Tom R. Burns
Professor emer. i sociologi 82 vid Sociologiska institutionen; Emeriti
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Tom R. Burns is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Sociology, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden. He is a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University since 2004, Visiting Professor at the Lisbon University Institute, Portugal (since 2007), and a founding member of the Millennium Assessment of Human Behavior for Sustainability (MAHB) ( He has served as a Member of the EU Commission’s Advisory Group on the Social Sciences and Humanities (2002-2005). Among his past academic engagements, he has been a Jean Monnet Visiting Professor at the European University, Florence, Italy (2002); Visiting Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), Bielefeld, Germany (2002); Visiting Professor at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (1985), Clarence J. Robinson University Professor at George Mason University (1987–1990), Fellow at Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (Spring, 1992; Autumn, 1998), among others. Burns has published more than 15 books and 140 articles in the areas of the sociology of environment and technology, governance and politics, the analysis of markets and market regulation, and studies of administration and management. He has also published extensively on social theory and methodology, with an emphasis on neo-institutionalism, the sociology theory of games and interaction, socio-cultural evolutionary theory, and dynamic systems theory ("actor-system dialectics" (ASD)). . Among his books are: The Shaping of Social Organization: Social Rule System Theory with Applications (1987) (with Helena Flam), Man, Decisions, Society (1985) (with Tom Baumgartner & Philippe DeVille), The Shaping of Socio-economic Systems (1986) (with Tom Baumgartner & Philippe DeVille), (ed) Power, Culture and Control over Immigrants’ Life chances: Multidimensional Perspectives on Structural Discrimination in Sweden (2007) (in Swedish) (with Nora Machado, Zenia Hellgren, & Goran Brodin); Municipal Entrepreneurship and Energy Policy: A Five Nation Study of Politics, Innovation, and Social Change (1994) (with Alison Woodward & Jerry Ellig), (ed.) Transitions to Alternative Energy Systems: Entrepreneurs, New Technologies, and Social Change (1984)(with Tom Baumgartner), Societal Decision-making: Democratic Challenges to State Technocracy (1992) (with Svein Andersen), Creative Democracy (1988) (with Reinhard Ueberhorst), Structuration: Economic and Social Transformation (2000) (in Chinese, 2nd edition appeared in 2010) (with Ewa Roszkowska & Nina Witoszek); Paradigms in Public Policy: Theory and Practice of Paradigm Shifts in the EU (2009) (with Marcus Carson & Dolores Calvo); The Meta-power Paradigm: Structuring Social Systems, Institutional Powers, and Global Contexts (2011, Peter Lang Publishers (Berlin, Frankfurt, Oxford, New York)(with Peter Hall); (ed.) Governance in Natural and Social Life: A Social Science Handbook of Theories and Practices of Societal and Global Regulation (2012, in preparation) (with Ilan Kelman, Nora Machado, & Christian Stohr).
