Eva Mörk
Professor vid Nationalekonomiska institutionen; Professorer och lektorer
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- 018-471 10 96
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- Eva.Mork@nek.uu.se
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- Ekonomikum
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Kort presentation
- health economics
- labor economics
- political economics
- public economics
Jag disputerade 1999 på en avhandling i offentlig ekonomi vid Uppsala universitet. Därefter jobbade jag fram till 2011 som forskare vid Institutet för arbetsmarknads och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU). Sedan 2011 är jag professor, ssk offentlig ekonomi vid nationalekonomiska institutionen i Uppsala.
Urval av publikationer
- Voting, taxes, and heterogeneous preferences (2020)
- Consequences of parental job loss on the family environment and on human capital formation (2020)
- The Swedish Earned Income Tax Credit (2016)
- Stimulating Local Public Employment (2014)
- Parental Unemployment and Child Health (2014)
- Childcare costs and the demand for children-evidence from a nationwide reform (2013)
- Is There an Election Cycle in Public Employment? (2011)
- Effects of decentralization on school resources (2008)
- Using a discontinuous grant rule to identify the effect of grants on local taxes and spending (2008)
- Power Properties of the Sargan Test in the Presence of Measurement Errors in Dynamic Panels (2008)
- How far can reduced childcare prices push female labour supply? (2008)
- Do Politicians’ Preferences Correspond to those of the Voters? (2007)
- Public Employment and the Double Role of Bureaucrats (2006)
- The effects of grants and wages on municipal labour demand (2004)
- Tactical Redistribution Between Regions when Parties and Voters Care about Ideology (2003)
- Intergovernmental Grants as a Tactical Instrument (2003)
- On the Vote Purchasing Behavior of Incumbent Governments (2002)
- Individual Demand for Local Public Schooling (2001)
- An Examination of the Dynamic Behaviour of Local Governments using GMM Bootstrapping Methods (2000)
- The Revenues-Expenditures Nexus (1998)
Senaste publikationer
- 2021 års ekonomipris till David Card, Joshua Angrist och Guido Imbens (2021)
- Alleviating global poverty (2021)
- 2020 års Ekonomipris till Paul Milgrom och Robert Wilson (2020)
- Voting, taxes, and heterogeneous preferences (2020)
- Ojämlikhet i hälsa under uppväxten (2020)
Alla publikationer
- 2021 års ekonomipris till David Card, Joshua Angrist och Guido Imbens (2021)
- 2020 års Ekonomipris till Paul Milgrom och Robert Wilson (2020)
- Voting, taxes, and heterogeneous preferences (2020)
- Ojämlikhet i hälsa under uppväxten (2020)
- Consequences of parental job loss on the family environment and on human capital formation (2020)
- Introduction to the special issue (2019)
- 2019 års ekonomipris till Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo och Michael Kremer (2019)
- The Swedish Earned Income Tax Credit (2016)
- Stimulating Local Public Employment (2014)
- Parental Unemployment and Child Health (2014)
- Childcare costs and the demand for children-evidence from a nationwide reform (2013)
- Därför går det inte att utvärdera jobbskatteavdraget (2012)
- Is There an Election Cycle in Public Employment? (2011)
- Effekter av barnomsorgsavgifter på barnafödandet (2009)
- Effects of decentralization on school resources (2008)
- Valår och den kommunala politiken (2008)
- Aktivering av socialbidragstagare i Sverige (2008)
- Using a discontinuous grant rule to identify the effect of grants on local taxes and spending (2008)
- Power Properties of the Sargan Test in the Presence of Measurement Errors in Dynamic Panels (2008)
- Maxtaxan inom barnomsorgen – påverkar den hur mycket föräldrarna arbetar? (2008)
- How far can reduced childcare prices push female labour supply? (2008)
- Do Politicians’ Preferences Correspond to those of the Voters? (2007)
- Public Employment and the Double Role of Bureaucrats (2006)
- Vem ska ansvara för skolan? (2006)
- Kommunanställda byråkraters dubbla roll (2005)
- Har kommunens storlek någon betydelse för den lokala demokratin? (2005)
- The effects of grants and wages on municipal labour demand (2004)
- Släpp dataseten fria! Slutreplik (2003)
- Tactical Redistribution Between Regions when Parties and Voters Care about Ideology (2003)
- Intergovernmental Grants as a Tactical Instrument (2003)
- Politikern - vän eller fiende (2003)
- Inkomstfördelning och optimal politik (2002)
- Högre utbildning och forskning (2002)
- On the Vote Purchasing Behavior of Incumbent Governments (2002)
- Individual Demand for Local Public Schooling (2001)
- An Examination of the Dynamic Behaviour of Local Governments using GMM Bootstrapping Methods (2000)
- Om regeringars röstköpsbeteende (2000)
- Bokanmälan (2000)
- Statsbidragens och lönernas effekter på den kommunala arbetskraftsefterfrågan (1999)
- The Revenues-Expenditures Nexus (1998)
- Alleviating global poverty (2021)
- Från försörjningsstöd till arbete – Hur kan vägen underlättas? (2011)
- Förskola (2011)
- Local Politicians’ and Voters’ Preferences for Local Taxes (2005)
- Division of Power (2004)
- Fördelning av makt och ansvar (2003)
- GMM Bootstrapping and Testing in Dynamic Panels (1999)
- Consequences of parental job loss on the familyenvironment and on human capital formation (2019)
- Childcare - A safety net for children? (2018)
- Sociala utmaningar för framtidens arbetsmarknad (2016)
- Voting, Taxes and Heterogeneous Preferences (2016)
- Parental unemployment and child health (2014)
- Evaluation of the Swedish earned income tax credit (2012)
- Do Politicians’ Preferences Matter for Voters’ Voting Decisions? (2011)
- On mandatory activation of welfare receivers (2008)
- Public Employment and the Double Role of Bureaucrats (2005)