Pharmacystudent Anton Norberg: “SweDeliver’s is providing me a unique opportunity”

Just a minute… Anton Norberg, student at Uppsala University's master of science programme in pharmacy and one of six very promising students selected by SweDeliver for a six-week summer internship at one of the centre's industrial partners.

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Name  Anton Norberg
Studying  Master of science programme in pharmacy, Uppsala University (SE)
Will do an internship at  Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier AB (APL)

What made you apply for a summer internship at SweDeliver?
I am currently studying semester 7 of the Master of science programme in pharmacy, focusing on the production, use and effect of drugs. Along the way, I have become increasingly interested in research, and SweDeliver's offer provides a unique opportunity for me to take an active part in industrial research on drug delivery.

(Image removed) Anton Norberg, Pharmacystudent 

With which partner will you do your internship?
“At Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier AB, a very good company, performing important work in the development and manufacturing of personalised medicine. During my internship, I hope to both contribute to their mission and develop my knowledge in drug formulation and research.”

What do you hope to bring with you after completing the internship?
“Above all, an increased insight into how research and other areas of operations are conducted at a pharmaceutical company. Of course, I also hope to gain experience of project management and new methods that will be of future benefit in the field of drug delivery.”



(Image removed) Center Director
Professor Christel Bergström,
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University