A Brief Outline of my Academic Profile
The Theory of Meta-power and relational control A multi-causal theory of power
Social Rule System Theory: Rule and rule complexes, their formation and transformation - Rule systems as the basis of social organization, institutions, and culture - The sociology of technology and socio-technical systems
The Theory of Public policy paradigms; their architecture and transformation - Societal paradigms
The theory of actor-system dialectics (ASD): social systems analysis, natural and social systems inter-linkage, system stability and dynamics - Socio-cultural evolution and development - Organic democracy, post-parliamentary democracy -
Sociological game theory (SGT): context, complex agency, roles, institutions - Value complexes - Multi-modality judgment and decision-making - Normative equilibria of games, roles, and institutions - Fuzzy judgment, games, and equilibria - Multi-game systems and hierarchies of games
MAJOR EMPIRICAL STUDIES AND PROGRAMS (as Principal Investigator(PI) or co-PI)
"Energy and Society Program," University of Oslo, 1979-1984. Research on energy institutions and policies in Norway; the politics and conflicts around hydro power, nuclear, petroleum, and energy conservation developments. Power and resource mobilization as well as social movements and struggles between civil society organizations and state and private interests. Numerous books, articles in international journals, and reports produced. -
"Innovative Organizational Forms for User Influence in International Health Care Systems", 1979-1981. Reports in English and Swedish -
"Technological Innovations in Alternative Energy Systems", 1978-82. Studies of solar (California, Israel), wind (Denmark), heat pumps (Germany), geothermal electricity (California), wood (New England), peat (Finland). Articles and a book. -
"Energy Politics, Innovation and Institutional Change in Municipalities: Case Studies in Five Countries", 1980-86 (Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden, and the USA). Numerous reports, WZB publications, and a book. -
"Inflation, Unemployment and Socio economic Instability: A Comparative Investigation of Institutional and Policy Responses to the Crises of the 1970s," 1980-86. Articles in international journals, book size reports, and a book. -
"Structural Changes and Co Determination in Swedish Enterprises: Theory and Case Studies." Two reports. -
"Strategic Decision making and Co Determination in Swedish Enterprises: A National Survey of 650 Enterprises," 1981-85 (Interviews with company presidents, white collar and blue collar labor union representatives conducted at a random sample of enterprises with more than 50 employees). Two books in Swedish and one in English. -
"Wage Negotiations in Sweden," 1983-85. Two reports and chapters in books. -
"State Subsidies to Swedish Enterprises: Patterns, Effects, and Needs: A National Survey of 1200 Enterprises with less than 500 employees," 1984-85 (Ordered and financed by the Swedish Department of Industry). Two Reports. -
"Transformations of the Global System: The Perspective of Actor-System Dynamics" 1988-1994. Articles in international journals and collections. -
"Organ Transplantation: Organizational, Legal, and Cultural Aspects," 1990-1995. Two books and articles published in international journals. -
"Citizen Participation in Research: Computer Technology, Knowledge Production, and Public Processes," 1993-1994. One report. -
“Critical Care Medicine: Cognitive Dissonance and Stress among Health Care Personnel in End-of-Life Decision Situations,” 1997-2000. Articles published in international journals, reports, one dissertation, two books in preparation. -
“How does the EU make policy? EU policymaking and Lobbying in a multi-sector comparative study”, 1998-2002. Articles published in international journals, several reports, two dissertations, and a book. -
“The European Dilemma: Institutional Patterns and Politics of ‘Racial’ Discrimination.” 2001-2002. Research and Workshops supported by the European Commission Research (DGXII), The Swedish Minister of Integration, the Swedish National Integration Office, and the Multi-Ethnic Centre, Uppsala University. A series of workshops and conferences were organized. -
