Steering group

Scientific leader
Professor of Public Law at the Department of Law, Uppsala University. Her research focuses on public law broadly defined; how European Union law affects legal development within welfare state law, and how liberties and rights can be ensured in a complex constitutional reality.
Coordinator for the multidisciplinary initiatives of the Faculty of Theology.
Scientific leader
Mikael Stenmark is Professor in the Philosophy of Religion. His research focuses on the relationship between science and religion, different forms of religious criticism, and on how to understand the difference between religious and secular worldviews. In his research, he has also explored the relationship between Christian and Muslim faith and different conceptions of God and human nature.
Stenmark is a scientific leader at the Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society.

Researcher in the field of the sociology of religion with a particular interest in civil society and issues of religion and the involvement of religious organisations within the field of welfare. Member of the research programme Impact och Religion. Also project coordinator within a project based at UU Innovation to create a support structure for knowledge transfer and collaboration in the Humanities and Social Sciences at Uppsala University.