Siv Jönsson
Forskare vid Institutionen för farmaci; Farmakometri
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- 0000-0001-8240-0865
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Kort presentation
Jag är affilierad till Farmakometrigruppen, som arbetar med ’non-linear mixed effects models’ dvs matematiska modeller som beskriver hur koncentrationer och effekter av läkemedel förändras över tid samt varierar mellan individer. Modellerna används vid optimering av såväl användning som utveckling av läkemedel.
Jag arbetar med Mats Karlsson Elisabet Nielsen och Lena Friberg i projekt inom modell-baserad individualiserad behandling, immunologi and onkologi.
- non-linear mixed effects modelling
- nonmem
- pharmacodynamics
- pharmacokinetics
- pharmacometrics
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
Dr Siv Jönsson was a senior researcher in the Pharmacometric group within the Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University, Sweden, headed by Professor Mats O Karlsson, up until end of 2023. Siv earned an MSc degree in 1988 and has thereafter been working in the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and pharmacometric areas in three environments: the pharmaceutical industry, the regulatory agency, in academia and in pharmacometric consultancy.
In total 5 years were spent within industry (Kabi Pharmacia, Astra Zeneca) working with clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics. Furthermore, Siv worked as a pharmacokinetic assessor within the Swedish regulatory authority (Medical Products Agency) in 2 periods (in total 9 years, latest period 2007-2011). Finally, the academic years include her PhD education (PhD obtained in 2004), 2 years as senior lecturer and 12 years as researcher; all these years dealing with methodological and applied pharmacometric projects, where applied projects relate to e.g. renal transplant patients and haemophilia A/B patients. Since 2019, Siv is an employee of Pharmetheus AB, Uppsala, Sweden, but keeps an affiliation with the Pharmacometrics group.
Siv has published approximately 50 peer-reviewed research articles and book chapters and is currently the co-supervisor of 4 PhD students.
Urval av publikationer
- Model-Based Characterization of the Bidirectional Interaction Between Pharmacokinetics and Tumor Growth Dynamics in Patients with Metastatic Merkel Cell Carcinoma Treated with Avelumab (2022)
- Population pharmacokinetics of cefotaxime in intensive care patients (2022)
- Detecting placebo and drug effects on Parkinson's disease symptoms by longitudinal item-score models (2021)
- Pharmacometrics-Based Considerations for the Design of a Pharmacogenomic Clinical Trial Assessing Irinotecan Safety (2021)
- Relationship between factor VIII activity, bleeds and individual characteristics in severe hemophilia A patients (2020)
- Population Pharmacokinetics of Plasma-Derived Factor IX (2016)
- A time-to-event model for acute rejections in paediatric renal transplant recipients treated with ciclosporin A (2013)
- Role of modelling and simulation (2012)
- Estimation of cefuroxime dosage using pharmacodynamic targets, MIC distributions, and minimization of a risk function (2008)
- Developmental pharmacokinetics of ciclosporin (2007)
- A rational approach for selection of optimal covariate-based dosing strategies (2003)
Senaste publikationer
- Association between Sports Participation, Factor VIII Levels and Bleeding in Hemophilia A (2023)
- Relationship between factor VIII levels and bleeding for rFVIII-SingleChain in severe hemophilia A (2023)
- A multistate modeling and simulation framework to learn dose-response of oncology drugs (2023)
- Therapeutic drug monitoring of vancomycin and meropenem (2023)
- A 12-gene pharmacogenetic panel to prevent adverse drug reactions (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Association between Sports Participation, Factor VIII Levels and Bleeding in Hemophilia A (2023)
- Relationship between factor VIII levels and bleeding for rFVIII-SingleChain in severe hemophilia A (2023)
- A multistate modeling and simulation framework to learn dose-response of oncology drugs (2023)
- Therapeutic drug monitoring of vancomycin and meropenem (2023)
- A 12-gene pharmacogenetic panel to prevent adverse drug reactions (2023)
- A model‐based approach leveraging in vitro data to support dose selection from the outset (2023)
- Model-Based Characterization of the Bidirectional Interaction Between Pharmacokinetics and Tumor Growth Dynamics in Patients with Metastatic Merkel Cell Carcinoma Treated with Avelumab (2022)
