What is Sustainability Forum?

Sustainability Forum is a platform that aims to inspire action and strategic movements within sustainable development.

The Sustainability Forum is both a physical and digital meeting place that functions as a bridge between education, research and action.The forum is a result of the rector's decision to establish a Green Office.

Sustainability Forum

  • Supports students and employees in the work with sustainable development
  • Captures commitment from students and employees
  • Organizes events such as theme days and seminars
  • Brings people from different backgrounds together
  • Spreads inspiration and examples of what is already being done in the area of ​​sustainability
  • Offers administrative support regarding the Climate Pot

Visit Sustainability Forum:

Sustainability Forum is located on the entrance level 0 in the Segerstedt building. There you can answer a survey about the University's sustainability work and make suggestions about what you think the forum should do in the future. You can also use the study places/work places that are there.

If you want to meet us there, it is fine to book a visit by emailing


We are also open for drop-in Tuesdays 3 - 5 PM. The ambition is for a physical location for the Sustainability Forum to open on Campus Gotland in 2024.

Take part!

Do you have ideas about what Sustainability Forum should do in the future? Do you want to join in and participate? Contact us at the Environmental office by sending an email to


