Anders Winman
Professor vid Institutionen för psykologi; Avdelningen för Perceptions- och kognitionspsykologi
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- 018-471 21 62
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- Von Kraemers allé 1A och 1C
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 1225
751 42 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- FK, FD
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Urval av publikationer
- No evidence of learning in non-symbolic numerical tasks (2016)
- Heuristics Can Produce Surprisingly Rational Probability Estimates (2016)
- The association between higher education and approximate number system acuity (2014)
- The role of ANS acuity and numeracy for the calibration and the coherence of subjective probability judgments (2014)
- Are there rapid feedback effects on Approximate Number System acuity? (2013)
- Measuring acuity of the approximate number system reliably and validly (2013)
- Probability theory (2009)
- Linda is not a bearded lady (2009)
- The role of short-term memory capacity and task experience for overconfidence in judgment under uncertainty (2008)
- The naive intuitive statistician (2007)
- Subjective Confidence and the Sampling of Knowledge (2006)
- “I’m m/n Confident that I’m Correct. (2006)
- Inferring causality assessments from predictive responses (2006)
- Evidence for rule-based processes in the inverse base-rate effect. (2005)
- Do perfume additives termed human pheromones warrant being termed pheromones? (2004)
- Subjective probability intervals (2004)
- Naïve Sampling and Format Dependence in Subjective Probability Calibration (2003)
- Cue abstraction and exemplar memory: Evidence for multiple representation levels (2003)
- Calibration, additivity, and source independence of probability judgments in general knowledge and sensory discrimination tasks (2003)
- Algorithm, heuristic or exemplar: Processes and representation in multiple-cue judgment (2000)
- Naive empiricism and dogmatism in confidence research (2000)
- The confidence-hindsight mirror effect in judgment (1998)
- Calibration and diagnosticity of confidence in eyewitness identification: Comments on what can be inferred from the low confidence-accuracy correlation (1996)
Senaste publikationer
- Is numerical information always beneficial? (2023)
- Attentional bias induced by stimulus control (ABC) impairs measures of the approximate number system (2021)
- Preference or Ability (2020)
- Grouping effects in numerosity perception under prolonged viewing conditions (2019)
- Virtually overcoming grammar learning with 3D application of Loci mnemonics? (2018)
Alla publikationer
- Is numerical information always beneficial? (2023)
- Attentional bias induced by stimulus control (ABC) impairs measures of the approximate number system (2021)
- Preference or Ability (2020)
- Grouping effects in numerosity perception under prolonged viewing conditions (2019)
- Virtually overcoming grammar learning with 3D application of Loci mnemonics? (2018)
- Individual differences in nonverbal number skills predict math anxiety (2017)
- Recent Is More (2017)
- No evidence of learning in non-symbolic numerical tasks (2016)
- Arithmetic Training Does Not Improve Approximate Number System Acuity (2016)
- Heuristics Can Produce Surprisingly Rational Probability Estimates (2016)
- A Swedish validation of the Berlin Numeracy test (2015)
- Are all Data Created Equal? (2014)
- The association between higher education and approximate number system acuity (2014)
- The role of ANS acuity and numeracy for the calibration and the coherence of subjective probability judgments (2014)
- Calculate or wait (2013)
- Naïve Point Estimation (2013)
- Are there rapid feedback effects on Approximate Number System acuity? (2013)
- Measuring acuity of the approximate number system reliably and validly (2013)
- Reducing cognitive biases in probabilistic reasoning by the use of logarithm formats (2011)
- Probability theory (2009)
- Linda is not a bearded lady (2009)
- The role of short-term memory capacity and task experience for overconfidence in judgment under uncertainty (2008)
- The role of random error in confidence judgment: Reply to Merkle, Sieck, and Van Zandt (2008) (2008)
- The naive intuitive statistician (2007)
- Inferring causality assessments from predictive responses (2006)
- Psychosocial factors and respiratory and cardiovascular parameters during psychophysiological stress profiling in working men and women (2005)
- Evidence for rule-based processes in the inverse base-rate effect. (2005)
- Do perfume additives termed human pheromones warrant being termed pheromones? (2004)
- Subjective probability intervals (2004)
- Cue abstraction and exemplar memory: Evidence for multiple representation levels (2003)
- Calibration, additivity, and source independence of probability judgments in general knowledge and sensory discrimination tasks (2003)
- Can attentional theory explain the inverse base-rate effect? (2003)
- High-level reasoning and base-rate use (2001)
- Naive empiricism and dogmatism in confidence research (2000)
- Cognitive processes operating in hindsight (1999)
- The calibration issue: Theoretical comments on Suantak, Bolger, and Ferrell (1996) (1998)
- Realism of confidence in earwitness versus eyewitness identification (1998)
- The confidence-hindsight mirror effect in judgment (1998)
- The importance of item selection in ''knew-it-all-along'' studies of general knowledge (1997)
- Calibration and diagnosticity of confidence in eyewitness identification: Comments on what can be inferred from the low confidence-accuracy correlation (1996)
- Underconfidence in sensory discrimination: The interaction between experimental setting and response strategies (1996)
- Reply to William R. Ferrell's paper "Calibration of sensory and cognitive judgments: A single model for both. (1995)
- Can overconfidence be used as an indicator of reconstructive rather than retrieval processes? (1995)
- A reply to William R Farell's paper "A model of realism of confidence judgments: Implications for underconfidence in sensory discrimination" (1994)
- Realism of confidence in sensory discrimination (1993)
- Calibration of sensory and cognitive judgments (1993)
- Reasoning or associations?
- The naive intuitive statistician: A naive sampling model of intuitive confidence intervals. (2009)
- The Naïve Intuitive Statistician: Organism-Environment Relations from yet another Angle. (2008)
- The naive intuitive statistician:Organism-Environment Relations from yet another Angle. (2008)
- Subjective Confidence and the Sampling of Knowledge (2006)
- Information sampling and overconfidence in interval estimation (2006)
- “I’m m/n Confident that I’m Correct. (2006)
- Can approximate number system acuity improve with arithmetic training? (2014)
- While waiting for the dots: The influence of short-term memory in tasks indexing the Approximate Number System? (2014)
- Effects of Response and Presentation Format on Measures of Approximate Number System Acuity (2013)
- Is it Time Bayes went Fishing? (2013)
- People systematically overestimate conjunctive probabilities. (2013)
- The role of ANS-acuity and numeracy for the accuracy of subjective probability judgments. (2013)
- Is it possible to train the approximate number system? (2012)
- Covariation estimates of continuous variables (2012)
- Measuring the Approximate Number System (2012)
- Covariation estimates of continuous variables. (2012)
- Knowledge of statistical properties of numerical variables. (2011)
- Covariation estimates of continuous variables. (2011)
- Dissociative Knowledge of Distributions. (2010)
- Intuitive information integration with Bayes' Theorem. (2009)
- The rationality of weighting and adding probabilities. (2009)
- Naïve Sampling and Format Dependence in Subjective Probability Calibration (2003)
- Rational Assessments of Covariation and Causality (2000)
- Algorithm, heuristic or exemplar: Processes and representation in multiple-cue judgment (2000)