Stanko Skrtic new chair of the SweDeliver Center Board

SweDeliver welcomes Stanko Skrtic, Medical Science Director at AstraZeneca R&D, as the new chair of our Center Board.

(Image removed) Stanko Skrtic, chair, SweDeliver Center Board

Stanko Skrtic has extensive experience in experimental endocrinology, clinical pharmacology, preclinical research and various phases of clinical development work. Stanko Skrtic is also the founding innovator of several small Life Science companies.

Stanko Skrtic's scientific career includes more than 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals in both preclinical and clinical topics. In his preclinical academic research, he has worked one year at Philips University Marburg & RWTH Aachen, and conducted guest research at the NIH Imaging Center in Bethesda, MD. Stanko Skrtic has also worked at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital as an internal medicine doctor and clinical pharmacologist.

Stanko Skrtic has extensive experience of board assignments in Swedish biotechnology. He is currently on the boards of Admedella AB, Animeda AB and Anivator AB.

"We are extremely pleased to introduce Stanko Skrtic, AstraZeneca R&D, as new chair of SweDeliver, and are all very excited to work with Stanko the years to come! In parallel, we want to express our sincere gratitude to Mats Berglund, AstraZeneca R&D, who after 3.5 years at the helm of SDDF and SweDeliver stepped down as chair. Being a strong advocate for drug delivery research in the Nordic region, Mats has, with his hard work and dedication, played a key role in our center’s success story," states Christel Bergström, Center Director at SweDeliver.

We will return with a more detailed presentation of Stanko Skrtic.



(Image removed) Christel Bergström
Center Director, SweDeliver

text: Magnus Alsne, photo: private, Mikael Wallerstedt

