Stefan Swartling Peterson
Gästprofessor vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Internationell barnhälsa och nutrition
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- Akademiska meriter:
- leg. läk., MPH, PhD
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Kort presentation
leg. läk., MPH, PhD
Forskning och arbetserfarenhet
Stefan Swartling Peterson utbildade sig till folkhälsoläkare i Sverige, gjorde sin Master of Public Health vid Harvard och PhD i Centralafrikanska republiken och Tanzania. Med en bakgrund i IMCI, samarbetar han nu sedan >15 år med kollegor vid Makerere University i Uganda med fokus på febersjukdom hos barn - spec lunginflammation och malaria, samt nyföddas hälsa. Forskningen är hälso- och sjukvårdsforskning kring vad som nu kallas Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM). Ett av Stefans forskningsintressen är Distrikts-kapacitet att använda lokala data för att fastställa prioriteringar och för kvalitetsförbättring. Stefan är även mkt intresserad i förutsättningar för hälosamt leverne för ungdomar, med avsikt på "non communicable diseases". Han fortsätter att driva samarbeten för ömsesidig forskningskapacitetutveckling med partners och kollegor främst i låginkomstländer, och undervisar på grundnivå, Masters och PhD nivå.
Stefan har 2016-2020 varit hälsochef för UNICEF, med placering i New York. Han har nu återvänt till Uppsala Universitet från o med Augusti 2020.
Senaste publikationer
- Embedded implementation research in programming at scale (2024)
- Effectiveness of peer-supervision on pediatric fever illness treatment among registered private drug sellers in East-Central Uganda (2021)
- Addressing children's health amid the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (2021)
- The perfect storm (2021)
- Mental Health Consequences for Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Embedded implementation research in programming at scale (2024)
- Effectiveness of peer-supervision on pediatric fever illness treatment among registered private drug sellers in East-Central Uganda (2021)
- Addressing children's health amid the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (2021)
- The perfect storm (2021)
- Mental Health Consequences for Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021)
- Mental Distress and Human Rights Violations During COVID-19 (2021)
- Solidarity and universal preparedness for health after covid-19 (2021)
- Institutionalizing a Regional Model for Improving Quality of Newborn Care at Birth Across Hospitals in Eastern Uganda (2021)
- 'I know those people will be approachable and not mistreat us' (2020)
- Regulatory inspection of registered private drug shops in East-Central Uganda-what it is versus what it should be (2020)
- Peer supervision experiences of drug sellers in a rural district in East-Central Uganda (2020)
- Fetal Iodine Deficiency and Schooling (2020)
- Improving Hospital Oxygen Systems for COVID-19 in Low-Resource Settings (2020)
- Cohort Profile (2020)
- Bypassing or successful referral? (2020)
- Excessive premature mortality among children with cerebral palsy in rural Uganda (2020)
- Realizing the potential of embedded implementation research (2020)
- Community and stakeholders' engagement in the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes (2019)
- Impairments, functional limitations, and access to services and education for children with cerebral palsy in Uganda (2019)
- Framing an agenda for children thriving in the SDG era (2019)
- Decision making in district health planning in Uganda (2019)
- Dietary patterns and practices in rural eastern Uganda (2019)
- Leadership, action, learning and accountability to deliver quality care for women, newborns and children. (2018)
- Patient and Provider Dilemmas of Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management (2018)
- Delivering child health interventions through the private sector in low and middle income countries (2018)
- Health workers' experiences of collaborative quality improvement for maternal and newborn care in rural Tanzanian health facilities (2018)
- The how (2018)
- Study protocol for the SMART2D adaptive implementation trial (2018)
- Can malaria rapid diagnostic tests by drug sellers under feld conditions classify children 5 years old or less with or without Plasmodium falciparum malaria? (2018)
- How primary health care can make universal health coverage a reality, ensure healthy lives, and promote wellbeing for all. (2018)
- Private retail drug shops (2018)
- Sugar, tobacco, and alcohol taxes to achieve the SDGs. (2018)
