Marko Pajevic
Vik. Universitetslektor i tyska Dr. vid Institutionen för moderna språk; Tyska
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I started teaching German literature at Uppsala University after positions in France (Paris IV/Paris I -Sorbonne), in the UK (Queen's University Belfast/ Royal Holloway/Queen Mary University of London) and in Estonia (University of Tartu).
I had fellowships at the Centre Marc Bloch (Humboldt University Berlin) in 2017 and at the School of Advanced Study, University of London in 2023.
My PhD was on the poetics of Paul Celan, my habilitation developed a poetological anthropology.Forskning
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- Poetisch denken. Jetzt,
Passagen Verlag, series Passagen Philosophie, Vienna, 2022 (128 pp.)
- reviewed in: Germanistische Mitteilungen 48, 2022; Tell: Magazin für Literatur und Zeitgenossenschaft, 17.1.2023;, December 2023
- Translated into English by Nicola Creighton:
Poetic Thinking Now,
Series Routledge Focus on Literature, Routledge, New York, 2023
- Translated into Estonian by Jaanus Sooväli:
Poeetiliselt mõtelda. Nüüd ja kohe,
Series Kaasaegne mõte (Contemporary Thought), Tartu University Press, Tartu, 2023
- Poetisches Denken und die Frage nach dem Menschen. Grundzüge einer poetologischen Anthropologie,
Karl Alber Verlag, series Dia-Logik, Freiburg i.Br., 2012 (358 pp.)
- reviewed in: Colloquia Germanica, 2010, 43/4; The German Quarterly, Spring 2012, 85/2; Choice. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, May 2012; Austrian Studies 21, 2014; Journal of Austrian Studies 47/1, Spring 2014; Aufgang. Jahrbuch für Denken, Dichten, Musik, 11, 2014, Études Germaniques 69, 2014/1
- Kafka lesen. Acht Textanalysen,
Bernstein-Verlag, Bonn, 2009 (106 pp.)
- reviewed in: The Modern Language Review 105.3, 2010; Germanistik in Ireland 2010/5
- Zur Poetik Paul Celans: Gedicht und Mensch – Die Arbeit am Sinn,
Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, Band 177, Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, 2000 (310 pp.)
- reviewed in: arcadia 36, 2001/1; Arbitrium 2001/2, Literary Research/ Recherche Littéraire 19, 2002/37-38; The Modern Language Review 98.1, 2003; Germanistik 44, 2003/3-4; Austriaca 58, 2004)
- Forthcoming 2024: Der Abgrund in deutscher und baltischer Kultur, series Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik, Brill, Leiden, 2024, editor, introduction and chapter (ca. 300 pp.)
- 2024: Re-presenting COVID-19: Biopolitics, Digitalisation, Citizenship, co-editor with James Williams, introduction and article, special issue of Journal for European Studies (JES) 54.1, March 2024.
- The Abyss as a Concept for Cultural Theory. A Comparative Exploration, series Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature, Brill, Leiden, 2024, editor, introduction and chapter (288 pp.)
- Care, Control and COVID-19. Health and Biopolitics in Philosophy and Literature, de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York, 2023, co-editor with Raili Marling, introduction and chapter (278 pp.)
- Literature and the Political: Multilingualism and Exophony in Contemporary Baltic and German-Language Culture, Special Issue of Interlitteraria 26/1, spring 2021, guest-editor, introduction and chapter (242 pp.)
- Paul Celan Today. A Companion, Series Companions to Contemporary German Culture, de Gruyter, Berlin/NY, 2021, co-editor with Karen Leeder und Michael Eskin, chapter (384 pp.)
Reviewed in: Interlitteraria 26:2, 2022; Journal of Austrian Studies 55:4, 2023; Forum for Modern Language Studies 58:4, 2022; Monatshefte, December 2022, 114 (4) 661-673; Zeitschrift für Germanistik 33:1, 2023
- Mehrsprachigkeit und das Politische. Interferenzen in zeitgenössischer deutschsprachiger und baltischer Literatur, series Literarische Mehrsprachigkeit/ Literary Multilingualism, Narr/ Francke/ Attempto, Tübingen, 2020, editor, chapter and introduction (320 pp.)
