How is a group created?
I följande två listor finns punkter som kan hjälpa er för att skapa er grupp. Ibland kan det vara lättare att börja med att diskutera vad man kan göra för att undvika att skapa en grupp, för att sedan fortsätta med att diskutera vad man istället kan göra för att skapa en grupp.
The following two lists contain points that can help you create your group. Sometimes it can be easier to start by discussing what you can do to avoid creating a group and then discuss what you can do to create a group instead.
What you can do to create a group
- Get to know each other
- Do something social together
- Do something risky together
- Perform a task together
- Do something together that requires physical labour
- Tell personal stories about yourselves
- Talk about how it feels to be in the group
- Identify your strengths and possible weaknesses as a group
- Identify your skills that could benefit the group
- Identify your views on how you would like to work with others in the group
- Build, construct, draw or design something together
- Do something creative together (like writing a two-minute play)
- Sing a song together
- Play a game together
- Say why you are better than the other groups, and be better than them!
- Make sure you have fun together
What you can do to avoid becoming a group
- Avoid joining in
- Spend the time talking about anything, with no goal in mind
- Allow someone to dominate
- Allow members not to be in the group
- Keep it formal, neutral and abstract
- Avoid all emotional expressions
- Refuse to set any task or goal
- Don’t bother to find out anything about the others in the group
- Don’t reveal anything about yourselves
- Express criticism and hostility towards each other or others
- Don’t listen to each other
- Don’t show any interest in the group
Inspired by G. Gibbs (1994) Learning in Teams. A Student Manual (Oxford Brookes University).