SweDeliver Retreat 2022 receiving top marks
“It was both fun and educational to finally meet everyone and get an overall picture of the ongoing projects," says Rosita Kneiszl Pettersson, PhD student in SweDeliver and one of 30 participants at the SweDeliver Retreat 2022.
(Image removed) SweDeliver Retreat 2022 receives praise from participants
Six months into the COVID-19 pandemic SweDeliver was launched. To – in the midst of restrictions and online meetings – establish a competence center based on networking and interdisciplinary collaborations between academia and industry comes with challenges. Thus, expectations were high for the 1st SweDeliver Retreat.
(Image removed) Göran Frenning, SweDeliver
"Meeting in real life is essential to really get to know the people working within SweDeliver. The program at Retreat 2022 offers a good and relaxed agenda that will undoubtedly contribute to an even more open exchange of ideas within our center,” states Göran Frenning, Professor of Pharmaceutical Physics and leader of the Pulmonary Drug Delivery Work Package.
The SweDeliver Retreat 2022 was held March 22-23 at the Nova Park Conference, gathering nearly thirty of the center's researchers. At the meeting, fourteen of SweDeliver's junior researchers gave presentations of their projects, but the program also provided space for several interdisciplinary workshops.
(Image removed) Rosita Kneiszl Pettersson, PhD student
“It was both fun and educational to finally meet everyone and get an overall picture of the breadth and similarities between the ongoing projects. The whole retreat was very well organised, including choices of venue and the team building activity that helped us to interact even more, and I think the other PhD students agree with me in this,” says Rosita Kneiszl Pettersson, PhD student in the Oral Drug Delivery Work Package.
Next, SweDeliver Summit 2022 is prepared, a meeting place where the center's industrial partners will also participate. More information about this event will be published shortly on the SweDeliver website.
“This retreat offered a valuable opportunity to meet all new recruits in SweDeliver and to get an overview of what is happening in our various projects. That we can from now on combine digital and physical meetings will have great and positive significance for our future operations,” says Göran Frenning.
(Image removed) Christel Bergström, Professor
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University
text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Mikael Wallerstedt, SweDeliver