Support Uppsala University
We live in a time of multiple and complex global challenges. With our strong basic research, boundless interdisciplinary challenge-driven research and engagement with the world around us, we are well equipped to contribute to solutions. If you are interested in supporting Uppsala University, there is no lack of opportunities. Join us to help us make a difference!
Your support can make a difference!
Vice-Chancellor Anders Hagfeldt: “For more than half a millennium, our quest for knowledge has contributed to solutions to the challenges facing society. Through boundary-crossing collaborations we can build a better future together.”
Boundless Knowledge
In 2027 Uppsala University will be 550 years old. With our world facing many complex challenges, the University is determined to further enhance its research, education and culture, and to contribute with increased vigour to the development of society. To this end, the Vice-Chancellor has launched a jubilee campaign: “Boundless knowledge – since 1477”.

Views on donations
Donations mean a lot both to those who generously donate and to those who gratefully receive them. Meet some of those who give and receive donations at Uppsala University.
If you are interested in supporting Uppsala University, there is no lack of opportunities. Uppsala University’s Development Office would be happy to hear from you to discuss ways in which you can contribute.

New about donations
Important donation for a chair in Jewish Thought
The Torsten Söderberg Foundati...

Donation in support of basic research
Uppsala University has receive...

Donation secures AI research long term
The Kjell and Märta Beijer Fou...

Ways of giving
We welcome gifts from private individuals, companies and organisations. Every gift matters!
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Friends of Uppsala University
The foundation Friends of Uppsala University supports purposes that benefit the University and its activities. Join the Friends of Uppsala University!
Uppsala University Alumni Network
A global network for all former students and staff at Uppsala University. To date, over 30,000 alumni in more than 150 countries around the world have chosen to become members.