“The European Dilemma: Institutional Patterns and Politics of “Racial” Discrimination. An eight country comparative study” 2002- 2005. 10 book-sized reports, several books and articles published internationally -Rule systems as the basis of social organization, institutions, and culture - The sociology of technology and socio-technical systems
Senaste publikationer
- Reconceptualizing resilience and what it implies for CCA, DRR, and sustainability development (2018)
- Sociological game theory (2018)
- The theory of public policy paradigm shifts application to selected environmental policies (2018)
- Boom and Bust Cycles in Financial Markets (2017)
Alla publikationer
- Sociological game theory (2018)
- Boom and Bust Cycles in Financial Markets (2017)
- Socio-economics (2017)
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (2017)
- Linking Group Theory to Social Science Game Theory (2017)
- Sustainable development (2016)
- The sociology of creativity (2016)
- Rational Choice Theory (2016)
- The Sociology of Creativity (2015)
- The Sociology of Creativity: Part I: Theory: (2015)
- Islander innovation (2015)
- Not Bystanders Any Longer (2014)
- Distributive Justice (2014)
- Sustainable Development (2012)
- The Sustainability Revolution (2012)
- Sustainability (2012)
- The Sustainability revolution (2011)
- Social Optimum (2011)
- Legitimacy versus Effectiveness (2011)
- The Architecture and Transformation of Governance Systems (2011)
- Power, knowledge, and conflict in the shaping of commons governance (2011)
- Technology, Complexity, and Risk (2010)
- Social Optimum (2010)
- Sustainable Palm Oil (2010)
- Fuzzy Bargaining Games (2010)
- Technology, Complexity, and Risk (2009)
- A social procedurial approach to the Pareto optimization problematique, Part I (2009)
- A social procedural approach to the Pareto optimization problematique (2009)
- The Social Theory of Choice (2008)
- Market Games and Price Formation (2007)
- Rethinking economics (2007)
- The Sociology of Complex Systems (2006)
- Teorizações sobre o capitalismo e a sua evolução (2006)
- Economic and Social Equilibria (2006)
- Sustainability (2006)
- Iraq: One, Two, or Three States, or Simply War(s) (2005)
- Generalized Game Theory (2005)
- The Three Faces of the Coin (2003)
- Actor-System Dynamics Theory and its Application to the Analysis of Modern Capitalism (2002)
- European Union Neo-corporatist, and Pluralist Governance Arrangements (2002)
- EU's Social Dimension: From Market to Welfare? (2001)
- Revolution (2001)
- Socio-cognitive Mechanisms of Belief Change (2001)
- The Theory of Socially Embedded Games (2001)
- Dissonant imperatives in nursing (2001)
- The Theory of Socially Embedded Games: The Mathematics of Social Relationships, Rule Complexes, and Action Modalities (2000)
- The New Genetics: A Social Science and Humanities Research Agenda (2000)
- The Evolution of Parliaments and Societies in Europe (1999)
- Market and Human Agency (in Chinese) (1998)
- L´Unione europea e l´erosione della democrazia parlamentare -- riflessioni sulla politica postparlamentare (1998)
- The Social Construction of Consciousness (1998)
- The Social Construction of Consciousness (1998)
- The Social Construction of Consciousness (1998)
- Contemporary European Economic Sociology (1998)
- The Theory of Actor-System Dynamics (1998)
- Complex social organization (1998)
- The European Union and Democracy (1996)
- Human Agency and the Evolutionary Dynamics of Culture (1992)
- Cultural Evolution (1992)
- Institutionelle Dynamik (1992)
- Evolutionary Theory in Sociology (1990)
- Inflation and Distributional Struggles in Capitalist Economies (1987)
- Wirtschaftswachstum, Umweltschutz und Sozialer Konflikt (1986)
- Conflict and complexity (1986)
- Inflation, Politics, and Social Change (1984)
- Technology and the Development Debate (1981)
- Autogestion and Planning (1981)
- Technology and the development debate (1981)
- Inflation (1980)
- Institutional Conflict (1979)
- The Oil Crisis and the Emerging World Order (1977)
- Unequal Exchange and Uneven Development in Social Life (1977)
- The Description and Analysis of System Stability and Transformation (1977)
