Book releases

Book release/semimar: Fraternal Relations in Monasteries

Book launch - Tuesday 31 January at 15.15-17, there will be a book launch and discussion of the very interesting book by CRS affiliated researcher Mikaela Sundberg (Stockholm University) entitled Fraternal Relations in Monasteries (Routledge 2022). Thomas Ekstrand (department of theology, UU) will act as the discussant. The preliminary location is 22-1009.

This is a book about the tensions between Christian ideals of love and the concrete realities of everyday monastic life. Based on a study of Cistercian monasteries in France, it develops a novel conceptualization of fraternal relations and addresses how monks and nuns strive to accomplish such relationships within their communities. By focusing on the main interaction contexts of monasteries as a form of voluntary total institution, the book shows how attempts to generate collective solidarity, relate to other members as equals and avoid preferential relations conflict with practices of everyday life. Although fraternal ideals are similar for monks and nuns, the analysis reveals significant gender differences regarding the legitimacy of different forms of interaction and relationships as well as how to control them.

Book Release: The Ethics of Exile

On Monday, November 21 at 16-18 at IRES Library Gamla Torget 3, 3rd floor, there will be a book launch and discussion of the very interesting book by Ashwini Vasanthakumar (Queen’s Law School, Canada) entitled The Ethics of Exile (OUP 2021). Ruvi Ziegler (Reading University, UK) will act as the discussant.

Stuck in the Margins?

New Publication Stuck in the Margins?: Young people and faith-based organisations in South African and Nordic localities with contributions from several CRS researchers.

This book represents the first major international scholarly endeavour to explore the contemporary phenomenon of youth marginalisation from a focused interdisciplinary faith-based organisational perspective. This is done through combining the interrelated fields of ‘religion and development’ and ‘religion and social welfare’ with ‘international youth studies’. At the centre of the discussions are the views and experiences of young people from different localities in South Africa, Finland and Norway. The result is a scholarly work that is both appreciative as well as critical of the involvement of faith-based organisations in the lives of marginalised youths, but also of the research enterprise itself.

Virtual book launch Thursday February 3rd 2022 17.00-18.30 Swedish time (18:00 - 19:30 South African time) Free registration: Zoom link:

More information here.


Date: 15 juni 2021
Time: 16.00 – 18.00 Central European Summer Time
Location: Zoom

Follow this link to find the event video.

Charity alone can provide but a fraction of an answer to the global health challenges of the 21st century. Faith-Based Health Justice: Transforming Agendas of Faith Communities (Fortress Press, Feb 2021), a new volume discussing faith and health justice today, has raised such questions. Providing new empirical examples and developing theoretical discussions from contexts around the globe this edited collection is an important contribution to further discussion on a vital, but understudied issue. The present online event launching the book and exploring faith-based health justice extends its concerns to the era of the newest pandemic. This event gathers academics and practitioners to share knowledge and reflect and build on the findings presented in the book.

The volume was written during a time of global turbulence, when the threads of religion and health entwined with our notions of well-being, suffering, and global disasters of various political and conflict-related magnitudes. These developments were not unprecedented, but nevertheless presented fresh challenges for how we collectively respond to our cultural experiences of health and illness around the world.

This event provides the opportunity to listen to authors from the volume from a wide variety of contexts presenting their research, as well as comments and reflections from other international experts in the field.

Through an understanding of faith-based health justice, which has now entered the era of a global pandemic, speakers will explore reflections on the health traumas we are witnessing and the opportunities such a rupture creates for transforming fragile and fragmented forms of health justice from a faith-based lens. This event aims to start a discussion to continue developing the themes from the book in ways that look forward to repairing and regrowing our global health and transforming trauma to justice.

Contributions include Keynote as well as presentations by editors and authors.
Full programme and list of speakers can be found here.

Participation is free of charge and open to all, but registrarion is necessary:
Register here.

The link to the event will be sent to all registerd participants shortly before the event.


Professor Katherine Marshall, Executive Director of the World Faiths Development Dialogue and Senior Fellow of the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

Simon Dein, Consultant Psychiatrist and Honorary Professor, Durham University and Queen Mary’s University, London, UK as well as presentations by editors and authors.


Ville Päivänsalo,Adjunct Professor in Theological and Social Ethics, The University of Helsinki.

