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Uppsala University
Subpages for Uppsala University
Uppsala Diabetes Centre (UDC)
Subpages for Uppsala Diabetes Centre (UDC)
Subpages for Research
3 D printed oral dosage forms utilizing microneedle injections of GLP-1 analogues and insulin for efficient treatment of diabetes
A novel therapeutic option for treating horses with insulin dysregulation and preventing laminitis
Co-designing a social robot facilitator to boost community engagement with type-2 diabetes
Combining epidemiology with artificial intelligence to examine socioeconomic positions and risk factors trajectories in relation to complications of type-2 diabetes
Development of an Online Psychological Treatment for PDN
Image-scanning microscopy for fast super-resolution imaging of islets cell signaling and secretion
INCAPET-Incretin mimetic mode of action study in PET
Large-scale imaging studies of associations and causality of body composition in relation to type 2 diabetes
Large scale statistical machine learning for the type 1 diabetes management
Role of the brain in the development of type 2 diabetes
The role of Immune cell-microbial interactions for long-term islet function and glucose homeostasis
Timing of physical exercise to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes in humans: the mechanistic role of circadian rythms in metabolic tissues
Transforming communities for active and healthy lifestyle: co-design of community outreach for the prevention of type 2 diabetes
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Uppsala University
Uppsala Diabetes Centre (UDC)
3 D printed oral dosage forms utilizing microneedle injections of GLP-1 analogues and insulin for efficient treatment of diabetes
Uppsala University
Subpages for Uppsala University
Uppsala Diabetes Centre (UDC)
Subpages for Uppsala Diabetes Centre (UDC)
Subpages for Research
3 D printed oral dosage forms utilizing microneedle injections of GLP-1 analogues and insulin for efficient treatment of diabetes
A novel therapeutic option for treating horses with insulin dysregulation and preventing laminitis
Co-designing a social robot facilitator to boost community engagement with type-2 diabetes
Combining epidemiology with artificial intelligence to examine socioeconomic positions and risk factors trajectories in relation to complications of type-2 diabetes
Development of an Online Psychological Treatment for PDN
Image-scanning microscopy for fast super-resolution imaging of islets cell signaling and secretion
INCAPET-Incretin mimetic mode of action study in PET
Large-scale imaging studies of associations and causality of body composition in relation to type 2 diabetes
Large scale statistical machine learning for the type 1 diabetes management
Role of the brain in the development of type 2 diabetes
The role of Immune cell-microbial interactions for long-term islet function and glucose homeostasis
Timing of physical exercise to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes in humans: the mechanistic role of circadian rythms in metabolic tissues
Transforming communities for active and healthy lifestyle: co-design of community outreach for the prevention of type 2 diabetes
About us
Subpages for About us
3 D printed oral dosage forms utilizing microneedle injections of GLP-1 analogues and insulin for efficient treatment of diabetes
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