- Population pharmacokinetics of cefotaxime in intensive care patients (2022)
- Detecting placebo and drug effects on Parkinson's disease symptoms by longitudinal item-score models (2021)
- Pharmacometrics-Based Considerations for the Design of a Pharmacogenomic Clinical Trial Assessing Irinotecan Safety (2021)
- Relationship between factor VIII activity, bleeds and individual characteristics in severe hemophilia A patients (2020)
- Handling interoccasion variability in model-based dose individualization using therapeutic drug monitoring data (2019)
- Bayesian Forecasting Utilizing Bleeding Information to Support Dose Individualization of Factor VIII (2019)
- Model-based evaluation of low dose factor VIII prophylaxis in haemophilia A (2019)
- Handling underlying discrete variables with bivariate mixed hidden Markov models in NONMEM (2019)
- Reduced and optimized trial designs for drugs described by a target mediated drug disposition model (2018)
- Sample size for detection of drug effect using item level and total score models for Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale data (2018)
- Real life experiences of a PK dosing study (2018)
- Pharmacometric analysis of the relationship between absolute lymphocyte count, and expanded disability status scale and relapse rate, efficacy end points, in multiple sclerosis trials (2018)
- Elucidation of Factor VIII Activity Pharmacokinetics (2017)
- A Prospective Population Pharmacokinetic Study on Morphine Metabolism in Cancer Patients. (2017)
- Implementing Pharmacogenomics in Europe (2017)
- A diagnostic tool for population models using non-compartmental analysis (2016)
- Population Pharmacokinetics of Plasma-Derived Factor IX (2016)
- Population Pharmacokinetics of Edoxaban in Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation in the ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 Study, a Phase III Clinical Trial (2016)
- Exploring Factors Causing Low Brain penetration of the Opioid Peptide DAMGO through Experimental Methods and Modeling (2016)
- Edoxaban Exposure-Response Analysis and Clinical Utility Index Assessment in Patients With Symptomatic Deep-Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism (2016)
- Treatment with subcutaneous and transdermal fentanyl (2016)
- Population pharmacokinetics of edoxaban and its main metabolite in a dedicated renal impairment study (2015)
- Population pharmacokinetics of edoxaban in patients with symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism-the Hokusai-VTE phase 3 study (2015)
- A time-to-event model for acute rejections in paediatric renal transplant recipients treated with ciclosporin A (2013)
- Role of modelling and simulation (2012)
- Non-linear mixed effects modelling of positron emission tomography data for simultaneous estimation of radioligand kinetics and occupancy in healthy volunteers (2012)
- Population Pharmacokinetics of Ethambutol in South African Tuberculosis Patients (2011)
- Long-Term Changes in Cyclosporine Pharmacokinetics After Renal Transplantation in Children (2010)
- Pharmacokinetics and dose requirements of factor VIII over the age range 3-74 years (2009)
- Pharmacogenetics of cyclosporine in children suggests an age-dependent influence of ABCB1 polymorphisms (2008)
- Estimation of cefuroxime dosage using pharmacodynamic targets, MIC distributions, and minimization of a risk function (2008)
- Developmental pharmacokinetics of ciclosporin (2007)
- Population pharmacokinetic modelling and estimation of dosing strategy for NXY-059, a nitrone being developed for stroke. (2005)
- Estimation of dosing strategies aiming at maximizing utility or responder probability, using oxybutynin as an example drug. (2005)
- Estimating bias in population parameters for some models for repeated measures ordinal data using NONMEM or NLMIXED (2004)
- Factors influencing the choice of optimal individualized dosing strategies targeting a drug concentration or effect (2004)
- A rational approach for selection of optimal covariate-based dosing strategies (2003)
- Lactational exposure and neonatal kinetics of methylmercury and inorganic mercury in mice. (1999)
- Kinetics of methylmercury and inorganic mercury in lactating and nonlactating mice. (1998)
- Toxicokinetics of lead in lactating and nonlactating mice. (1996)
- Kinetic observations in neonatal mice exposed to lead via milk. (1996)
- Relationship between factor VIII activity, bleeds and individual characteristics in severe hemophilia A patients
- Characterization of Anti-Drug Antibody Dynamics Using a Bivariate Mixed Hidden-Markov Model