New PhD course on Reproductive Justice in Global Contexts

The Centre for Gender Research offers a new PhD course on reproductive justice in global contexts (7.5 credits) this autumn. The course is led by Lena Hann, Associate Professor of Public Health at Augustana College, Illinois, and guest researcher and Fulbright scholar at the Centre for Gender Research.

Collage av fyra bilder som visar, 1. en feministisk demonstration där en kvinna håller ett plakat med text på spanska, 2. en äggcell som insemineras, 3. en illustration av en livmoder i genomskärning där skuggan bildar en vågskål (representerar rättssystemet), 4. en bebishand som håller i en vuxens hand.

All images from Mostphotos

The course explores how gender, class, race/ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, immigration status, criminalization status, and other multifaceted identities shape a person’s ability to self-determine their reproductive destiny.

The course will utilize readings, films, and guest speakers to understand the socioeconomic and political contexts in which reproduction is situated: first, in the United States, where the Reproductive Justice framework originated; then, in Sweden and other countries with different approaches to Reproductive Justice.

Topics include intersectional, anti-racism, feminist, and critical public health perspectives on abortion, adoption, birth, contraception, fertility, health care, parenting, pregnancy, sterilization, and surrogacy.

The course is given in a hybrid format, meaning that seminars are held both in place in Uppsala and online, allowing for students outside Uppsala University to attend.

Read more about the course and how to apply

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