Do your degree project at SweDeliver's industrial partners
SweDeliver now offers students the opportunity to do a degree project consisting of 30 or 45 credits at one of our industry partners. Welcome to submit your application or contact us for more information.
(Image removed) Students are welcome to do their degree project at SweDeliver's industrial partners
SweDeliver is an interdisciplinary collaboration between academia and industry in order to overcome the challenges surrounding drug delivery. Uppsala University's Faculty of Pharmacy is the academic hub, with 16 industrial partners contributing expertise, research infrastructures and industrial perspectives and needs to the competence center’s research program.
SweDeliver now offers students to do their degree project at one of the competence center’s industrial partners. Take this opportunity to experience research at the forefront of drug delivery in state-of-the-art environments.
- CV and Grades
- A personal letter describing the subject you are interested to do your degree project in.
- A list of your preferred top three SweDeliver industrial partners (Link removed) to do your degree project at with a motivation for your selection
Submit your application to with subject SweDeliver degree project.
- SweDeliver is a national competence center conducting research on parenteral, oral and pulmonary drug delivery.
(Image removed) Christel Bergström, Center Director
SweDeliver, Uppsala University
text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Mikael Wallerstedt a o.