Maria Kjellsson
Professor vid Institutionen för farmaci; Farmakometri
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Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Maria Kjellsson vid Institutionen för farmaci; Farmakometri
Professor vid Institutionen för farmaci; Farmakometri
- Besöksadress:
- Biomedicinskt Centrum BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postadress:
- Box 580
751 23 UPPSALA
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Maria Kjellsson vid Institutionen för farmaci; Farmakometri
- CV:
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- 0000-0003-3531-9452
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Kort presentation
Maria Kjellsson är professor i farmakokinetik och docent i farmakometri. Hon är del av den stora och framgångsrika forskningsenheten Farmakometri, som leds av Mats Karlsson.
Titel: Professor i Farmakokinetik
Position: Professor vid Institutionen för Farmaci
Forskningsområde: Farmakometrisk diabetesmodellering, Farmakometrisk metodologi
Mitt forskningsintresse är diabetes; främst typ 2, även känd som vuxen diabetes. Jag är leder den farmakometrisk diabetesgrupp tillsammans med Mats Karlsson och vi använder modeller med "mixed-effects" för att undersöka, beskriva och kvantifiera olika tidsvarierande aspekter av diabetes, såsom sjukdomsförlopp och behandlingseffekter.
Diabetes påverkar cirka 285 miljoner människor globalt och på grund av en åldrande befolkning, fetma och stillasittande livsstil kommer antalet diabetiker sannolikt att öka med 54% fram till 2030. Förutom de akuta symtomen som högt blodsocker orsakar, orsakar diabetes också långsiktiga komplikationer, inklusive kranskärlssjukdom, blindhet och njursjukdom. Diabetesbehandling inkluderar livsstilsförändringar, såsom sockerfattig kost och motion, men också farmakologisk behandling.
Vad gör vi:
De modeller vi utvecklar kan användas för att beskriva prekliniska experiment (alltså djurförsök), kliniska glukosbelastningar och HbA1c-studier till modeller som beskriver hjärt-kärlsjukdom (CVD) och njursjukdom med hjälp av registerdata.
De avsedda användningarna av modellerna varierar också kraftigt. Vissa av våra modeller används av läkemedelsindustrin för att brygga djurförsök till studier i människor och för att bestämma den bästa läkemedelsdosen. Vissa modeller används inom läkemedelsutveckling för att hjälpa till att optimera utformningen av s k kliniska studier, genomföra simuleringar av kliniska prövningar och kvantifiera läkemedelseffekter. Medan vissa modeller kan användas för att förutsäga den långsiktiga vinsten av en behandling på HbA1c eller till och med risken för CVD i förhållande till diabetes.
Förutom att undersöka effekterna av läkemedel, undersöker vi också förhållandet mellan viktändring och insulinkänslighet. Minskad insulinkänslighet är ett förstadie till diabetes och att förstå processen som leder fram till diabetes ur ett helkroppsperspektiv, med hänsyn till genetisk information, är också ett av våra nyare forskningsprojekt.
Senaste publikationer
- Population pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus whole blood and peripheral blood mononuclear cell concentrations in stable kidney‐transplanted patients (2024)
- Item response theory analysis of daytime sleepiness as a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (2024)
- Evaluation of covariate effects in item response theory models (2024)
- Pharmacometric modeling of drug adverse effects (2023)
- Altered glucose-dependent secretion of glucagon and ACTH is associated with insulin resistance, assessed by population analysis (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Population pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus whole blood and peripheral blood mononuclear cell concentrations in stable kidney‐transplanted patients (2024)
- Item response theory analysis of daytime sleepiness as a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (2024)
- Evaluation of covariate effects in item response theory models (2024)
- Pharmacometric modeling of drug adverse effects (2023)
- Altered glucose-dependent secretion of glucagon and ACTH is associated with insulin resistance, assessed by population analysis (2023)
- Evaluation of postprandial total triglycerides within the TIGG model for characterizing postprandial response of glucose, insulin, and GLP-1 (2023)
- Optimal dosing of gliclazide-A model-based approach (2023)
- Optimization of trial duration to predict long-term HbA1c change with therapy (2022)
- Impact of Obesity on Postprandial Triglyceride Contribution to Glucose Homeostasis, Assessed with a Semimechanistic Model (2022)
- A Time-to-Event Model Relating Integrated Craving to Risk of Smoking Relapse Across Different Nicotine Replacement Therapy Formulations (2021)
- Optimal Designs for Model-Based Assessment of Insulin Sensitivity and Glucose Effectiveness. (2021)
- Postprandial triglyceride reduction following acute treatment of a selective 5-hydroxytryptamine-2c agonist and characterization using a semi-physiological model (2021)
- Linking categorical models for prediction of pleasantness score using individual predictions of sweetness and creaminess (2021)
