
The Linnaean Gardens collaborate with a range of other associations and organisations. We are members of a range of networks for gardens, museums and Linnaean heritage organisations. In the organisation of special events, we work together with many different groups.

Uppsala Municipality contributes to the running costs of the Linnaean Gardens. The aim of the collaboration between the University and the Municipality is to preserve the heritage of Linnaeus and Thunberg, and at the same time develop the Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala into attractive and well-visited environments. The gardens should be perceived as the outdoor living rooms of Uppsala’s residents, as well as natural destinatiuons for tourists and other visitors.

Linnaeus’ Hammarby, The Linnaeus Garden and the Botanical Garden are owned by the Swedish State and managed by the National Property Board (Statens Fastighetsverk, SFV). They are responsible for maintaining the buildings and architectural components, while Uppsala University is responsible for the activities in the gardens and buildings.

Friends' organisations

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The Friends of Linnaeus is a support organisation for the Uppsala Linnaean Gardens. They organise lectures, guided tours and visits for their members, as well as taking part in various events at the Gardens.

Annual membership is 150 kr. Members receive free entry to the Tropical Greenhouse in the Botanical Garden, to the Linnaeus Garden, the Linnaeus Museum and to Linnaeus’ Hammarby. You also get a 50% discount on thematic guided tours.

Website of the Friends of Linnaeus

Support the work of The Linnaean Gardens

The Uppsala Linnaean Gardens are important places of cultural heritage and visitor destinations in Uppsala. We preserve the heritage after Carl Linnaeus, his successor Carl Peter Thunberg and their scientific work. The plants we grow reflect a historical cultural heritage, current ongoing research and the diversity of the plant kingdom. Our plants are there for the joy and benefit of scientists, students, schools, preschools, but also the plant interested general public.

The Uppsala Linnaean Gardens are run by Uppsala University with support from Uppsala Municipality. Entrance fees and donations contribute to the development and preservation of the gardens for future generations.

If you as a private person want to support us and/or get involved in what we do, you can become a member in one of our friends' organisations. You can also support us by for example adopting one of our plants.

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There are several possibilities for you to support us, if you wish. You are more than welcome to contact us by e-mail for a dialogue on how you can contribute to a secure future for our gardens.


