Databases 1

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2IS222

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Information Systems G1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 16 June 2017
Responsible department
Department of Informatics and Media

General provisions

The course is included in the following degree programme:

  • Bachelor's Programme in Information Systems, specialisation software engineering 180 credits.

Entry requirements

General entry requirements and English 6, Mathematics 3b/3c, Social Studies 1b/1a1+1a2 or English B, Mathematics C, Civics A

Learning outcomes

Regarding knowledge and understanding the student is expected to be able to on completion of the course:

  • Account for basic database concepts
  • Explain concepts, structure and safety in relational databases
  • Account for technologies and models for design of a database
  • Describe laws and regulations regarding data storage and personal integrity

Regarding competence and skills the student is expected to be able to on completion of the course:

  • Design data models based on business needs
  • Analyse a conceptual data model and based on that implement a relational database
  • Design a relational database and also insert, change and search data from the database
  • Improve database design by applying normalisation

Regarding judgement and approach the student should, on completion of the course, be able to:

  • Evaluate the quality of data models given different criteria


The course gives an introduction to databases with a focus on design of relational databases. The course includes conceptual data modelling based on ER-diagram and design of databases and work with storing and fetching of data in relational databases with the Structured Query Language (SQL). The course also deals with how the database manager provides services as well as maintains data integrity. Finally, the course gives an overview of laws and ethics that influence the work with stored data.

Component 1: Introduction to databases, 2 credits Overview of basic principles of relational databases. The course also deals with the history of databases and alternative types of databases used in software engineering.

Component 2: Database development, 3.5 credits The component brings up data modeling with ER-diagram at the conceptual, logical and physical level as well as implementation of data models. The student carries out exercises in SQL for definition of databases as well as for search in and updating of databases.

Component 3: Ethical and legal evaluation, 2 credits The component deals with safety and the risks with data storage based on both relevant sections of the law and ethical aspects.


The course is given in the form of lectures, practical assignments and group assignment.


The course is examined through written assignments individually and in groups, oral presentation and peer review as well as an written exam.

For the grade Pass in the whole course, it is required that all components are passed. For Pass with distinction in the whole course is required passed on all components as well as passed on final written exam.