Reviewed in: Aussiger Beiträge 15, 2021
- The Meschonnic-Reader. A Poetics of Society, translated from French with translator-team, Edinburgh UP, 2019, editor, co-translator, substantial introduction and apparatus (336 pp.)
Reviewed in: Meta, 67:1, 2022
- Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic, co-editor with David Nowell Smith, chapter and introduction, Special Issue of Comparative Critical Studies, 15/3, Oct 2018 (120 pp.)
- Thinking Language. Wilhelm von Humboldt Now, co-editor with David Nowell Smith, chapter and introduction, Special Issue of Forum for Modern Language Studies, Oxford UP, 53/1, Jan 2017
- German and European Poetics after the Holocaust. Crisis and Creativity, Camden House, Rochester, 2011, co-editor with G. Hofmann, R. MagShamrain, M. Shields, chapter and introduction (310 pp.)
- reviewed in: Colloquia Germanica, 2010, 43/4; The German Quarterly, Spring 2012, 85/2; Choice. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, May 2012; Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 2012, 12/2; Journal of European Studies, June 2012, 42/2; Journal of Austrian Studies, 2012, 45:3-4; Forum for Modern Languages Studies 48, 2012/4; German Studies Review 36, 2013/1; The Modern Language Review 109.1, Jan 2014
- Poésie et musicalité. Liens, croisements, mutations, Harmattan, collection Les mondes germaniques, 2007, editor, introduction and chapter (159 pp.)
- ‘Introduction: Re-presenting COVID-19: Biopolitics, Digitalisation, Citizenship’,
- ‘Health versus Humanity? Three Recent German Novels on Biopolitics and Citizenship’,
in: Re-presenting COVID-19: Biopolitics, Digitalisation, Citizenship, co-editor with James Williams, special issue of Journal for European Studies (JES) 54.1 (2024)
- ‘Wie Lenz die 68er zur Kunst zurückführte, vermittelt durch Peter Schneider und über Georg Büchner’
together with Kole Graeme Galbraith, in Lenz-Jahrbuch 29 Teil 1, Themenband Lenz und Livland, ed. Liina Lukas, 2023, 133-161
- ‘The Semantics of the Absurd. On German ‘Hermetic’ Poetry after 1945 and Political Commitment’,
in Interlitteraria 28/1, 2023, Special Issue ‘Lyrical Poetry as a Factor in the Formation of Literary Cultures’, 103-119
- ‘Contemporary Baltic and German-Language Culture Literature and the Political: Multilingualism and Exophony Contemporary Baltic and German-Language’,
- ‘Sprachabenteuer: Yoko Tawadas exophone Erkundungen des Deutschen’,
in Literature and the Political: Multilingualism and Exophony in Contemporary Baltic and German-Language Culture, Special Issue of Interlitteraria 26/1, spring 2021, 7-10 and 173-188
- ‘Ein schwieriges Erbe – Der Film Poll (2010) und die deutschbaltische Geschichte’,
in Oxford German Studies, 50.2, 2021, 217-232
- ‘Rhythm, the Political and the Human: Poetic Thinking and the Construction of Reality’,
in Monatshefte, 113.1, 2021, 14-29
- ‘Literary Translation and Transmediality. Clive Scott’s Reader-Oriented Translation Theory and Practice’,
in Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature, 2/2, 2021, 1-10
- ‘The Stance in the Poetics of Paul Celan’,
in German Life and Letters, virtual issue in honour of Paul Celan, Dec 2020
(article taken from LIV/4, Oct. 2001)
- ‘For a Reappreciation of the Literary in Literary Studies: Poetic Thinking’,
in Interlitteraria, 25/1, 2020, 8-15
- Contribution to collective article, organised and introduced to by Meelis Friedenthal ‘Mis asi see on, mida nimetakse humanitaariaks?’, in Akadeemia nr. 9, 2020, 1578-1606
- ‘Adventures in language. Yoko Tawada’s exophonic explorations of German’,
in Oxford German Studies, 48/4, 2019, 494-504
- ‘La production de la réalité – des événements, des images et du langage’,
in Synergies pays riverains de la Baltique, nr 13, 2019, 35-47
- ‘Traduire Meschonnic en anglais. Meschonnic à l’épreuve de la traduction’,
in Apulée, Revue de littérature et de réflexion, Paris, no 4 ‘Traduire le monde’, 2019, 343-346
- ‘Introduction: Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic’ and
- ‘A Poetics of Society: Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic’,
in Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic, ed. by Marko Pajević and David Nowell Smith, Special Issue of Comparative Critical Studies, 15/3, Oct 2018, 279-290 and 291-310.
