Elias Faltin
Projektkoordinator vid Institutionen för speldesign
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-469 76 56
- E-post:
- elias.faltin@speldesign.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Strandgatan 1b (Residenset)
621 57 VISBY - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
62167 Visby
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I coordinate project collaborations with the Department of Game Design, internal projects at the department, and events at the department.
You can talk to me about:
- Game Design and Production projects (digital games, board games, gamification, serious games)
- Practice based game design research
- App and Web App development
- Agile Development Methods
- Game Jams, Hackathons, Innovation Days
- and more, just reach out!
- agile
- app development
- board games
- events
- game design
- game design research
- game jams
- gamification
- ggc
- gotland game conference
- hackathons
- innovation days
- project coordinator
- project management
- scrum
- serious games
- web development