Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry

5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 1KB464

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Chemistry A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 18 March 2010
Responsible department
Department of Chemistry - BMC

Entry requirements

120 credits including 90 credits Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry 5 credits or equivalent.

Learning outcomes

After completion of the full course the student should be able to

  • Describe the structures and stereochemistry of transition metal complexes.
  • Describe and explain the bonding in d-metal complexes using crystal field and ligand field theories and the 18 electron rule.
  • Describe various metal-ligand interactions in terms of sigma- and pi-bonding interactions.
  • Explain the stability of d-metal complexes, their reactivity, and the mechanisms of ligand substitution reactions.
  • Explain and give examples for the ten fundamental organometallic reactions
  • Account for general catalysis principles such as ligand activation.
  • Account for the mechanism for some commonly used catalytical processes in organometallic chemistry
  • Give examples to catalytic reactions related to homogeneous fuel production (liquid or gaseous fuels), chemical production from non-fossil fuel resources, and capturing emissions.


By utilizing the special properties of transition metal complexes, substrate compounds can undergo reactions that otherwise would be impossible. Additionally, in many applications in organic chemistry it is also possible to control to a high extent chemo-, regio-, diastereo- or enantioselectivity. Structure, bonding and reactivity of organometallic compounds and transition metal coordination compounds will be rationalised using crystal field and ligand field theories, sigma- and pi-bonding models. Mechanisms of ligand substitutions, small molecule activation and transition metal-catalysed reactions will be discussed. The following topics are included: the ten fundamental reactions in organometallic chemistry, catalytic hydrogenation, sigma-alkyl complexes, pi-olefin complexes, pi-allyl complexes, carbene complexes, metal carbonyls, polydendate and macrocyclic ligand complexes. Examples within asymmetric catalysis and energy conversion will be discussed.


Lectures, demonstrations and laboratory exercises.


Written examination at the end of the course, 4 HE-credit. The laboratory course corresponds to 1 HE-credit.

