Ylva Mattsson Sydner
Professor i kostvetenskap vid Institutionen för kostvetenskap
- Telefon:
- 018-471 23 18
- E-post:
- Ylva.Mattsson.Sydner@ikv.uu.se
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Kort presentation
Professor i kostvetenskap vid Institutionen för kostvetenskap. Undervisar i ett antal kurser vid institutionen samt handleder och examinerar uppsatser på grund och avancerad nivå. Handleder doktorander i enskilda projekt samt inom ramen för den Ämnesdidaktiska forskarskolan vid Uppsala universitet. Forskning är främst sociala och kulturella perspektiv på mat och måltider med fokus på utsatta grupper, då särskilt äldre och äldreomsorgen.
Urval av publikationer
- Implementing and sustaining dietary change in the context of social relationships (2011)
- Food That Makes You Different (2009)
- Observed dietary intake in adults with intellectual disability living in the community (2008)
- Illuminating the (non-) meaning of food: organization, power and responsibilities in public elderly care. (2007)
- Food habits and foodwork - The Life Course Perspective of Senior Europeans (2007)
- The meaning of symbols of culinary rules. (2003)
- Måltidsforskning i Sverige 1980-2002. (2002)
- Food-service in the public elderly care sector - Ideologes about freedom of choice and nourishing food. (2000)
- Äldreomsorgens måltidsverksamhet. (1999)
- Food-service in the public elderly care sector (1999)
- Neddragningar inom äldreomsorgen hot mot måltidsverksamheten? (1997)
Senaste publikationer
- “You fuel the car with gas, you fuel the body with food” – Educational functions of food for health in home and consumer studies (2024)
- Useful but overused? The “plate model” as a food educational tool in home economics (2024)
- The impact of eating alone on food intake and everyday eating routines (2024)
- Eating alone, food intake and everyday eating routines - a cross-sectional study of community-living 70- to 75-year-olds in Sweden (2024)
- Better hospital foodservice – aspects highlighted in research published 2000–2023 (2024)
Alla publikationer
- “You fuel the car with gas, you fuel the body with food” – Educational functions of food for health in home and consumer studies (2024)
- Useful but overused? The “plate model” as a food educational tool in home economics (2024)
- The impact of eating alone on food intake and everyday eating routines (2024)
- Better hospital foodservice – aspects highlighted in research published 2000–2023 (2024)
- Aesthetic Values in Home and Consumer Studies (2023)
- Perceptions and experiences of eating alone among community-living retired Swedes (2023)
- Eating Alone or Together among Community-Living Older People (2021)
- Exploring patient satisfaction with hospital foodservice: ASwedish study using the Acute Care Hospital FoodservicePatient Satisfaction Questionnaire (2021)
- Aesthetic judgments and meaning-making during cooking in Home and Consumer Studies (2019)
- The family meal as an ideal (2019)
- Adherence to a regulation that aims to prevent and treat malnutrition (2019)
- From nutrients to wellbeing identifying discourses of food in relation to health in syllabi (2018)
- National survey in elderly care on the process of adopting a new regulation aiming to prevent and treat malnutrition in Sweden (2018)
- Reforming Foodservice in Elderly Care (2018)
- Knowing how to use and understand recipes (2017)
- Teaching and learning cooking skills in Home Economics (2017)
- Mat och religion (2017)
- För barnen är vardagen fest (2017)
- Quality indicators of nutritional care practice in elderly care (2017)
- Organization, responsibility and practice of food provision in home-help service (2015)
- Den viktiga maten och den sociala måltiden (2015)
- To use a recipe - not a piece of cake (2014)
- Swedish students' interpretations of food symbols and their perceptions of healthy eating (2014)
- Foodwork among people with intellectual disabilities and dietary implications depending on staff involvement (2012)
- Continuity in the kitchen (2011)
- Implementing and sustaining dietary change in the context of social relationships (2011)
- Social aspects of eating events among people with intellectual disability in community living (2010)
- Måltidens sociala betydelse - ett äldreperspektiv (2009)
- Ekologisk mat (2009)
- Handledning behövs! (2009)
- Food That Makes You Different (2009)
- Observed dietary intake in adults with intellectual disability living in the community (2008)
- Kritisk hållning viktigt inom foodservice (2008)
- Mer forskning behövs inom vårt område! (2008)
- The everyday life of adolescent coeliacs (2008)
- Counting the cost of healthy eating (2008)
- Mat och måltider för äldre inom vård och omsorg (2007)
- Illuminating the (non-) meaning of food: organization, power and responsibilities in public elderly care. (2007)
- Food habits and foodwork - The Life Course Perspective of Senior Europeans (2007)
- The meaning of symbols of culinary rules (2006)
- Food provision and the meal situation in elderly care (2005)
- Alcohol consumption in elderly people across European countries (2005)
- Meningen med maten (2003)
- Mat inom äldreomsorgen (2002)
- Food, eating and meals in the everyday life of individuals with intellectual disabilities - a case study
- Using the Concept of Cuisine to Understand Learning Opportunities within the Subject of Home Economics
- Mat och religion (2019)
- Att leda arbetet med mat för många (2019)
- Traditional or cultural relativist school meals? (2019)
- Mat och måltider i välfärden (2019)
- Social Significance of Older Peoples Meals (2017)
- Dimensioner och diskurser (2015)
- Dependency and Individualism (2013)
- Villkor och möjligheter för mat inom äldreomsorgen (2009)
- Studier om livsmedel, mat och måltider (2003)
- Eating alone, food intake and everyday eating routines - a cross-sectional study of community-living 70- to 75-year-olds in Sweden (2024)
- Quality aspects within hospital foodservice: A scoping review (2022)
- Quality of hospital foodservice: a scoping review of articles published 2000-2020 (2021)
- Students’ meaning-making during formalized cooking in Swedish home- and consumer studies (2019)
- Literacy till lunch (2018)
- The construction of religiously sanctioned school meals in social media in Sweden (2017)
- Quality Indicators Related to Meal Satisfaction and Adequate Nutritional Status in Elderly Care (2017)
- Learning how to cook in Home Economics Education (2016)
- The puzzle of coordination and communication in the provision of food and meals (2016)
- Municipal differences decisive for provision of food and meals in Swedish eldercare (2016)
- Access to competence and policy- food provision in Swedish eldercare (2014)
- The construction of diet in the Swedish syllabus for Home and Consumer Studies (2013)
- Quality of Life management of Living Resource (SENIOR FOOD-QOL). Determining the role of meals in later life (2004)
- Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources (2004)
- The meaning of symbols of culinary rules. (2003)
- Food-service in the public elderly care sector - Ideologes about freedom of choice and nourishing food. (2000)
- Äldreomsorgens måltidsverksamhet. (1999)
- Food-service in the public elderly care sector (1999)
- Extern utvärdering av kandidatprogrammen i Kostekonomi med inriktning mot ledarskap, Hälsopromotion, Sports Coaching (2017)
- Mat och måltider inom äldreomsorgen (2017)
- Från lingonlådor om hösten till portionsförpackad sylt (2001)