Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy (STEP)

Panoramabild över Campus Blåsenhus.

Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

The research group STEP – Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy – was established in 2000. STEP performs studies on socialization, bildung, specifically focusing knowledge organization, selection and legitimization in different educational institutions, spanning from pre-school to higher education. Our research addresses the interplay between education policy, practice, and research. Curriculum theory is a fundamental theoretical frame of reference. We take an interest in change and continuity in education and its framing conditions, not least with respect to how economic, legal and cultural changes affect education policy, research and practice. This includes an interest in educational philosophical matters such as equity, sustainable development, rights/obligations and justice. Our research is grounded in internationally established curriculum and governance theories, comprising institutional, comparative, historical and spatial analyses of different kinds of education arenas. STEP is involved in a number of research projects within five main areas:

  • Educational policy and research
  • Assessment and evaluation as practices and governing tools
  • Governing, management and leadership
  • School practice and content
  • Higher education


Henrik Román


STEP is engaged in several international and national networks: Nordic Curriculum Theory Network, Nordic Network for Studies in Academic Development Activities and the national educational history network. STEP cooperates with many different research environments, such as CLEG (Curriculum Studies, Leadership and Educational Governance, UiO), SPLP (Studies in Professional Development, Learning and Policy), POP (Pedagogik och Politik, GU), ECE (KTH School of Education and Communication in Engineering Science, KTH), SEP (Studies in Educational Policy, HiG), Education and Democracy (OrU) and SITE (Studies in Curriculum theory and Educational reforms, LnU).

Our links to education

Our members teach in the subject of education at the first, second, and third cycles (bachelor, master, and doctoral levels).

The members of STEP also teach first-cycle courses in the Teaching and Preschool Teaching study programmes, in the Study Programme for Principals, as well as courses for exchange students. In addition, STEP is involved in courses on educational leadership in the university.

The Seminar for Curriculum Theory and Reform History of Reform

STEP:s holds big seminars every second Monday afternoon in Blåsenhus. Other Monday afternoons, we work on texts, empirical materials and projects in smaller groups.

At the common curriculum theory and reform history seminars, STEP senior researchers and PhD candidates present and discuss their work in progress, projects and ideas, or other studies with theoretical, analytical and empirical relevance for STEP research. In addition, we invite guests for research introductions or as external readers and commentators. Seminars are generally held in Swedish.

If you have a research interest compatible with the research performed within STEP and would like to participate in our seminar series, please contact Henrik Román.

Group members

Research leader: Henrik Román, Andreas Bergh, Daniel Pettersson, Jenni Nilsson
Group members: Henrik Román, Andreas Bergh, Daniel Pettersson, Ricardo Fiallo Kaminski, Stina Hallsén, Gustaf Birck, Urban-Andreas Johansson, Marie Karlsson, Nils Kirsten, Johan Liljestrand, Gunnlaugur Magnusson