- ‘Humboldt’s Thinking Language: Poetics and Politics’,
- and ‘Thinking Language. Wilhelm von Humboldt Now. Introduction’,
in Thinking Language. Wilhelm von Humboldt Now, ed. by Marko Pajević and David Nowell Smith, Special Issue of Forum for Modern Language Studies, 53/1, Jan 2017, 95-107 and 1-6
- ‘Pour une pensée poétique de la traduction, avec Henri Meschonnic et Wilhelm von Humboldt’
in Skené. Rivista di letteratura francese e italiana contemporanee, 2016/6, 57-64
- ‘Zurückgeworfensein. Spiegelungen von Krankheit und Literatur im Werk W.G. Sebalds’
in Recherches Germaniques, 45, Dec 2015, 95-120
- ‘Brand’s Haide - Arno Schmidt’s Romantic Realism’
in Anuari di Filologia. Literatures Contemporànies, 2015/5, 49-68
- ‘German Language and National Socialism Today: Still a German “Sonderweg”?’
in Edinburgh German Yearbook 8, 2014, 7-24
- ‘Translation and Poetic Thinking’
in German Life and Letters, 67/1, 2014, 6-21
- ‘Sprachdenken: Thinking of Language (Humboldt / Trabant) and its Anthropological Consequences’,
in Forum for Modern Language Studies (FMLS), Vol. 50/1, 2014, 97-112
- ‘Meschonnic et Celan – quel enjeu ?’
in Europe, Revue littéraire mensuelle, n°995, mars 2012, 156-166
- ‘Beyond the Sign. Henri Meschonnic’s Poetics of Rhythm and Continuum. Towards an Anthropological Theory of Language’,
in Forum for Modern Language Studies (FMLS), Vol. 47, n°3, 2011, 304-318
- ‘Zur Korrespondenz Ingeborg Bachmann / Paul Celan – ‚exemplarisch‘? Der lebensschriftliche Anspruch der Dichtung’,
in Weimarer Beiträge, 4/2010, 519-543
- ‘L’abîme en moi : Franz Kafka et le dilemme de l’être’,
in Europe. Revue littéraire mensuelle, n°923, mars 2006, 194-208
- ‘L’Origine. Une lecture du poème RADIX, MATRIX de Paul Celan’,
in Littérature et Nation, N° XX, éd. Bernard Banoun / Jessica Wilker : Paul Celan. Traduction, réception, interprétation, 2006, 183-204
- ‘Verwirklichende Räume – Poetik und Raumkonzeption bei Paul Celan und Martin Buber’,
in Austriaca, n° 60, juin 2005, 69-82
- ‘Die Ungewißheit der Natur. Zur Dichtung Michael Donhausers und
Hans-Ulrich Treichels’,
in Études Germaniques, 1/2003, éd. Jean-Marie Valentin, 73-91
- ‘The ‘Stance’ in the Poetics of Paul Celan’,
in German Life and Letters, Volume LIV n°4, Oct. 2001, 345-352
- ‘Die Konzentration. Zur Bewegung des dichterischen Sprechens in der Poetik Paul Celans’,
in Weimarer Beiträge, Heft 2/2001, 213-221
- ‘Vom Innen und vom Außen. Zum Raum in der Poetik Paul Celans’,
in SAXA. Bogengebete – In der Luft. Kommentare zu zwei Gedichten aus Celans Die Niemandsrose, A 23/24, 2001, 37-64
- ‘Le poème comme « écriture de vie »’,
in Europe. Revue littéraire mensuelle, n°861-2, 2001, 151-165
- ‘Le travail du sens de l’Homme. La poétique de Paul Celan’,
in PO&SIE, n°94, 4ème trimestre 2000, 111-19
- ‘Les voix et Paul Celan’,
in Études Germaniques, 3/2000, 577-593
- ‘La concentration. Le mouvement du discours poétique dans le poème EIN WURFHOLZ de Paul Celan’,
in Études Germaniques, 4/1999, 606-617
- ‘Erfahrungen, Orte, Aufenthalte und die Sorge um das Selbst’,
in arcadia, Bd. 32/1, 1997, 148-161
- Forthcoming: ‘Der Abgrund in deutscher und baltischer Kultur. Einleitung’,
- ‘“Abgründe des Vergessens” in Esther Kinskys Rombo (2022)’,
in: Der Abgrund in deutscher und baltischer Kultur, series Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik, Brill, Leiden, 2024
- ‘Introduction: Thinking the Abyss as a Concept for Cultural Theory and The German “Abgrund”: The Ambivalence of the Human’,
