Matteo Tarsi
Forskare vid Institutionen för nordiska språk
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- 018-471 76 90
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- Thunbergsvägen 3L, hus 16, plan 2
Institutionen för nordiska språk - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet
Institutionen för nordiska språk, Box 527
751 20 UPPSALA
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- CV:
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- 0000-0001-6548-7874
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Urval av publikationer
- Scripta Islandica (2024)
- OIcel. kærr ‘dear, beloved’ and the “Picardian hypothesis” (2023)
- Naming the elements in the Nordic languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic) until 1945 (2023)
- Loanwords and native words in the Nordic languages database (c.1550–c. 1900) (2023)
- Linguistic terminology in Swedish and Danish with comparison of Icelandic (2023)
- Från Island till Sverige och tillbaka (2023)
- Gothic (PaVeDa dataset) (2023)
- Loanwords and Native Words in Old and Middle Icelandic (2022)
- Loanwords and Native Words in Old and Middle Icelandic (2022)
- Grammatical core terminology in Icelandic (2022)
- Prestiti e parole autoctone (2022)
- Orðsifjar og etýmólógía (2021)
- Studies in General and Historical Linguistics Offered to Jón Axel Harðarson On the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (2021)
- The Language of Halldór Laxness´ Gerpla (2021)
- Loanwords and Native Words in Old and Middle Icelandic (Doctoral defense) (2021)
- Valency patterns and alternations in Gothic (2021)
- Samspil tökuorða og innlendra orða í samheitapörum í Þriðju málfræðiritgerðinni (2020)
- Instances of loanword/native word textual variation in the manuscript transmission of Egils saga Skallagrímssonar and Gísla saga Súrssonar (2019)
- Towards a phonology of Scandinavian Latin runic inscriptions (2019)
- Alle origini del purismo islandese (2019)
- Lat. scrībere in Germanic (2019)
- Modern Icelandic basic linguistic terminology: A survey from a historico-puristic perspective (2018)
- Að halda uppi lögum og reglu (2018)
- Two short essays by Árni Magnússon on the origins of the Icelandic language (2018)
- Creating a Norm for the Vernacular (2017)
- Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík (2017)
- On the origin of the oldest borrowed Christian terminology in Icelandic (2016)
- Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík and the Icelandic language purism in the first half of the 18th century (2016)
- The care for the mother tongue in mediaeval Iceland and beyond (2016)
- Le parole di origine latina in islandese moderno: un glossario (2014)
- On Loanwords of Latin Origin in Contemporary Icelandic (2014)
Senaste publikationer
- Scripta Islandica (2024)
- OIcel. kærr ‘dear, beloved’ and the “Picardian hypothesis” (2023)
- Naming the elements in the Nordic languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic) until 1945 (2023)
- Loanwords and native words in the Nordic languages database (c.1550–c. 1900) (2023)
- Linguistic terminology in Swedish and Danish with comparison of Icelandic (2023)
Alla publikationer
- OIcel. kærr ‘dear, beloved’ and the “Picardian hypothesis” (2023)
- Linguistic terminology in Swedish and Danish with comparison of Icelandic (2023)
- Grammatical core terminology in Icelandic (2022)
- The Language of Halldór Laxness´ Gerpla (2021)
- Loanwords and Native Words in Old and Middle Icelandic (Doctoral defense) (2021)
- Samspil tökuorða og innlendra orða í samheitapörum í Þriðju málfræðiritgerðinni (2020)
- Instances of loanword/native word textual variation in the manuscript transmission of Egils saga Skallagrímssonar and Gísla saga Súrssonar (2019)
- Towards a phonology of Scandinavian Latin runic inscriptions (2019)
- Lat. scrībere in Germanic (2019)
- Að halda uppi lögum og reglu (2018)
- Two short essays by Árni Magnússon on the origins of the Icelandic language (2018)
- Creating a Norm for the Vernacular (2017)
- Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík (2017)
- On the origin of the oldest borrowed Christian terminology in Icelandic (2016)
- Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík and the Icelandic language purism in the first half of the 18th century (2016)
- On Loanwords of Latin Origin in Contemporary Icelandic (2014)
- Scripta Islandica (2024)
- Från Island till Sverige och tillbaka (2023)
- Loanwords and Native Words in Old and Middle Icelandic (2022)
- Studies in General and Historical Linguistics Offered to Jón Axel Harðarson On the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (2021)
- Le parole di origine latina in islandese moderno: un glossario (2014)
- Naming the elements in the Nordic languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic) until 1945 (2023)
- Orðsifjar og etýmólógía (2021)
- Valency patterns and alternations in Gothic (2021)
- Alle origini del purismo islandese (2019)
- Modern Icelandic basic linguistic terminology: A survey from a historico-puristic perspective (2018)
- The care for the mother tongue in mediaeval Iceland and beyond (2016)
- Loanwords and native words in the Nordic languages database (c.1550–c. 1900) (2023)
- Gothic (PaVeDa dataset) (2023)