Combined small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering system (SAXS/WAXS) suitable for microstructural characterization of the system containing nanoparticles, amphiphilic self-assemblies, microemulsions, emulsions, liquid crystalline phases, proteins and peptides, polymers, fibers and thin solid films with mesoscale length scales of 0,2 nm and 300 nm (USAXS: 5 µm).
The system is equipped with a high flux X-ray source, point collimation system, 2D detector, flexible control system and basic data reduction software. The system provides data with high angular resolution in a wide q-range and absolute intensity measurements.
The sample stage/environment can handle many different types of samples including liquids, pastes, gels and solids, within a wide temperature range. It is equipped with a low-noise flow-through cell for liquids. Samples can be examined in vacuum or under ambient pressure.
Tekniska specifikationer
- Instrument: Xeuss 2.0 Q-Xoom, equipped with Bonse-Hart ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering analyzer.
- X-ray source: Microfocus sealed tube GeniX 3D (Cu, 30 W).
- Flux at test: > 450 Mph/s.
- Detectors: 1) Pilatus3 R 300K 2D. Sensitive area: 84×106mm2. Pixel size: 172×172 µm2. Resolution: Δq=0.0028nm-1 at sample to detector distance 2.5 m. 2) Pilatus 100K for simultaneous SAXS/WAXS collection.
- Sample detector distance: 80 mm - 2.5 m (motorized moving detector system).
- Available q-ranges: SAXS/WAXS: 0.025 - 41 nm-1; with USAXS extension: > 0.0012 nm-1.
For more information please contact Per Hansson, Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, BMC, Uppsala University.