in The Abyss as a Concept for Cultural Theory. A Comparative Exploration, series Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature, ed. Marko Pajević, Brill, Leiden, 2023
- Forthcoming in French plus Russian translation: ‘La Théorie du rythme d’Henri Meschonnic et le social: vers une pensée poétique’,
in Henri Meschonnic et la modernité: quel héritage intellectuel?, Moscou, Presses universitaires de la RGGU, 2023
- Forthcoming: ‘Untergangsszenario der Deutschbalten – zur Verschränkung von Erzähl- und Lebenswelten im Film Poll (2010)’,
in Baltische Erzähl- und Lebenswelten, ed. Maris Saagpakk, Antje Johanning-Radžienė, Rūta Eidukevičienė and Aigi Heero, de Gruyter, Reihe Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, Berlin 2024
- ‘Penser la signifiance pour une pensée poétique’,
in La double articulation... on en crève ! Repenser le significant, ed. by Federico Bravo, Éditions Lambert-Lucas, Limoges, 2023, 125-138
- ‘Introduction: Health and Biopolitics in COVID-19 Times – What Constitutes a Healthy Society?’, 1-24
- ‘State Control Versus Humanity. Health and Biopolitics in Juli Zeh’s The METHOD (Corpus Delicti 2009)’, 155-182
in Care, Control and COVID-19. Health and Biopolitics in Philosophy and Literature, Hg. Marko Pajević/ Raili Marling, de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York, 2023
- ‘Poetic Thinking and the Constitution of our World. On Language and Reality’,
in Thinking: Bioengineering of Science and Art, ed. by Nima Rezaei / Amene Saghazadeh, series Integrated Science, vol. 7, Springer Nature, 2022, 493-510
- ‘Die humboldtschen Grundlagen von Henri Meschonnics Rhythmustheorie und die Folgen für eine dialogische Übersetzungstheorie’,
in Zum Rhythmuskonzept von Henri Meschonnic in Sprache und Translation, Reihe Rhythmus und Translation, Bd. 1, ed. by N. Mälzer/ M. Agnetta, Olms Verlag / Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, Hildesheim/ Zürich/ New York, 2021, 107-124
- ‘Correspondences of and with Celan – Transfer Processes of Life’,
in Paul Celan Today. A Companion, ed. Michael Eskin, Karen Leeder, Marko Pajević, de Gruyter, Berlin/ NY, 2021, 287-306
- ‘Interferenzen. Einführung’, 7-14
- ‘Sprachabenteuer: Yoko Tawadas exophone Erkundungen des Deutschen’,
in Mehrsprachigkeit und das Politische. Interferenzen in zeitgenössischer deutschsprachiger und baltischer Literatur, ed. Marko Pajević, Narr/Francke/Attempto, Heidelberg, 2020, 213-228
- Introduction to Henri Meschonnic ‘What is at Stake in a Theory of Rhythm’ (trans. Ch. Wright), in Rhythm and Critique. Technics, Modalities, Practices, ed. by P. Crespi and S. Manghani, Edinburgh UP, 2020, 79-81
- ‘Buber/Rosenzweig’s and Meschonnic’s Bible translations: Biblical Hebrew as transformer of language theory and society’,
in Languages – Cultures – Worldviews. Focus on Translation, ed. Adam Glaz, series Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 183-210
- ‘Humboldti “keeleline mõtlemine”: poeetika ja poliitika’,
in Humanitaarteadused ja kunstid 100-aastases rahvusülikoolis, ed. Riho Altnurme, Tartu, Tartu Ülikoolis Kirjastus, 2019, 305-315
- ‘Meschonnic’s Theory of Rhythm, his Key Concepts and their Relation’,
- ‘Meschonnic’s Poetics of Society’,
- ‘Preliminary Remarks to this Reader: Some Comments on the Experience of Translating Meschonnic’,
in The Meschonnic-Reader. A Poetics of Society, ed. Marko Pajević, translated from French with translator-team, Edinburgh UP, 2019, 15-31; 32-45; 46-52
