Ricardo Costa Climent

Doktorand vid Institutionen för informatik och media

Ekonomikum (plan 3)
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA

Kort presentation

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Short presentation

Dr Ricardo COSTA CLIMENT is a PhD in Information Systems at the Department of Informatics & Media, Uppsala University. He is also an adjunct lecturer. He obtained advanced degrees in Economics and Law and served more than two decades as a legal advisor. Ricardo’s doctoral dissertation focused on economic firms' value creation through artificial intelligence, specifically predictive AI.


  • actor network theory
  • artifical intelligence
  • business model
  • data network effects
  • evolutionary theory


Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.


Dr Ricardo COSTA CLIMENT is a PhD in Information Systems at the Department of Informatics & Media, Uppsala University. He is also an adjunct lecturer. He obtained advanced degrees in Economics and Law and served more than two decades as a legal advisor. Ricardo’s doctoral dissertation focused on economic firms' value creation through artificial intelligence, specifically predictive AI.

He has studied various disciplines, including digital retail, omnichannel, law, and economics, among others. His graduate studies have taken him to various universities in Spain, Austria, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.

He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Economics and Business in Law in Economic and Financial Management in the University Research Training and tax consulting program.

Before joining Uppsala University, I served as an early career researcher at Linnaeus University, Sweden, in the context of an EU-funded position within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Training Network program. Before returning to academia, he spent 22 years as a Lawyer and Tax Advisor and then as a public servant in the Valencian Government in Spain.

He is serving as a reviewer in several journals and international conferences, and as a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Business Accounting and Finance Perspectives and ESIC Market.


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Ricardo Costa Climent


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