- Comparison of Precision and Accuracy of Five Methods to Analyse Total Score Data (2021)
- An Item Response Theory-Informed Strategy to Model Total Score Data from Composite Scales (2021)
- Relating Nicotine Plasma Concentration to Momentary Craving Across Four Nicotine Replacement Therapy Formulations (2020)
- Sweet/Fat Preference Taste in Subjects who are Lean, Obese and Very Obese (2020)
- Dose-Response Mixed Models for Repeated Measures – a New Method for Assessment of Dose-Response (2020)
- The Integrated Glucose Insulin Minimal Model (2019)
- Translation between two models; Application with integrated glucose homeostasis models (2019)
- Variability Attribution for Automated Model Building (2019)
- Model-Based Conditional Weighted Residuals Analysis for Structural Model Assessment (2019)
- Using a semi-mechanistic model to identify the main sources of variability of metformin pharmacokinetics (2019)
- A Bounded Integer Model for Rating and Composite Scale Data (2019)
- An exposure-response (ER) model relating nicotine plasma concentration to momentary craving across different nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) formulations (2018)
- Study Design Selection in Early Clinical Anti-Hyperglycemic Drug Development (2018)
- Model-Based Residual Post-Processing for Residual Model Identification (2018)
- A Semi-physiological Model of Postprandial Triglyceride Response in Lean, Obese and Very obese Subjects Following a high-fat meal (2018)
- Evidence-Based Design of Fixed-Dose Combinations (2018)
- Comparison of Power, Prognosis, and Extrapolation Properties of Four Population Pharmacodynamic Models of HbA1c for Type 2 Diabetes (2018)
- Model-Based Interspecies Scaling of Glucose Homeostasis (2017)
- Impact of demographics and disease progression on the relationship between glucose and HbA1c (2017)
- Implications for Drug Characterization in Glucose Tolerance Tests Without Insulin (2017)
- Comparison of diagnostics using model-based post-processing for fast automated model building (2017)
- Evidence-based design of fixed-dose combinations (2017)
- Semi-mechanistic model describing gastric emptying and glucose absorption in healthy subjects and patients with type 2 diabetes (2016)
- Modeling the Disease Progression from Healthy to Overt Diabetes in ZDSD Rats (2016)
- Weight-HbA1c-Insulin-Glucose Model for Describing Disease Progression of Type 2 Diabetes (2016)
- Methods for Predicting Diabetes Phase III Efficacy Outcome From Early Data (2016)
- Requirements for multi-level systems pharmacology models to reach end-usage (2016)
- Application of the integrated glucose-insulin model for cross-study characterization of T2DM patients on metformin background treatment (2016)
- Mechanistic Modeling of Pitavastatin Disposition in Sandwich-Cultured Human Hepatocytes (2016)
- Mechanistic modeling of hepatic pitavastatin disposition (2016)
- A proof-of-principle example for identifying drug effect from a mechanistic model with a more parsimonious model (2016)
- Interspecies scaling of dynamic glucose and insulin using a mathematical model approach (2015)
- A mathematical disease progression model for the effect of diet and exercise in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (FDPS) (2015)
- Nonlinear mixed-effects modelling for single cell estimation (2015)
- The Effects of a GLP-1 Analog on Glucose Homeostasis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Quantified by an Integrated Glucose Insulin Model (2015)
- Methods for Predicting Diabetes Phase III Efficacy Outcome From Early Data (2014)
- Modeling of 24-Hour Glucose and Insulin Profiles in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treated With Biphasic Insulin Aspart (2014)
- Identification of the primary mechanism of action of an insulin secretagogue from meal test data in healthy volunteers based on an integrated glucose-insulin model (2013)
- A Model-Based Approach to Predict Longitudinal HbA1c, Using Early Phase Glucose Data From Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients After Anti-Diabetic Treatment (2013)
- ADOPT (A Dynamic HbA(1c) EndpOint Prediction Tool) (2013)
- Longitudinal Modeling of the Relationship Between Mean Plasma Glucose and HbA1c Following Antidiabetic Treatments (2013)
- Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of the Penetration of Antituberculosis Agents in Rabbit Pulmonary Lesions (2012)
- Abscess penetration of cefpirome (2012)
- Good penetration of moxifloxacin into human abscesses (2012)
- Modeling sleep data for a new drug in development using Markov mixed-effects models (2011)
- Evaluation of the Nonparametric Estimation Method in NONMEM VI (2009)
- The impact of misspecification of residual error or correlation structure on the type I error rate for covariate inclusion (2009)
- Comparison of proportional odds and differential odds models for mixed-effects analysis of categorical data (2008)
- Estimating bias in population parameters for some models for repeated measures ordinal data using NONMEM or NLMIXED (2004)
- The effects of dose staggering on metabolic drug-drug interactions (2003)