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Create feeds

A basic function in DiVA is the ability to retrieve and reuse data to build your own search interfaces, include publication lists in other external websites or export records in, for example, csv format, for further processing and statistical analyzes of data.

It is possible to retrieve publication data from DiVA in a number of different formats. These options are open to everyone and are available via the link Create feeds in the public search interface. More information about the search form and about the different formats can be found on X.

Import data to DiVA

Imports of records from other systems to DiVA can be done directly via searches from PubMed and via downloaded lists from a number of different metadata formats. The import is also adapted to the Web of Science export format. When importing records, a duplicate check is performed on the local ID and DOI. Via the MODS format, imports of records with existing links to authority lists can be made. These records can also be published directly in DiVA by an administrator with special authority.


  • Eva Agius, System management DiVA
    E-mail: eva.agius(a)ub.uu.se

  • Questions about publications in DiVA?
    Please contact the university or the institution where the publication was produced.