- ‘Ilse Aichinger’s Novel The Greater Hope. Poetic Narrative to Deal with Trauma’,
in The Long Aftermath. Cultural Legacies of Europe at War, 1936-2016, eds. Peter Tame, Manuel Bragança, collection ‘Studies in Contemporary European History’ (eds. Rousso/ Jarausch), Berghahn, New York/ Oxford, 2016, 319-334
- ‘Traduire le poème, avec Henri Meschonnic’,
in Henri Meschonnic, théoricien de la traduction, eds. Marcella Leopizzi/ Celeste Boccuzzi, Éditions Hermann, Paris, 2014, 191-204
- ‘Traduire: pensée du langage, culture et innovation’,
in Paroles rencontres. Ouvrir les archives ‘Henri Meschonnic’, ed. Serge Martin, L’Atelier du Grand Tétras, collection ‘Résonance générale – Essais pour la poétique’, Mont-de-Laval, 2013, 134-151
- ‘Métamorphose comme principe poétique, à l’exemple d’un poème de Paul Celan’,
in Florence Bancaud/ Karin Winkelvoss (eds.), Poétiques de la Métamorphose dans l’espace germanique et européen, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2012, 175-188
- ‘On the Fringes. Mistrust as Commitment in Ilse Aichinger’s Poetics’,
in German and European Poetics after 1945. Crisis and Creativity, ed. G. Hofmann/ R. MagShamhráin/ M. Pajević/ M. Shields, Camden House, Rochester, 2011, 88-106
- ‘Introduction’ (co-written),
in German and European Poetics after 1945. Crisis and Creativity, ed. G. Hofmann/ R. MagShamhráin/ M. Pajević/ M. Shields, Camden House, Rochester, 2011, 1-18
- ‘Am Rand. Misstrauen als Engagement in der Poetik Ilse Aichingers’,
in Ilse Aichinger. Misstrauen als Engagement? éd. I. Rabenstein-Michel/ F. Rétif/ E. Tunner, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2009, 37-52
- ‘Ilse Aichingers Roman Die größere Hoffnung. Poetische Erzählformen als Umgang mit dem Trauma’,
in ‘Erzählen müssen, um zu überwinden’ / Literatura y supervivencia, Sociedad Goethe de España, Barcelona, 2008, 191-204
- ‘Poésie et musicalité. Une introduction historique’,
in MP (éd.), Poésie et musicalité, Harmattan, collection ‘Les mondes germaniques’, Paris, 2007, 7-15
- ‘Les Arts de la parole entre les deux guerres (Stramm, Ball, Hausmann, Blümner, Schwitters) et la question du sens’,
in MP (éd.), Poésie et musicalité, Harmattan, collection ‘Les mondes germaniques’, Paris, 2007, 103-129
- ‘Ce qu’un poème veut dire: Paul Celan et l’indicible’,
in L’indicible. Formes et représentations de l’indicible dans l’espace franco-germanique au XXème siècle, éd. F. Rétif, Harmattan, collection ‘Les mondes germaniques’, 2005, 105-131
- ‘« Poésie, affaire d’abîmes » - La situation abyssale chez Paul Celan’,
in Lectures d’une œuvre : Die Niemandsrose, Paul Celan. Ouvrage collectif coordonné par M.-H. Quéval, Éditions du temps, Nantes, 2002, 205-222
- ‘Zur Poetik Paul Celans: Gedicht und Mensch – Die Arbeit am Sinn’,
in Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik, Reihe B, Germanistische Dissertationen in Kurzfassung, Band 16, ed. Hans-Gert Roloff, Peter Lang, Bern, 2002, 136-142
- ‘Les voix et Paul Celan’,
in Paul Celan. Poésie et poétique, sous la direction de R. Colombat, J.-P. Lefebvre, J.-M. Valentin, Klincksieck, coll. ‘Germanistique’, Paris, 2002, 225-242
- ‘Paul Celans Ich kenne dich. Das Gedicht als “Lebensschrift”’,
in Paul Celan: Biographie und Interpretation / Biographie et interprétation, ed. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie, Hartung-Gorre / Éditions Suger / Polirom, Konstanz / Paris / Iaşi, 2000, 214-224