Ayesha Ahmad, lecturer in global health at St. Georges University of London, and honorary lecturer in Global Health, University College London.

George Zachariah, Faculty of theological studies at Trinity Methodist Theological College, Auckland, New Zealand.

Mari Stenlund


Dr. Josephine Sundqvist, Secretary-General of Läkarmissionen (LM) and one of the contributing authors.

The event is organized by:

The Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak), Helsinki; The Faculty of Theology (University of Helsinki), Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society, CRS (Uppsala University); The Fortress Press, Minneapolis, MN; Läkarmissionen (LM), Stockholm and The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.



Date: 19 October
Time: 15.00-17.00
Place: Zoom
- Email Martha Middlemiss to register.
Zoom link sends to registered participants

The Editors will present the book with contributions to discussions from several other contributors as well.

BOOK DESCRIPTION: This book uses the very latest research to examine current interactions between religion, migration and existential wellbeing. In particular, it demonstrates the role of religion and religious organizations in the social, medical and existential wellbeing of immigrants within their host societies. By focusing on the role and politics of religion and religious organisations as well as the religious identity and faith of individuals, it highlights the connection between existential wellbeing, integration and social cohesion.

The book brings together researchers from various disciplines taking on the challenge to elaborate on the theme of this book from different perspectives, using different methods and theories with a wide selection of cases from various parts of the world. The value of multidisciplinary research on the role of religion in a globalised society – locally, nationally and internationally – is important for understanding the composition and potential solutions to social and political problems. Religious aspects and organisations are present in legal, political and social forms of governance and form the basis for future research on e.g. secularisation, democracy, minorities, human rights, welfare, healthcare and identity formation. These and other related topics are discussed in this book.

This book is an up-to-date and multifaceted study of how religion engages with the mass movement of peoples. As such, it will be of great interest to any scholar of Religious Studies, Migrant Studies, Sociology of Religion, Religion and Politics, as well as Legal Studies with a human right focus.

Further details to follow


Date: 17 November
Time: 15.00-17.00
Place: Zoom
- Zoom link sends to registered participants. Email Martha Middlemiss to register.

Forskning om religion och samhälle: Erfarenheter av en centrumbildnings framväxt och etablering vid Uppsala universitet 1997-2019

I boken redovisar Anders Bäckstöm, Professor emeritus i religionssociologi sina erfarenheter av forskningsplanering med följande utvärderingar från Stat-kyrka-projetet inom FOS-programmet 1997-2002, Välfärd och religion i ett Europeiskt perspektiv 2003-2009 samt Linnestödsprogrammet Impact of Religion: Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy 2008-2018. Han ger också en historisk och akuell översikt över de processer som har lett till framväxten av Centrum för mångvetenskaplig forskning om religion och samhälle (CRS) vid Uppsala universitet.
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Religion & Society, nr 18/2020

Frågan om hur forskning och forskningskvalitet ska organiseras och utvärderas är ständigt aktuell inom vetenskapssamhället. I denna rapport redovisar jag mina erfarenheter av forskningsplanering med följande utvärderingar från Stat-kyrka-projetet inom FOS-programmet 1997-2002, Välfärd och religion i ett Europeiskt perspektiv 2003-2009 samt Linnestödsprogrammet Impact of Religion: Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy 2008-2018. Jag ger också en historisk och akuell översikt över de processer som har lett till framväxten av Centrum för mångvetenskaplig forskning om religion och samhälle (CRS) vid Uppsala universitet. Mitt huvudargument är att arbetet med att utveckla forskningsmiljöer bör vara långsiktigt och syfta till att skapa en mångvetenskaplig grundhållning. Att foga samman forskningskulturer som präglas av olika discipliner går om det finns en väl avvägd infrastruktur och ett brinnande intellektuellt intresse att ta sig an samhällsutmaningar.


Welcome to bookrelease by Ninna Edgardh`s new book: Diakonins kyrka - Teologi, kön och omsorgens utmattning.

Date: 18 November,15.15–17.00

Venue: Svenska kyrkans utbildningsinstitut (SKUI), Linnégatan 1C, Uppsala

Edgardhs talks about the book together with Cecilia Nahnfeldt and Hanna Stenström. Discussant is Anna Moilanen.

Organizers: Verbum and Svenska kyrkans enhet för forskning och analys

Därefter blir det mingel och signering.

O:S:A. no later than November 13 to