- How people-centred health systems can reach the grassroots (2018)
- Using a cross-contextual reciprocal learning approach in a multisite implementation research project to improve self-management for type 2 diabetes (2018)
- Unpredictability dictates quality of maternal and newborn care provision in rural Tanzania (2017)
- Maternal and newborn health implementation research (2017)
- Enablers and barriers to evidence based planning in the district health system in Uganda; perceptions of district health managers (2017)
- Bottleneck analysis at district level to illustrate gaps within the district health system in Uganda (2017)
- Comparing performance of methods used to identify pregnant women, pregnancy outcomes, and child mortality in the Iganga-Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site, Uganda (2017)
- Adverse perinatal events, treatment gap, and positive family history linked to the high burden of active convulsive epilepsy in Uganda: A population-based study (2017)
- Evaluation of Helping Babies Breathe Quality Improvement Cycle (HBB-QIC) on retention of neonatal resuscitation skills six months after training in Nepal (2017)
- Health system effects of implementing integrated community case management (iCCM) intervention in private retail drug shops in South Western Uganda: a qualitative study (2017)
- Integrated community case management by drug sellers influences appropriate treatment of paediatric febrile illness in South Western Uganda (2017)
- Cadres, content and costs for community-based care for mothers and newborns from seven countries (2017)
- Community health systems (2017)
- Effects of the EQUIP quasi-experimental study testing a collaborative quality improvement approach for maternal and newborn health care in Tanzania and Uganda (2017)
- Integrated Pediatric Fever Management And Antibiotic Over-Treatment In Malawi Health Facilities (2017)
- "It could be viral, but you don't know. You have not diagnosed it" (2016)
- Integrated paediatric fever management and antibiotic over-treatment in Malawi health facilities (2016)
- Pneumococcal Carriage in Children under Five Years in Uganda-Will Present Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines Be Appropriate? (2016)
- Community and District Empowerment for Scale-up (CODES) (2016)
- Integrated pediatric fever management and antibiotic over-treatment in Malawi health facilities (2016)
- Drug seller adherence to clinical protocols with integrated management of malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea at drug shops in Uganda (2015)
- Bottlenecks in the implementation of essential screening tests in antenatal care (2015)
- Identifying implementation bottlenecks for maternal and newborn health interventions in rural districts of the United Republic of Tanzania (2015)
- Health system context and implementation of evidence-based practices-development and validation of the Context Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool for low- and middle-income settings (2015)
- Effect of diagnostic testing on medicines used by febrile children less than five years in 12 malaria-endemic African countries (2015)
- Improving child survival through a district management strengthening and community empowerment intervention (2015)
- Special issue (2015)
- Weeping in silence (2015)
- A systematic review of community-to-facility neonatal referral completion rates in Africa and Asia (2015)
- Effect of Community Support Agents on Retention of People Living With HIV in Pre-antiretroviral Care (2015)
- 'As soon as the umbilical cord gets off, the child ceases to be called a newborn' (2015)
- Strengthening health facilities for maternal and newborn care (2015)
- High prevalence of antibiotic resistance in nasopharyngeal bacterial isolates from healthy children in rural Uganda (2015)
- Enabling Dynamic Partnerships through Joint Degrees between Low- and High-Income Countries for Capacity Development in Global Health Research (2015)
- Differences in essential newborn care at birth between private and public health facilities in eastern Uganda (2015)
- Designing for action (2015)
- Effect of the Uganda Newborn Study on care-seeking and care practices (2015)
- Systematic literature review of integrated community case management and the private sector in Africa (2014)
- Increased access to care and appropriateness of treatment at private sector drug shops with integrated management of malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea (2014)
- Utmaningar och möjligheter för nästa generation inom global hälsa (2014)
- Expanded Quality Management Using Information Power (EQUIP) (2014)