- Markus Messling, Philology and the Appropriation of the World. Champollion’s Hieroglyphs, series Socio-Historical Studies of the Social and Human Sciences, Palgrave Macmillan/ Springer Nature, 2023 (from German to English)
- Françoise Rétif, Ingeborg Bachmann. Was wahr ist. Essai, Praesens, Wien, 2022 (from French to German)
- ‘For a Poetics of Historicity’,
‘Rhythm, Theory of Language, Poetics of Society’,
‘Realism, Nominalism: The Theory of Language is a Theory of Society’,
in The Meschonnic-Reader. A Poetics of Society, translated from French, Edinburgh UP, 2019, 293-296; 297-311; 312-320
- Georges Didi-Hubermann, ‘Seine Rückfaltungen ausstellen’,
Marc Groenen, ‘Malen in einer Höhle im Jungpaläolithikum: das Beispiel von La Pasiega (Kantabrien, Spanien)’, (from French to German)
in Aesthetics of Standstill, eds. Reinhold Görling, Barbara Gronau, Ludger Schwarte, Berlin/New York: Sternberg Press 2019
- Yacouba Konaté, ‘Die andere Malerei: Die Malerei des Anderen’, (from French to German)
in Kulturtechnik Malen. Die Welt aus Farbe erschaffen - Zur Grundlegung graphischer und figurativer Operationen, eds. Meret Kupczyk, Ludger Schwarte, Charlotte Warsen, Paderborn: Fink 2019
- Roberto M. Dainotto, ‘Europa (in der Theorie)’, (from English to German) in Fluchtpunkte. Das Mittelmeer und die europäische Krise, ed. Markus Messling, Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin, 2017, 36-69
- various texts by Rudolf von Laban (from German to English)
on the website of the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, Special Collections, John Hodgson: Laban, 2016
- Valentin Tomberg, Pour une philosophie du droit international, Editions du Cygne, Paris, 2015, in collaboration with François Morvan (254 p.) (from German to French)
- Daniel Pozner, poems and poetic prose text, plus interview, (from French to German)
in Eisler-Mitteilungen 55, 20/April 2013, 5, 16-17, 26-27
- Patrick Beurard-Valdoye, ‘Der Asconaut im Atelier der Natur’, (from French to German)
in Art is / is Arp, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, ed. Oliver Kornhoff, 2009, I-XI
- Patrick Beurard-Valdoye, ‘Kurt Schwitters’ Zwillinge’, (from French to German)
in Merzgebiete. Kurt Schwitters und seine Freunde, Hg. Karin Orchard / Isabel Schulz, Sprengel Museum Hannover, Dumont, 2006, 196-204
- weekly translation of a specialised article for the internet automobile magazine ‘Classicdriver’, June 2004 - March 2005 (from German to French)
- Patrick Beurard-Valdoye, ‘Helmas Monolog am 8. Oktober’, (from French to German)
read 8 Octobre 2004 at the Institut Français de Copenhague
- Patrick Beurard-Valdoye, ‘Stuttgart’, poem, (from French to German)
in Almanach Stuttgarter Schriftstellerhaus 5, ed. U. Pfaffinger, Edition Peter Schlack, Stuttgart, 2003, 56-7
- Kafka / Restes, homo homini lupus, Paris, 2003, (from German to French)
Translation of fragments by Franz Kafka, in collaboration with Julian Mereuta
- Eight poems by Bruno Ciolfi, (from French to German)
in: Akzente 5 / 2001, 456-459
- Patrick Beurard-Valdoy, ‘Luciles Meridian’, (from French to German)
in und lächelnd ins aufatmen nimmt dich mit der delphin. in memoriam Johannes Poethen, Hg. U. Pfaffinger, Ithaka Verlag, Stuttgart, 2001, 53-64
- Poems by Heinz Czechowski, Ulrike Draesner, Durs Grünbein, Thomas Kling (from German to French)
in poésie 2001, n°86/ février, 108-114
- Zeitschrift für Germanistik
- Monatshefte
- Modern Language Review
- Forum for Modern Language Studies
- Études Germaniques
- Austrian Studies
- Methis
- Esprit, Revue Internationale