- Unequal Exchange and Uneven Development (1976)
- Toward A Systems Theory of Unequal Exchange, Uneven Development, and Dependency Relationships (1976)
- Open Systems and Multi-level Processes (1976)
- Institutional Response to Crisis in Capitalist Development (1976)
- Meta-power and Relatioinal Control in Social Life (1975)
- Relational Control (1975)
- Middle East Scenarios and International Restructuring (1975)
- The Structuring of International Economic Relations (1975)
- A Systems Model of Conflict and Change in Planning Systems (1975)
- A Systems Theory of Multi-level, Multiple Objective Evaluation and Decision-making (1975)
- A multi-level, structural theory of social behavior (1975)
- Structural Resolutions of Collective Action Problems (1974)
- A Structural Theory of Social Exchange (1973)
- Melanesian Big Man and the Accumulation of Power (1972)
- The Prisoners Dilemma Game as a System of Social Domination (1964)
- A Swedish Paradox
- Toward a Universal Theory of the Human Group
- The Shaping of Socio-Economic Systems (2014)
- The Meta-Power Paradigm: impacts and Transsformations of Agents, Institutions, and Social Systems (2012)
- Public Policy Paradigms (2009)
- Makt, kultur och kontroll över invandrares livsvillkor (2007)
- Structuration: Economic and Social Change (in Chinese) (2000)
- Sistemas de Regras Sociais: Teoria e Aplicacoes (in Portuguese; Systems of Social Rules: Theory and Applications) (2000)
- Municipal Entrepreneurship and Energy Policy (1994)
- Societal Decision-making (1992)
- Creative Democracy (1989)
- The Shaping of Social Organization (1987)
- The Shaping of Socio-economic Systems (1986)
- Man, Decisions, and Society (1985)
- Transitions to Alternative Energy Systems (1984)
- Work and Power (1979)
- Power and Control (1976)
- Value, Social Power, and Economic Exchange (1971)
- A Sustainable Development Perspective (2017)
- Rational Choice (preliminary, accepted) (2017)
- Rational Choice (2017)
- Decision-making under Conditions of Multiple Values and Variation in Conditions of Risk and Uncertainty (2014)
- Millennium Aliance for Humanity and the Biosphere (MAHB) (2014)
- Sustainable Development (2013)
- A Socio-economic Systems model of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007+ (2013)
- The Irony of the EU Climate Change Policy (2009)
- Social Rule System Theory (2008)
- Rule System Theory (2008)
- Structural Discrimination (2008)
- Dynamic Systems Theory (2007)
- Den osynliga muren (2007)
- Inledning och översikt (2007)
- Avslutande reflektioner (2007)
- Multi-Value Decision-making and Games (2007)
- System Theories (2006)
- Generalized Game Theory's Contribution to Multi-agent Modelling (2005)
- Social Order and Disorder (2005)
- Social Judgment in Multi-agent Systems (2005)
- The Future of Democracy in the Context of Globalization and the New Politics (2004)
- Fuzzy Games and Equilibria (2004)
- The Evolution of Parliaments (2003)
- Actors, Paradigms, and Institutional Dynamics (2002)
- L’evoluzione dei parlamenti (2002)
- The Theory of Actor-System Dynamics (2001)
- L’evoluzione dei parlamenti. Panorama storico-comparativo delle assemblee parlamentari e dei processi di decisione politica (2001)
- The European Union (2001)
- Fuzzy Game Theory (2001)
- Money as Symbol, Institution, and Technology (1997)
- The European Union and the Erosion of Parliamentary Democracy: A Study of Post-Parliamentary Governance (1996)
- Kulturelle Evolution:Institutionen, Selektion und menschliches Handeln (1995)
- Market and Human Agency (1994)
- Two Conceptions of Agency (1994)
- Post-parliamentary Democracy (1994)
- Environmental Issues and Developments (1994)
- Technology, Sociotechnical Systems, Technological Development (1992)
- Una Teoria Strutturale dello Scambio Sociale (1991)
- Models of Social and Market Exchange (1990)
- Actions, Transactions, and Social Structure (1987)
- The Social Logic of Energy Conservation in Industrial Society (1986)
- Facing the Energy Challenge (1982)
- Wealth and Poverty among Nations (1981)
- Technology, dependency and social relations (1981)
- Inflation: Beyond economics (1981)
- Actors, games and inflation (1981)
- Inflation: Beyond economics (1980)
- Inflation (1980)
