (2019-2023) of the dynamic and expanding interdisciplinary research program Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University. This research program acknowledges that the environment and its natural resources and ecosystem services constitute a prerequisite for strong sustainable development. Research focus is on sustainability transformations and transitions in thematic areas such as energy, climate change leadership, food, biodiversity, tourism and coastal zones.
Urval av publikationer
- Eco-certification of Farmed Seafood (2013)
- Hållbart vattenbruk: potential och utmaningar (2013)
- Aquaculture and biodiversity (2013)
- Mangrove ecosystem services and the potential for carbon revenue programmes in the Solomon Island (2011)
- Murky water (2009)
- Seagrass importance in food provisioning services (2008)
- Coastal habitat support to fish and fisheries in Sweden (2008)
- Ethnobiology, socio-economics and adaptive management of mangroves (2008)
- Community structure and temporal variability of juvenile fish assemblages in natural and replanted mangroves, Sonneratia alba Sm., of Gazi Bay, Kenya (2007)
- The return of ecosystem goods and services in replanted mangrove forests (2007)
- Ecosystem goods and services from Swedish coastal habitats: Identification, valuation, and implications of ecosystem shifts (2007)
- The natural capital of the sea. Ecosystem services - free of cost but priceless in worth (2007)
- Havets naturkapital: Gratis men livsnödvändigt arbete (2007)
- Re-establishment of epibiotic communities in reforested mangroves of Gazi Bay, Kenya (2006)
- Analysing ethnobotanical and fishery-related importance of mangroves of the East-Godavari Delta (Andhra Pradesh, India) for conservation and management purposes (2006)
- How do seaweed farms influence fishery catches in a seagrass-dominated setting in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar? (2006)
- Shift in fish assemblage structure due to loss of seagrass Zostera marina habitats in Sweden (2006)
- Miljö och fiskerinäring efter flodvågen (2005)
- Use of replanted mangroves as nursery grounds by shrimp communities in Gazi Bay, Kenya (2005)
- Regime shifts and ecosystem services in Swedish coastal softbottom habitats (2005)
- Links between humans and seagrasses (2004)
- Aquaculture and Energy Use (2004)
- Odlad fisk är mindre miljövänlig än många tror (2003)
- Ecosystem services of the tropical seascape (2003)
- Mangrove dependence and socio-economic concerns in shrimp hatcheries of Andhra Pradesh, India (2003)
- Recent Changes in Land-use in the Pambala-Chilaw Lagoon Complex (Sri Lanka) Investigated Using Remote Sensing and GIS (2002)
- Seagrass ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean (2002)
- Coastal Aquaculture Development in Eastern Africa and the Western Indian Ocean (2002)
- Do Penaeid Shrimps have a Preference for Mangrove Habitats? Distribution Pattern Analysis on Inhaca Island, Mozambique (2002)
- Misplaced critique (2002)
- Shrimp aquaculture (2001)
- Mangroves and seafood production (2001)
- The ‘ecological footprint’ (2000)
- Aquaculture (2000)
- Ecosystem perspectives on management of disease in shrimp pond farming (2000)
- Illuminating the need for ecological knowledge in economic valuation of mangroves under different management regimes — a critique (2000)
- The ecological basis for economic value of seafood production supported by mangrove ecosystems (1999)
- Distribution Pattern of Shrimps and Fish Among Avicennia and Rhizophora Microhabitats in the Pagbilao Mangroves, Philippines (1999)
- Ecological engineering in aquaculture (1999)
Senaste publikationer
- Imagination, reality, and reproduction (2024)
- A Delphi‐study to identify drivers of future angling participation in five Nordic countries (2024)
- Informing obligations (2023)
- What you see isn't always what you get (2023)
- To eat or not to eat, coastal sea trout anglers' motivations and perceptions of best practices for catch and release (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Imagination, reality, and reproduction (2024)
- A Delphi‐study to identify drivers of future angling participation in five Nordic countries (2024)
