
Participation in CPR events is by invitation only.
Past Events
Gang violence and a culture of non-cooperation with the police: criminal law and criminal procedure law counter-measures, 2 May 2019,
Research Workshop on The Digitalisation of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice– Current Issues and Future Challenges, (jointly with the European Law seminar series, 29 May)
Automatic responses and decision-making under physical and mental stress in relation to police interventions, Dr. Johan Bertilsson, 29 October
Seminar 22 February on “Recent developments in international police cooperation”,
Dr Saskia Hufnagel, Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law vid School of Law, Queen Mary University of London.
Conference 22 March on ”The reform of the Swedish police: three years later”. Speakers, Iain Cameron, Uppsala universitet, Erik Axelsson, Statskontoret, Erik Steen, Region Mitt, Carola Gunnarsson, SKL, Lena Landström/Niklas Eklund, Umeå university.
Seminar 2 October on the threat from lone wolves and invite to book release of ”The lonely terrorist – on lone wolves, internet hate and burning down refugee holding centres”
Conference 5-6 November om the Nordic project Taking surveillance apart? Accountability and Legitimacy of Internet Surveillance and Expanded Investigatory Powers. Speakers, Megan O'Neill, Amy Humphrey, Jon Mendel (Dundee University), Burkhard Schafer (Edinburgh University), Guro Flinterud, (Norwegian Police University College), Heidi Lomell (Oslo University), Jarmo Houtsonen, Anna Leppanen (Finnish Police University College), Iain Cameron (Uppsala University).
Seminar 10 April 17.15-19.00, Psychological factors influencing investigative work, Moa Lidén, doctoral student Dept of Law, Ivar Fahsing, Detective Chief Superintendent, norska PolitihØgskolen, Thomas Skou Roer, Institut for efterforskning, Politiskolen i Danmark.
Seminar 2 February15.15-19.00 Recent developments regarding surveillance 15.15 – 16.30 – Mass Surveillance? The new UK Investigatory Powers Act 2016, Dr. Jacques Hartman, Senior Lecturer in Law, Dundee University, 17.15 – 18.30 – CJEU’s preliminary reference in C‑203/15 och C‑698/15 Tele2 Sverige AB and the implications for Sweden, Professor Iain Cameron, Dept of Law.
Seminar 20 October with the National Audit Commission to discuss the Commission’s draft report on Police handling of temporary border controls
Conference 29-30 september (organised together with the Security Police) on Terrorism. Panel discussions on technological innovations in investigating terrorism, handling of low-intensity terror, Foreign fighters and investigation and prosecution of extraterritorial offences, the roots of Islamic terror and the Way forward – what do we need to know more about and why? (80 participants)
Seminar 25 April on extremism/terrorism och preventive social measures: discussion of two reports (Prof. Mattias Gardell, Assoc Prof Helene Lööw and participants from the Segerstedt Instutute, Gothenburg University).
Seminar 3 December on secret coercive measures in Germany, Dr. Thorsten Weztling and Mr. Jan-Peter Kleinhans, research fellows at the German stiftung neue verantwortung,
Seminar 17 november on lone wolves, Professor Mattias Gardell (Faculty of Theology), Niklas Eneroth, Nationella Operativa avdelning.
Anders Thornberg, Security Police
Director, opens the Conference.
Conference om hate crimes and extremism – myths and reality, 3-4 June 2015 (organised together with the Security Police). Speakers, Anders Thornberg, Director, Security Police, Professor Anna Singer stf. Prorektor, Uppsala universitet, Helene Lööw, Department of History Uppsala Universitet, Ahn-Za Hagström, Security Police, Carina Djärv, National Council on Crime Prevention, Anna Jonsson Cornell, Faculty of Law, Uppsala Universitet, Anna Skarhed, Chancellor of Justice, Henrik Bachner, Swedish Committee against anti-semitism, Mattias Gardell, Faculty of Theology Uppsala universitet, Lari Nyroos, Security Police, Thomas Roth, armémuseum, Iain Cameron, Faculty of Law, Uppsala universitet (70 participants )
Seminar 17 March on hate crimes. Professor Mattias Gardell (teologiska institutionen) on hate crimes against Roma and Professor Hans-Gunnar Axberger (Dept of Law) on hate crime and freedom of speech
Seminar 23 February on extremism with focus on ideology, strategies, recruitment and new legislation, Assoc Prof Heléne Lööw on white power extremism, Professor Mohammad Fazlhashemi on Jihadi extremism and Professor Iain Cameron on new legislation.
Seminar 2 December, 17.15-19.00 on Swedes and foreign wars - historical experiences and war crimes legislation, Förste intendenten and member of the Royal Academy on the Science of war, Thomas Roth, Assoc Prof Heléne Lööw, Professor Iain Cameron and JD Mark Klamberg.
Seminar 13 November 17.15-19.00, Professor Nick Fyfe, Director, Scottish Institute for Policing Research seminar on police reform in Scotland: If eight forces was the problem, why was Police Scotland the answer and what difference has it made?
Seminar 29 oktober 13.15 – 15 Professor Marie Allen, Inst. för Immunologi, genetik och patologi, on DNA-technique and evidence.
Conference 23 oktober 2014, kl. 13.15-18.00 on the future for oversight of the police. Presentation of the commission of inquiry (SOU 2013:42), Professor Iain Cameron, Dept of Law, Uppsala Universitet, the audit society, FD Helena Wockelberg, Dep of Political Science, Uppsala Universitet, Different types of oversight, Assoc Prof Lotta Lerwall, Dept of Law, Uppsala Universitet, External evaluations of the police, Professor Johannes Knutsson, Politihøgskolen, Oslo, the perpective of the prosecutor, Överåklagare Mats Åhlund, the perpective of the Ombudsman, JO Cecilia Renfors, the perpective of the Chancellor of Justice, JK Anna Skarhed, the perpective of the Security and Integrity Protection Board (SIN), former chief judge and president in SIN Sigurd Heuman.
Seminar 8 April 17.15-19.00 Assoc Prof Nazar Akrami, Psykologiska institutionen, Prejudices – a matter of personality or context?
Seminar den 13 mars, 17.15-19.00 om Violent Extremism, Assoc Prof Heléne Lööw introduces the commission of inquiry When we care – proposals to improve coordination among agencies and education in order more effectively to prevent violent extremism (SOU 2013:81). Commentators: Professor Mattias Gardell and Professor Iain Cameron
Seminar 27 november 16.15-18.00 Assoc Prof Heléne Lööw introduces the Godiac-projektet, a project financed by the EU and the Swedish police regarding policing demonstrations
Seminar 15 October 13.15-15.00 Professor Ingemar Thibilin, Faculty of Medicine, Introduces the subject, Forensic medicine – medicine in the service of the state.
Seminar 17 september 16.15-18.00 Court of Administrative Appeal President, Thomas Rolén, Chair of the Police Reform implementation committee, speaks about the creation of a single police authority