- Work, Politics, and Social Structuring under Capitalism (1979)
- Self-management, Market and Political Institutions in Conflict (1979)
- Acteurs, jeux et systems (1979)
- Actors, Games and Systems (1978)
- Actors, Games, and Systems (1978)
- Conflict Resolution and Conflict Development (1977)
- Industrial democracy, self-organisation and meta-power (1977)
- Reproduction and transformation of dependency relationships (1977)
- Power and Ritual (1977)
- Conflict and Structure in Multi-level, Multiple Objective Decision-making Systems (1977)
- Meta‑power and the Structuring of Social Hierarchies (1976)
- Introduction and Overview (1976)
- A Mathematical, Multi-level Model of Social Action (1975)
- Structural Properties and Resolutions of the Prisoners' Dilemma Game (1974)
- A Mathematical Model of Multi-Dimensional Evaluation, Decision-making, and Social Interaction (1973)
- Reconceptualizing resilience and what it implies for CCA, DRR, and sustainability development (2018)
- The theory of public policy paradigm shifts application to selected environmental policies (2018)
- Sociological Approaches to Game Theory (2017)
- The Architecture and Contributions of Actor-System-Dynamics (2016)
- The Sustainability Revolution -- Sustainability As A-Down-to-Earth Utopia (2016)
- How the Theory of Collective Consciousness Reveals Gaps and Dilemmas in International Gender Law (2016)
- Distributive Justice, Legitimizing Collective Choice Procedures, and the Production of Normative Equilibria in Social Groups (2015)
- Toward Conceptualizing Social Power: Multiple Modalities and Meta-powering with Illustrations (2015)
- Toward a Universal Theory of the Human Group (2015)
- Distributive Justice, Legitimizing Collective Choice Procedures, and the Production of Equiilibria in Social Groups (2015)
- Toward a Universal Theory of the Human Group (2015)
- Contemporary Capitalism, Its Discontents and Dynamics (2004)
- Fuzzy Judment in Bargaining Games (2002)
- Fuzzy Judgment in Bargaining Games (2002)
- Normative Equilibria (2001)
- The Sociology of Risk (2001)
- Rethinking the Nash Equilibrium (2001)
- The Theory of Socially Embedded Games (2000)
- Producer-Consumer Games: Changing Prices -- The Perspective of the Theory of Socially Embedded Games (2000)
- The Role and Functioninng of Parliament in an Era of Transition (1999)
- On Social Equilibria (1999)
- A Uniform Framework for Representing Social Actions (1999)
- The Generalized Theory of Games: Rule Complexes, Action Modalities, and Transformations (1998)
- Modelling Social Game Systems by Rule Complexes. (1998)
- Euthanasia: Moral, Legal, and Regulative Problems. (1998)
- Evolutionary Sociology (1997)
- Property Rights Regimes, Their Structures, and Evolution (1996)
- Problems of Rationality and Equilibrium in an Extended Theory of Games (1992)
- Supply-Demand Analysis from an Institutional Perspective (1992)
- The Social Power Paradigm (2016)
- The Sociology of Creativity (2014)
- Social Rule System Theory (2014)
- Toward a Universal Theory of the Human Group (2014)
- Social Rule System Theory (2013)
- Power, Culture, and Control over Immigrants' Life Chances on European Labor Markets (2006)
- European Discrimination in Educational Systems (2006)
- The European Dilemma (2006)
- Social Sciences and Technological Change (2005)
- Social Sciences in EU Technology Platforms (2005)
- Bridges between Social Sciences and the Other Thematic Priorities (2005)
- Fuzzy Judment in Bargaining Games (2002)
- EU Lobbying and Policymaking (2001)
- Lobbying and Policymaking: Theoretical Models and Comparative Analyses of Neo-corporatist, Pluralist and EU Arrangements (2000)
- The Future of Parliamentary Democracy: Transition and Challenge in European Governance (2000)
- The Generalized Theory of Games: Rule Complexes, Action Modalities, and Transformations (1998)
- Toward an Organizational Theory of Cognitive Balance: Hospital Rituals and Discourses in Cognitive Stabilization (1997)
- Political Transactions and Political Structuring (1987)
- Technology Development (1985)
- The Development of Alternative Energy Technologies (1985)
- Participation of Residents in Housing Policy-making and Management (1981)
- Structuring the Quality of Living (1978)