Samuel Blyth
Postdoktor vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Naturresurser och Hållbar utveckling
- Telefon:
- 018-471 84 35
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-167 99 61
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- Besöksadress:
- Campus Gotland
Cramérgatan 3
621 57 Visby - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet
Campus Gotland
621 67 Visby
- 0000-0002-8243-8924
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- brown trout
- catch-and-release
- recreational fisheries
- social-ecological systems
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On March 1 , 2024 I successfully defended my PhD thesis titled: "Casting for Knowledge and Landing Understanding: Exploring the management of Swedish recreational fisheries as social-ecological systems."
My current research interests focus on the socio-ecological relationships, stewardship, and governance issues surrounding the conservation and management of marine and freshwater resources, with a particular emphasis on recreational fisheries. This includes the development and communication of best practice information for performing catch-and-release, the coordination of fishery management across watersheds, and species diversity and bycatch in recreational fisheries.
I completed my MSc in Renewable Resources at McGill University. My thesis focused on an investigation of the ecosystem services linking mangrove forests and human well-being southwest Madagascar. After obtaining my MSc I worked as a field scientist for Blue Ventures in Madagascar, co-ordinating the monitoring of coral reef ecosystems with community based management of marine resources. From 2015 until starting my doctoral studies I have worked with the Energy and Technology Department at SLU on a project focusing on the use of fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) to convert organic waste into a valuable and protein rich product.
Havsöring: Sportfiske & Återutsättning
Många tycker om att fiska havsöring och andra fiskar längs våra kuster. Tillsammans med länsförvaltningarna har vi tagit fram instruktionsfilmer om hur man släpper ut fisk så bra som möjligt.
Urval av publikationer
- Casting for Knowledge and Landing Understanding (2024)
- Tourism, animals & the vacant niche (2024)
- Informing obligations (2023)
- After the spawn and on the hook (2022)
- To eat or not to eat, coastal sea trout anglers' motivations and perceptions of best practices for catch and release (2022)
Senaste publikationer
- Casting for Knowledge and Landing Understanding (2024)
- Tourism, animals & the vacant niche (2024)
- Informing obligations (2023)
- After the spawn and on the hook (2022)
- To eat or not to eat, coastal sea trout anglers' motivations and perceptions of best practices for catch and release (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Tourism, animals & the vacant niche (2024)
- Informing obligations (2023)
- After the spawn and on the hook (2022)
- To eat or not to eat, coastal sea trout anglers' motivations and perceptions of best practices for catch and release (2022)
- Catch reporting in recreational fishing: Swedish anglers’ attitudes and preferences and the effect of social factors (2020)
- Imagination, reality, and reproduction
- Beyond asking the right questions