Pharmacology Related to Diseases and the Extended Role of the District Nurse

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3FV323

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Medical Science A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Board of the Nursing Programmes, 8 May 2019
Responsible department
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences

General provisions

The course is theoretical and is included in the Specialist nursing programme with focus on district nurse.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student will be able to

1. define and apply general and specific pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics in relation to pregnancy, breast feeding children and older people

2. account for drug dosage, drug interactions and side effects related to age and specific conditions for the drugs that are included in the prescription jurisdiction for the district nurse

3. account for laws and statutes regarding prescription of drugs and consumables to patients with specific diseases

4. analyse, independently assess and handle complex issues and situations based on evidence-based knowledge of various diseases and pharmacological treatment

5. prescribe drugs and consumer goods patient safe and in accordance with regulatory frameworks and guidelines

6. analyse and reflect on the importance of protecting the autonomy and integrity of the patient and from an intersectional perspective reflect on how socio economics, gender, age, ethnicity and other grounds of discrimination may interact and affect prescription of drugs and consumables

7. identify and problematise social economic and environmental aspects of drug usage

8. account for strategies for quality development in the field of knowledge

9. evaluate and apply new knowledge and research results in the field of knowledge as well as profession ethical and research ethical principles.


  • Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, administration and dosage forms, side-effects and registration of side-effects, drug addiction, drug interaction, compliance to drug treatment, pharmaco-epidemiology
  • Assessment of symptoms, signs and pathophysiology and pharmacological treatment, children and drugs, older people and drugs, natural remedies
  • Statutes and laws in the field
  • Prescription and prescription jurisdiction according to The National Board of Health and Welfare's ordinance on competence requirements for nurses in drug description
  • Prescription of consumables in diabetes- incontinence- and ostomy care.
  • Medical records management, documentation, economical aspects of drug prescription
  • Strategies for quality development, ethical and research ethical principles


Apart from web lectures, traditional lectures, seminars and workshops, students will work individually, in groups and with peer review with fellow students to solve assignments. The teaching intends to develop an advanced understanding and stimulate to active knowledge acquisition, reflection and critical analysis.


Cohort group exercises


Literature studies


Web-based teaching



Seminars, proficiency training, study assignments with written and oral presentation.


Examination of the objectives of the course is continuous throughout the course in the form of oral and written assignments - examinations individually and in groups. At examination in groups the student shall participate actively with knowledge and reflection. On completion of the course with passed results, course certificate according to Higher Education Ordinance chapter 7 section 16 is awarded and registration of prescription jurisdiction is awarded after application of The National Board of Health and Welfare.