- Informing obligations (2023)
- What you see isn't always what you get (2023)
- To eat or not to eat, coastal sea trout anglers' motivations and perceptions of best practices for catch and release (2022)
- Strong and weak sustainability in Nordic aquaculture policies (2022)
- Been there, done that? (2022)
- Fishers who rely on mangroves (2021)
- Catch reporting in recreational fishing (2020)
- Fishers who rely on mangroves (2020)
- Biodiversity’s contributions to sustainable development (2019)
- What factors enable or hinder engagement of civil society in ecosystem management? (2018)
- Recreational fishing for sea trout – Resource for whom and to what value? (2018)
- Aquaculture (2017)
- Eco-Labeled Seafood (2016)
- Miljömärkning av fisk och skaldjur - hur långt räcker det? (2015)
- Eco-certification of Farmed Seafood (2013)
- Mangrove ecosystem services and the potential for carbon revenue programmes in the Solomon Island (2011)
- Murky water (2009)
- Seagrass importance in food provisioning services (2008)
- Coastal habitat support to fish and fisheries in Sweden (2008)
- Ethnobiology, socio-economics and adaptive management of mangroves (2008)
- Ethnobiology, socio-economics and management of mangrove forests (2008)
- Community structure and temporal variability of juvenile fish assemblages in natural and replanted mangroves, Sonneratia alba Sm., of Gazi Bay, Kenya (2007)
- The return of ecosystem goods and services in replanted mangrove forests (2007)
- Ecosystem goods and services from Swedish coastal habitats: Identification, valuation, and implications of ecosystem shifts (2007)
- Re-establishment of epibiotic communities in reforested mangroves of Gazi Bay, Kenya (2006)
- Analysing ethnobotanical and fishery-related importance of mangroves of the East-Godavari Delta (Andhra Pradesh, India) for conservation and management purposes (2006)
- How do seaweed farms influence fishery catches in a seagrass-dominated setting in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar? (2006)
- Shift in fish assemblage structure due to loss of seagrass Zostera marina habitats in Sweden (2006)
- Miljö och fiskerinäring efter flodvågen (2005)
- Use of replanted mangroves as nursery grounds by shrimp communities in Gazi Bay, Kenya (2005)
- Regime shifts and ecosystem services in Swedish coastal softbottom habitats (2005)
- Links between humans and seagrasses (2004)
- Ecosystem services of the tropical seascape (2003)
- Mangrove dependence and socio-economic concerns in shrimp hatcheries of Andhra Pradesh, India (2003)
- Recent Changes in Land-use in the Pambala-Chilaw Lagoon Complex (Sri Lanka) Investigated Using Remote Sensing and GIS (2002)
- Seagrass ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean (2002)
- Coastal Aquaculture Development in Eastern Africa and the Western Indian Ocean (2002)
- Do Penaeid Shrimps have a Preference for Mangrove Habitats? Distribution Pattern Analysis on Inhaca Island, Mozambique (2002)
- Misplaced critique (2002)
- The ‘ecological footprint’ (2000)
- Ecosystem perspectives on management of disease in shrimp pond farming (2000)
- Illuminating the need for ecological knowledge in economic valuation of mangroves under different management regimes — a critique (2000)
- The ecological basis for economic value of seafood production supported by mangrove ecosystems (1999)
- Distribution Pattern of Shrimps and Fish Among Avicennia and Rhizophora Microhabitats in the Pagbilao Mangroves, Philippines (1999)
- Ecological engineering in aquaculture (1999)
- What factors enable or hinder engagement of civil society in ecosystem management? The case of “pike factories” and wetland restoration in Sweden.
- Beyond asking the right questions
- Fishing for sustainability (2022)
- Hållbart vattenbruk: potential och utmaningar (2013)
- Aquaculture and biodiversity (2013)
- The natural capital of the sea. Ecosystem services - free of cost but priceless in worth (2007)
- Havets naturkapital: Gratis men livsnödvändigt arbete (2007)
- Aquaculture and Energy Use (2004)
- Odlad fisk är mindre miljövänlig än många tror (2003)
- Aquaculture (2000)