Friends of Uppsala University

The ceiling of the Aula Magna seen from below with the big chandelier in the middle.

Uppsala University is a creative meeting place for knowledge, culture and critical dialogue. Since its foundation in 1477, for more than 500 years the University has found its way in a constantly changing world. Now one of the world’s top 100 higher education institutions, the challenge it faces is to further advance its position by pioneering new areas of knowledge and engaging in new partnerships. Uppsala University needs your involvement and support to achieve its ambitious goals for the future.

Friends of Uppsala University is a religiously and politically unaffiliated non-profit association established to promote the best interests of Uppsala University. The association consists of individuals who have made donations to the Friends of Uppsala University Foundation. The association and foundation actively support important projects that benefit the University and its activities, such as scholarships for fee-paying international Master’s students. Over the years, these scholarships have helped to finance the studies of international students in fields ranging from economics, physics and molecular biology to computer sciences and sociology.

Help Uppsala University move forward – join the Friends of Uppsala University!

Friends of Uppsala University offers three levels of membership:

SEK 1,000 or more

You will receive a bronze pin with the University’s seal, invitations to certain University events and a subscription to Uppsala University’s newsletter and magazine.

SEK 10,000 or more

You will receive a silver pin with the University’s seal, a promotional product, a free pass for two to Uppsala University’s museums, invitations to certain University events and a subscription to Uppsala University’s newsletter and magazine.

SEK 100,000 or more

You will receive a gold pin with the University’s seal, invitations to certain academic ceremonies and other University events, promotional products, a free pass for two to Uppsala University’s museums and a subscription to Uppsala University’s newsletter and magazine. In addition, you will be invited to join representatives of the University’s management at forums discussing Uppsala University’s activities and future challenges and will have opportunities to meet researchers, teaching staff and students. Membership at gold level also entitles a family member to full membership privileges.

Naturally, it is possible to reach a higher membership level by donating in instalments.

Friends of Uppsala University welcomes larger-scale donations to the University and donations for specific purposes.

Donated funds are collected in a foundation, “Friends of Uppsala University Foundation”, which is managed by the Uppsala University Foundations Management of Estates and Funds. Parts of the capital and its earnings are available to the Vice-Chancellor, to use for the benefit of Uppsala University. Each year, before deciding to draw on the Foundation’s assets, the Vice-Chancellor will consult the board of the Friends of Uppsala University concerning the proposed use of the Foundation’s funds.

How to join / make a donation (non-US residents)

You can make your donation to: Bankgiro 5080-1794 (Uppsala Universitets Stiftelseförvaltning Ekonomisk förening). Please make sure to enter your name and address and mark the donation “Friends of UU”.

How to join / make a donation (US residents)

If you live in the US, you can make your donation through the charitable organisation American Friends of Uppsala University. AFUU is a tax-exempt charitable organisation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to AFUU are deductible by donors as provided by law.

If you are unsure how to make your donation, you are welcome to contact the Development Office for further information.


Please contact the Board of Friends of Uppsala University for discussion and information:

  • Stefan Nilsson (Chair)
  • Lars Magnusson
  • Solveig Skoglund
  • Sten-Magnus Aquilonius
  • Lars Jonsson
  • Agneta Stålhandske
  • Wenche Rolfsen
  • Ingrid Ågerup (suppleant)
  • Cecilia Pahlberg (suppleant)

