Plant database
For the moment the search function of Uppsala Linnaean Garden's database is not working properly. Please contact us for further information about our living collection.
One of the main tasks of The Linnaean Gardens is to provide plant material for research. Many of the plants in the gardens have been gathered during expeditions around the world. If you, as a scientist, need further information about specific plants in our gardens, please feel free to contact us.
Contact information:
The garden herbarium is located at the Museum of Evolution at Uppsala University.
Area maps
The Botanical Garden, the north part with the Baroque Garden ans Linneanum

Area 5A–14K, and area 3 (the Orangery in Linneanum)
The Botanical Garden, the south part with the Tropical Greenhouse

Area 15A–17T, and 2A-2E (the Tropical Greenhouse)
Linnaeus' Hammarby
Area 20, map not available
The Linnaeus Garden
Area L, map not available