The BioVis platform of Uppsala University provides you with a unique combination of technology and know-how for visualization of biological samples at the tissue, cell and subcellular level. We specialize in Light- and, Electron-Microscopy, Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting. We can offer state of the art Electron-Microscopy and sample preparation, Confocal- and Superresolution-Microscopy, 2Photon- and Slide Scanning Microscopy, as well as analytical Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting. BioVis is hosted by the Department of IGP and situated in the Rudbeck Laboratory, Science Park, Uppsala.The Medical & Pharmaceutical faculty at Uppsala University supports BioVis financially, thus the user fees can be kept low. Most instruments are cross-financed by the Department of IGP.

The platform is available for all universities, governmental agencies & private companies. You can book BioVis staff for Full service or work independent on our instruments. With proper training, provided by us, you can get independent access to our equipment.

We are mainly situated at Rudbeck Lab and have a small site at BMC. For more information see General Information under Start here.

When using BioVis service you are obliged to have BioVis (and Staff if applicable) in the acknowledgments of your publication.

Head of BioVis

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