Bertil Holmlund
Professor emeritus vid Nationalekonomiska institutionen; Professorer och lektorer
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Urval av publikationer
- Part-time unemployment and optimal unemployment insurance (2015)
- Löner, sysselsättning och inkomster – ökar klyftorna i Sverige? (2014)
- Arbetsmarknaden (2014)
- Svensk arbetsmarknad (2014)
- What do labor market institutions do? (2014)
- Wage and employment determination in volatile times (2013)
Senaste publikationer
- Estimating matching functions when recruiting intensity matters (2018)
- Lifetime versus Annual Tax-and-Transfer Progressivity (2016)
- Part-time unemployment and optimal unemployment insurance (2015)
- Löner, sysselsättning och inkomster – ökar klyftorna i Sverige? (2014)
- Arbetsmarknaden (2014)
Alla publikationer
- Estimating matching functions when recruiting intensity matters (2018)
- Lifetime versus Annual Tax-and-Transfer Progressivity (2016)
- Part-time unemployment and optimal unemployment insurance (2015)
- What do labor market institutions do? (2014)
- Wage and employment determination in volatile times (2013)
- Vacancy Referrals, Job Search, and the Duration of Unemployment (2012)
- Svensk arbetsmarknad under två kriser (2011)
- Estimating Dynamic IncomeResponses to Tax Reform (2011)
- Estimating Dynamic Income Responses to Tax Reform (2011)
- Family Job Search, Wage Bargaining, and Optimal Unemployment Insurance (2010)
- Marknader med sökfriktioner (2010)
- Tax evasion and self-employment in a high-tax country (2009)
- The Swedish unemployment experience (2009)
- Mind the Gap? Estimating the Effects of Postponing Higher Education (2008)
- Optimal unemployment insurance with monitoring and sanctions (2007)
- Worker absenteeism in search equilibrium (2007)
- Do Benefit Hikes Damage Job Finding? Evidence from Swedish Unemployment Insurance Reforms (2007)
- Comment on G. Bertola, “Social and Labor Market Policies in a Growing EU” (2006)
- Överdrivna farhågor om hotet från Kina (2006)
- 2006 års ekonomipris till Edmund Phelps: Intertemporala avvägningar i makroekonomisk politik (2006)
- Improving Incentives in Unemployment Insurance: A Review of Recent Research (2006)
- Tax differentiation, search unemployment, and home production (2005)
- Hur hög är egentligen arbetslösheten i Sverige? (2005)
- Arbetslösheten behöver inte omdefinieras (2005)
- How can Incentives in Unemployment Insurance be Improved? Theory and Evidence. (2005)
- Hur ser en optimal arbetslöshetsförsäkring ut? (2004)
- Svar till Sten Johansson om arbetslöshetsförsäkringen (2004)
- Sickness Absence (2004)
- Intergenerational transfers, taxes and the distribution of wealth (2001)
- Environmental Tax Reform in a Small Open Economy with Structural Unemployment (2000)
- Wage linkages between private and public sectors in Sweden (1992)
- Arbetsmarknaden (2014)
- Nobel lectures in economic sciences (2006-2010) (2014)
- Arbetsmarknaden (2006)
- Arbetsmarknaden (The Labor Market.) (2006)
- Svensk arbetsmarknad (2014)
- Arbetsmarknadsanknytning och övergång till arbete (2011)
- Deltidsarbetslöshet och arbetslöshetsförsäkring i Sverige (2011)
- Arbetslöshet och arbetsmarknadspolitik (2011)
- Svensk arbetsmarknad (2011)
- Svensk arbetsmarknad (2009)
- Arbetsmarknad och arbetsmarknadspolitik (2008)
- Wage dispersion between and within plants (2008)
- Svensk arbetsmarknad. (The Swedish Labor Market.) (2007)
- Arbetslöshet och arbetsmarknadspolitik (2007)
- How Can Incentives in Unemployment Insurance be Improved? Theory and Evidence (2005)
- Arbetslöshet och arbetsmarknadspolitik (2005)
- Svensk arbetsmarknad (2004)
- Utbildningsnivå och utbildningsavkastning i Sverige (1994)
- Löner, sysselsättning och inkomster – ökar klyftorna i Sverige? (2014)
- What do labor market institutions do? (2013)
- Lifetime versus Annual Tax Progressivity (2012)
- Wage and Employment Determination in Volatile Times (2012)
- Part-Time Unemployment and Optimal Unemployment Insurance (2011)
- Svensk arbetsmarknad under två kriser (2011)
- Vacancy Referrals, Job Search, and the Duration of Unemployment (2009)
- Incentives in Business and Academia (2009)
- Monetary Policy and Swedish Unemployment Fluctuations (2007)
- Estimating Income Responses to Tax Changes (2007)
- Tax Evasion and Self-Employment in a High-Tax Country (2006)
- Mind the Gap? Estimating the Effects of Postponing Higher Education (2006)
- Wage Dispersion Between and Within Plants (2006)
- Do Benefit Hikes Damage Job Finding? Evidence from Swedish Unemployment Insurance Reforms (2005)
- Worker Absenteeism in Search Equilibrium (2005)
- Worker Absenteeism in Search Equilbrium (2005)
- Optimal Unemployment Insurance Design: Time Limits, Monitoring, or Workfare? (2005)
- Sickness Absence and Search Unemployment (2004)