- Access, excess, and ethics—towards a sustainable distribution model for antibiotics (2014)
- Diagnostic Testing of Pediatric Fevers (2014)
- The use of continuous surveys to generate and continuously report high quality timely maternal and newborn health data at the district level in Tanzania and Uganda (2014)
- Comparison of fasting plasma glucose and haemoglobin A1c point-of-care tests in screening for diabetes and abnormal glucose regulation in a rural low income setting (2014)
- Setting global research priorities for integrated community case management (iCCM) (2014)
- Dödligheten minskar, men fortfarande dör 7 miljoner barn varje år (2013)
- The context assessment for community health tool (2013)
- Integrated community case management of malaria and pneumonia increases prompt and appropriate treatment for pneumonia symptoms in children under five years in Eastern Uganda (2013)
- High Adherence to Antimalarials and Antibiotics under Integrated Community Case Management of Illness in Children Less than Five Years in Eastern Uganda (2013)
- Community health workers (2013)
- Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes among Persons Aged 35 to 60 Years in Eastern Uganda (2013)
- Malaria diagnosis and treatment practices following introduction of rapid diagnostic tests in Kibaha District, Coast Region, Tanzania (2013)
- High Compliance with Newborn Community-to-Facility Referral in Eastern Uganda (2013)
- Private sector drug shops in integrated community case management of malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea in children in Uganda (2012)
- Knowledge translation in Uganda (2012)
- Integrated Community Case Management (2012)
- Increased Use of Community Medicine Distributors and Rational Use of Drugs in Children Less than Five Years of Age in Uganda Caused by Integrated Community Case Management of Fever (2012)
- Performance of community health workers under integrated community case management of childhood illnesses in eastern Uganda (2012)
- Introduction to a Special Supplement (2012)
- Modifiable Socio-Behavioural Factors Associated with Overweight and Hypertension among Persons Aged 35 to 60 Years in Eastern Uganda (2012)
- A Health Systems Approach to Integrated Community Case Management of Childhood Illness (2012)
- Access, acceptability and utilization of community health workers using diagnostics for case management of fever in Ugandan children (2012)
- The Uganda Newborn Study (UNEST) (2012)
- Hurdles and opportunities for newborn care in rural Uganda (2011)
- Spatial analysis of determinants of choice of treatment provider for fever in under-five children in Iganga, Uganda (2011)
- A Single-Blind randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of extended counseling on uptake of pre-antiretroviral care in Eastern Uganda (2011)
- Lack of pre-antiretroviral care and competition from traditional healers, crucial risk factors for very late initiation of antiretroviral therapy for HIV (2011)
- Can lay community health workers be trained to use diagnostics to distinguish and treat malaria and pneumonia in children? (2011)
- Policy and practice, lost in transition (2010)
- Inadequate pre-antiretroviral care, stock-out of antiretroviral drugs and stigma (2010)
- Using the three delays model to understand why newborn babies die in eastern Uganda (2010)
- 'I never thought that this baby would survive; I thought that it would die any time' (2010)
- Poor newborn care practices (2010)
- Tanzania national survey on iodine deficiency (2009)
- Improved salt iodation methods for small-scale salt producers in low-resource settings in Tanzania (2009)
- Voices on adherence to ART in Ethiopia and Uganda (2009)
- Use of drugs, perceived drug efficacy and preferred providers for febrile children (2009)
- Utilization of public or private health care providers by febrile children after user fee removal in Uganda (2009)
- Sustainable universal salt iodization in low-income countries (2008)
- "I never had the money for blood testing" - caretakers' experiences of care-seeking for fatal childhood fevers in rural Uganda (2008)
- Acceptability of evidence-based neonatal care practices in rural Uganda (2008)
- Perceived quality of paediatric fever care from private drug shops and care-seeking choice in South Western Uganda: data from household surveys.
- Inclusion of private sector in district helath systems; case study of private drug shops implementing modified Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) strategy in Rural Uganda (2014)
- Health system preparedness for newborn care (2014)