Publications from Uppsala Immigration Lab
Here you will find publications from researchers working at the Uppsala Immigration Lab. All publications touch on immigration, integration and society in different ways. On the page you will find scientific publications, working papers, and other publications.
Scientific publications
- Andersson, David, Mounir Karadja, och Erik Prawitz. (2022). "Mass Migration and Technological Change". Journal of the European Economic Association 20 (5): 1859–96.
- Andersson, Henrik, och Kristoffer Jutvik. (2023). "Do Asylum‐seekers Respond to Policy Changes? Evidence from the Swedish–Syrian Case". The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 125 (1): 3-31.
- Andersson, Henrik, Nazita Lajevardi, Karl-Oskar Lindgren, och Sven Oskarsson. (2022). "Effects of Settlement into Ethnic Enclaves on Immigrant Voter Turnout". The Journal of Politics 84 (1): 578–84.
- Ansala, Laura, Olof Åslund, och Matti Sarvimäki. (2022). "Immigration History, Entry Jobs and the Labor Market Integration of Immigrants". Journal of Economic Geography 22 (3): 581–604.
- Carlsson, Magnus, och Stefan Eriksson. (2022). "Do Employers Avoid Hiring Workers from Poor Neighborhoods? Experimental Evidence from the Real Labor Market?" The Scandinavian Journal of Economics.
- Hammar, Olle, Mounir Karadja, och Akib Khan. (2022). "Social Networks and Immigrant Integration : Experimental Evidence from Sweden". Journal of Development Economics.
- Legewie, Joscha, Amy Hsin, Niklas Harder, och Linna Martén. (2022). "Local Policing and the Educational Outcomes of Undocumented College Students". Sociological Science.
- Andersson, Henrik. (2021). "Ethnic Enclaves, Self-Employment, and the Economic Performance of Refugees: Evidence from a Swedish Dispersal Policy". International Migration Review 55 (1): 58–83.
- Andersson, Henrik, Heléne Berg, och Matz Dahlberg. (2021). "Migrating Natives and Foreign Immigration: Is There a Preference for Ethnic Residential Homogeneity?" Journal of Urban Economics.
- Andersson, Henrik, och Sirus H. Dehdari. (2021). "Workplace Contact and Support for Anti-Immigration Parties". American Political Science Review 115 (4): 1159–74.
- Blind, Ina, och Matz Dahlberg. (2020). "Immigration, New Religious Symbols, and the Dynamics of Neighborhoods". Journal of Regional Science 60 (5): 929–58.
- Bratu, Cristina, Matz Dahlberg, Mattias Engdahl, och Till Nikolka. (2020). "Spillover Effects of Stricter Immigration Policies". Journal of Public Economics.
- Hammar, Olle, och Daniel Waldenström. (2020). "Global Earnings Inequality, 1970–2018". The Economic Journal 130 (632): 2526–45.
- Berg, Heléne, Matz Dahlberg, och Kåre Vernby. (2019). "Post-WWI Military Disarmament and Interwar Fascism in Sweden". Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 52 (1): 37–56.
- Karadja, Mounir, och Erik Prawitz. (2019). "Exit, Voice, and Political Change: Evidence from Swedish Mass Migration to the United States". Journal of Political Economy 127 (4): 1864–1925.
- Martén, Linna, Jens Hainmueller, och Dominik Hangartner. (2019). "Ethnic networks can foster the economic integration of refugees". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (33): 16280–85.
- Åslund, Olof, och Mattias Engdahl. (2019). "Open Borders, Transport Links, and Local Labor Markets". International Migration Review 53 (3): 706–35.
- Åslund, Olof, och Mattias Engdahl. (2018). "The Value of Earning for Learning: Performance Bonuses in Immigrant Language Training". Economics of Education Review 62: 192–204.
- Hainmueller, Jens, Duncan Lawrence, Linna Martén, Bernard Black, Lucila Figueroa, Michael Hotard, Tomás R. Jiménez, m.fl. (2017). "Protecting Unauthorized Immigrant Mothers Improves Their Children’s Mental Health". Science 357 (6355): 1041–44.
Working papers
- Carlsson, Magnus, Stefan Eriksson, och Dan-Olof Rooth. (2023). "Language Proficiency and Hiring of Immigrants: Evidence from a New Field Experimental Approach". IZA Discussion paper No. 15950.
- Engdahl, Mattias, Olof Rosenqvist, och Olof Åslund. (2022). "Limbo or Leverage? Asylum Waiting and Refugee Integration". Working Paper 2022:1. IFAU.
- Engdahl, Mattias, Olof Rosenqvist, och Olof Åslund. (2022). "Förlorad tid eller förberedelser för integration?" 2022:1. IFAU.
- Willis, Sébastien. (2022). "Workplace Segregation and the Labour Market Performance of Immigrants". CESifo Working Paper, nr 9895.
- Åslund, Olof, Cristina Bratu, Stefano Lombardi, och Anna Thoresson. (2022). "Firm Productivity and Immigrant-Native Earnings Disparity". IZA Discussion Paper, nr 14960.
- Bratu, Cristina, Matz Dahlberg, och Madhinee Valeyatheepillay. 2021. "Age at Arrival and Residential Integration". CESifo Working Paper, nr 9181.
- Bratu, Cristina, Stefano Lombardi, Anna Thoresson, och Olof Åslund. 2021. "Företagens produktivitet och inkomstskillnader mellan invandrade och infödda". 2021:22. IFAU.
- Aggeborn, Linuz, Henrik Andersson, Sirus Håfström Dehdari, och Karl-Oskar Lindgren. 2020. "Does Election Salience Affect Immigrant Voter Turnout?" Preprint. Politics and International Relations.
Other publications
- Eriksson, Stefan, och Dan-Olof Rooth. (2022). God svenska – vägen till arbete för utrikes födda? SNS förlag.
- Hammar, Olle, Mikael Elinder, och Oscar Erixson. (2022). "Hur många kommer fly från Ukraina och vilka EU-länder kommer de söka sig till?" Delmi Policy Brief. Stockholm: Delegationen för Migrationsstudier.
- Dahlberg, Matz. (2021). "Comment on Low-Income Housing Policies: Affordability and Integration by Essi Erola". Nordic Economic Policy Review 2021.
- Hammar, Olle. (2021). "Migranters attityder och värderingar". 80. SNS Analys. SNS.
- Nora, Sánchez Gassen, Penje Oskar, Bratsberg Bernt, Raaum Oddbjörn, Roed Knut, Skedinger Per, och Åslund Olof. (2021). Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nordic Council of Ministers.
- Dahlberg, Matz, Johan Egebark, Ulrika Vikman, och Gulay Özcan. (2020). "Arbetsmarknadsetablering av nyanlända lågutbildade flyktingar". 2020:21. IFAU.
- Hammar, Olle. 2020. "Femtio år av global ojämlikhet : Har världen blivit mer eller mindre jämlik?" Ekonomisk Debatt 48 (4): 5–12.
- Laun, Lisa, Linus Liljeberg, och Olof Åslund. (2020). "Utrikes födda och välfärdssystemen". 2020:15. IFAU.
- Andersson, Henrik, och Kristoffer Jutvik. (2019). "Påverkar nationell migrationspolitik flyktingflöden?" Ekonomisk Debatt 47 (3): 5–17.
- Liljeberg, Linus, och Olof Åslund. (2019). "Etablering efter etableringsinsatser". 2019:28. IFAU.
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